Why not ask if you need a transport to cross the Tasman sea. Heck, people can swim the English Channel so therefore no transport should be required, right?
Fair dinkum. This has got to be one of the weirdest A&A questions I’ve heard.
alpha 2: Collect 5 IPCs per turn for EACH of the following territories, Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow) controlled by the Axis. Theme: High strategic and propaganda value.
alpha 3: 5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow). Theme: High strategic and propaganda value.
nothing was marked in red or green showing that there were no changes from 2 to 3. but there are. did he just type it too quickly and we follow alpha 3 or we have to pick out the new hidden stuff in the poorly worded alpha 3?
if so would this apply to all the hidden changes in alpha 3?
Well, it is different wording, but the rule is the same, isn’t it?
Not quite. In Alpha+3, it says that Germany has to control those territories to collect the $5 NO. In Alpha+2, it only says Axis control so technically Italy or Japan could control those territories and Germany would still get the $5 NO for them.
So Keodis, if you want to use the Alpha+3 rules, then Germany has to control those territories.
The part that I don’t get is those changes are not hilighted in red or green in the alpa 3 forum on Larry’s site. Can it be because he retyed alpha 3 rather than change alpha 2 ( you can tell because alpha 3 is worded differenly ) he accidentally changed the NO and its still the same as alpha 2 because it isn’t marked in red/green.
I really don’t want to look for non highlighted rules looking change
That change was intentional. It was not highlighted as it should have been. Sorry for any inconvenience.