May 12th 1940 Gerneral Heinz Guderian’s XIX Panzer Corps reached the Meuse River.
13th Churchill declared in the House of Commons that britian would prosecute the war at all costs, for without victory there is no survival. but he added I have nothing to offer but blood toil tears and sweat. German paratroopers landed in Northeast France. Liege fell. The 7th Panzer division under General Erwin Rommel crossed the Meuse River at Huy, driving a wedge into the thinly held front of the french Ninth Army. General Heorge-Hans Reinhardt’s XLI Panzer Corps crossed the Meuse at Montherme against feeble Ninth Army resistance. Gunderian’s XIX Panzer Corps established bridgeheads south of the Meuse at Sedan, overpowering the French 55th and 71st divisions, which fell back in panic. Many French Rightists assumed the Paris-based troops of the two routed divisions were mostly communists adhering to the anti-war party line, an erroneous conclusion but one which reflected the growing atmosphere of recrimination. Dutch fortifications were out flanked by the rapidly advancing Germans. Tanks reached the Meuse River between Dinant and Sedan.
1941 12th Japan proposed a general settlement of all its disputes with the U.S. Ambassador Nomura said the proposals would lead to a “just peace in the Pacific”. Darlan met with Hitler at Berchtesgaden to discuss expanded cooperation between Vichy France and Germany in ecomic and military matters.Hitler sought the use of French bases in North Africa and Syria. In a further move to placate Germany, Moscow recognized the Pro-Nazi government in Iraq. German aircraft began operating out of Iraqi and Syrian bases. A British convoy reached Alexandria with 238 desperatly needed tanks for the Western Desert Forces.
13th Australian Prime Minister Robert G. Menzies said U.S. involvment in the war was essential, “for parliamentary liberty and the ordered rights of self-government are our joint and several heritage”. The U.S. War Department said Labor strikes were seriously delaying military procurement. Firms with Army orders had lost 1.7 million mandays of production since the first of the year because of shutdowns. Martin Bormannwas named German Nazi party Chancellor, succeeding Hess…
1942 12th The first major contingent of the U.S. Eighth Air Force arrived in England. German forces renewed their offensive in the eastern Crimea.
13th Admiral Robert agreed to the immobilization of french ships in ports under his jurisdiction in the West Indies ports.
1943 12th General Jurgen von Arnim surrendered all Axis forces in North Africa. A total of 238,243 German and Italian prisoners were taken. Africa was now cleared of Axis troops. For Montgomery and the British Eighth Army it was a grueling 1,500 miles from El Alamein to Tunis. A final message was sent by General Gustav Fehn, last commander of the Afrika Korps; “Ammunition exhausted. Equipment destroyed. In accordance with orders recieved, the Afrika Korps has fought to the last man. The Afrika Korps must be reborn. Heia Safari.” The first Arakan campaign in Burma ended in failure. Maungdaw was evacuated, and the Allied force was back where it started. Franco of Spain offered to mediate a peace between Germany and the U.S. and Britian if the Allies severed their ties with the Soviet Union.
13th British Deputy Prime Minister Clement Attlee formally announced the end of the campaign in North Africa. The Island of Pantelleria in the Strait of Sicily came under Allied naval and air attack. Allied strategy was to bomb it into submission, then attack Sicily. Japans powerful lord keeper of the privy seal, Marquis Koichi Kido, confided to the forign minister, Mamoru Shigemitsu, that the war could be ended only by the royal family’s assistabce in bringing the military under control. Shigemitsu had joined the Tojo cabinet in an effort to conclude a peace in China honerable to the Chinese and to avert what was increasingly perceived as a disastrous military outlook in the war against the U.S. Kido, Sigemitsu, and other Japanese leaders, however, could never overcome the destructive momentum of the military’s actions until it was too late. The Emperor was by no means the ultimate decision-maker.
1944 Allied forces in Italy advanced on a broad front, crossing the Rapido River. German resistance was fiercde. The last of the German troops in the Crimea were evacuated. Japanese forces gained full control of the Peking-Hankow railroad in China. In a joint statement, the U.S., Britian and the Soviet Union called upon the Axis satellites of Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria to withdraw from the war of face the consequences of rigorous peace terms. French Admiral Edmond Derrien was given a life sentance after having been found guilty of collaborationist activity by a French court in Algiers. More than 800 U.S. bombers, with American and R.A.F. fighter escorts, attacked synthetic oil plants in Germany, knocking several out of production temporarily. Luftwaffelosses were heavy, nearly 200 planes were downed, while the Allies lost 46 bombers and 10 fighters.
13th French colonial troops captured three key positions in the Abruzzi Mountains and smashed through the Gustav Line. The dramatic breakthrough opened the way for the Allies to move northward. German losses were heavy. More than 1,000 Germans were captured. One of the few Japanese submarines to operate in the Western hemisphere, the Ro-501, was sunk in the mid Atlantic by an American escort destroyer.
1945 12th German troops on Crete surrendered. The German Baltic Army laid down its arms. SS General “Sep” Dietrich was captured. Tito’s Partisan army claimed the destruction of six German divisions.
13th Most German resistance ended in Czechoslovakia. Red Army troops concluded all offensive operations. The Balete Pass on Luzon was cleared by U.S. Army units opening up the Cagayan valley.