You bring another exception… India can never ever collect income from European Theater of war and, likewise, London never collect income from territories in Pacific theater of war.
In clear :
Paris is under Axis control, but Morocco still free, USA don’t collect income from walking in Morocco.
Paris is under Axis control, USA free Morocco from Axis control, USA put a control maker and collect 1… until Paris is free and therefore remove immediatly USA’s marker control. France will collect income from Morocca at their next turn.
Now about the UK exception.
London is free, if Egypt is liberated from Axis control than UK(London) will collect income of Egypt at their next turn.
London is under Axis control. If Egypt is liberated from Axis, that “Alliance Nation” will place its marker and collect income… EXCEPT if it’s UK(Calcutta) as Calcutta never collects from European theater of war, so in that case you don’t place a marker, you just remove the Axis marker from Egypt.