Sorry…i didnt get any replies for a while so i stopped looking … i looked on ebay and i wasnt keen on buying a big lot plus shipping…also looked at buying individual pieces but some werent available…so i kinda had given up
Ger. and Am. piece colors switched!!!!
Just bought an older version of Axis and Allies at a thrift shop for 10 bucks. I was going through the pieces when i noticed that the germans are in olive drab and the american pieces are in gray. How many of these switched color pieces were released before they caught the error?
I"d like to insert a photo of the pieces; how do I do that?
it is very common actually. I got alot of grey men with American sculpts and green men with German sculpts.
Good to know its common, I got my version back from a friend after a few years, when he had used the pieces to make his own board game. Getting my 2 copies back I couldn’t even make 1 whole German army, and all the Gray soldiers in USA sculpts were missing! I figured he sold them online as an oddity, but if they are common then I’m not so worried.
Good to know its common, I got my version back from a friend after a few years, when he had used the pieces to make his own board game. Getting my 2 copies back I couldn’t even make 1 whole German army, and all the Gray soldiers in USA sculpts were missing! I figured he sold them online as an oddity, but if they are common then I’m not so worried.
the pieces are no longer being produced so they should be an oddity of sorts.
I was thinking of using the german olive drab pieces as Chinese since they did wear the german helmet. The gray american pieces I was thinking of making them either Anzac or Polish units.
You could use the US grey pieces as the German infiltration units during Battle of the Bulge.
I’ve been using them for neutrals. They are from the early printings of AAC when the figs were 1/76 not 1/72.
You could use the US grey pieces as the German infiltration units during Battle of the Bulge.
LOL Epic!