It is cool thought that at least people are realizing that neutrals need additional units, especially if segregated into neutral blocks. The only issue people had with my proposal was that it might be too tempting for the Axis to hit Turkey, if that is the case then negating the Caucusus NO would fix that, although I don’t think that will be necessary. The additional forces added and the fact that the remaining territories in the block immediately join the other side will do the trick.
Since nobody can tell me why my proposal is bad I’m going to stick to it. 1C is great and all but the 10 ipcs the US has to pay is silly because its singling out 1 nation over the others. Also it doesn’t include even rudimetnary force pool additions which I feel are going to be the simplest and also easiest way to balance the blocks.
Might have a Turkey fix for you…
I looked over the 1C, and, while not having read all pages in this topic (and still favoring the original non-block rules) i’d say:
1. Add Africa to the Arab block. (Makes Turkey a little bit more costly for Axis)
2. Join Spain, Sweden and Switzerland to 1 European block (Africa is not gonna stop USA from taking Spain), and add turkey to it too.
3. (is 1 + 2)
Add Turkey to the Arab block as well as to the Eureopean block.
Someone attacks Europe, the Europe block + Turkey turn against them.
Someone attacks an arab or african nation: arab/african block + Turkey turns against them.
Someone attacks Turkey: Both Europe + Arab/African blocks turn against them
(since Turkey is an important strategic place, having 2 blocks turned against would be fair)
Another general option could be to add 1 AA to EACH attacked neutral.