The Latin Sisters(France and Italy) take on the German Empire.
Round One: Germany builds transport, BB, fighter, gun, &, 2 troopers. Moves fighter to Munich from Berlin. Alsace garrison invades Lorraine, and, land units head for Northern France. Battle 6 troopers & 3 guns, versus, Fr. 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses 4 troopers Axis and 2 troopers Allies. Lorraine is contested.
In Africa Kamerun trooper takes over undefended Fr. Eq. Africa. At sea German fleet converge to attack Fr. fleet at Brest.
Fr. buys sub, fighter, gun, & 2 troopers. Reinforcements are poured into Lorraine, it must be held, if lost, GE. can threaten Western and Central France(the Fr. do not have the manpower to protect both lines). Also trooper & gun from Paris goes to protect coast of Brest.
Battle 16 troopers & 6 guns versus GE. 3 troopers & 3 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers & Axis all lost. Lorraine retaken!
At sea Fr. fleet goes to Sea Zone #7 of 2 BB & C & transport, versus, GE. 4 submarines. Losses Allies C & both BBs damaged, &, Axis all. Transport brings 2 troopers from N. Africa to S. France, another picks up W. Africa 2 troopers & heads for Togoland.
Italy builds sub. & 2 troopers. Begins moving land forces into Western France. BB & C heads for Brest, transport heads for East Africa.
Round Two: GE. builds sub, C, transport, fighter, 2 trooper, &, gun. Moves trooper back to Kamerun from Fr. Eq. Africa. Also Lorraine is invaded again, fighter(lost in duel), 18 troopers & 6 guns, versus, Fr. fighter, 12 troopers, &, 6 guns. Losses Axis 12 troopers & Allies 10 troopers. Lorraine is contested again.
At sea BB & 2C enter Sea Zone #7, versus, Fr. 2 BBs(damaged), C, &, a transport. Losses only Fr. damage BB remains.
France builds gun & 6 troopers. Moves troops & guns to coastal zones, Picardy & Bordeaux, in case of Axis sea landings. Paris sends 2 troopers to Burgundy. Lorraine combat 2 fighters & 6 troopers & 6 guns, versus, GE. 6 troopers & 6 guns. Losses Allies fighter & 5 troopers, &, Axis 5 troopers & 2 guns.
At sea damaged BB pulls into Brest, &, transport from S. France heads for Rome. Another transport lands 2 troopers on Kamerun , defending GE. trooper lost(along with an Fr. trooper), the German colony falls!
Italy builds fighter & 3 troopers. Moves 6 troopers & 2 guns from Burgundy into Lorraine, to link up with Fr. army(more land forces are crossing over from Italy into France).
In Africa transport lands trooper & gun in GE. East Africa(Italy loses a gun & defending GE. trooper wiped out). The colony has fallen!
At sea BB & C position itself to protect the coastline of Picardy. Two troopers in Rome board a Fr. trooper, &, sub. begins movement to Brest.
Round Three: So far the Axis has lost more than the Allies in IPCs, will it pay off in this round, for whatever gains they gotten, GE. builds 2 guns, 6 troopers, &, fighter. Moves more reinforcements into Lorraine, battle 2 fighters(both lost in air duel), 13 troopers & 7 guns, versus, Fr. 2 fighters(one lost in air duel), 1 trooper & 6 guns, &, Italian 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 12 troopers, &, Fr. only fighter & trooper left, &, Italy all lost. Lorraine still contested.
At sea BB & C leave home port, to go to off Picardy to face Italian BB & C. Only damaged Italian BB remains. While off Picardy(the section close to London), 2 transport lands 3 troopers & gun, versus, Fr. gun & 2 troopers. Losses only 2 German troopers, but, Picardy is contested.
Fr. builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Two troopers go from Brest & Bordeaux to Paris, &, 2 troopers from Burgundy into Lorraine. Also Paris garrison into Picardy. Battle 8 troopers & 2 guns, versus, GE. trooper & gun. Losses Allies one trooper & Axis all, Picardy is uncontested!
From Brest BB & C goes to off London, &, sink both GE. transports. Also another transport leaves Rome to off Marseilles with 2 Italian troopers.
Italy builds gun & 4 troops, &, moves reinforcements into Lorraine. Battle 7 troopers & 2 guns, versus, GE. trooper & 7 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers, &, Axis 4 guns. Two troopers debark Fr. transport off Marseilles. BB & C go off London & destroy GE. transport(also sub. heads for London).
Transport pick up trooper from taken GE. East African colony, &, picks up trooper from Somaliland.
Round Four: Germany builds BB, fighter, tank, &, four troopers. Mostly her original land forces are sprouting up weeds in Lorraine, either this round sets a stage for a win, or, a political settlement.
More forces into Lorraine. Combat in air duel, each side loses a fighter. Sixteen troopers & 10 guns, versus, Fr. 3 troopers & Italy 3 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 5 troopers & Allies all. Lorraine has fallen!
Fr. builds sub., gun, tank, &, 2 troopers. From Paris to Picardy moves 7 troopers & gun. Also from Picardy into Lorraine 8 troopers & 2 guns(with fighter from Paris), versus, GE. 11 troopers & 10 guns. Losses all Fr. & 9 troopers Axis. Lorraine is contested!
This battle turns the tide for the round, heavy losses Allies, but, keeps Axis forces from breaking out.
At sea BB & sub. enter GE. home waters(no mine lost), versus, Axis BB & C. Losses all both sides. Transport goes from S. Fr. to off Rome.
In Africa trooper goes back to Kamerun from Fr. Eq. Africa.
Italy builds 3 troopers & gun. Moves 2 troopers from Marseilles & one from Piedmont, into Burgundy. Also 2 troopers board Fr. transport off Rome. From Burgundy into Lorraine 6 troopers & 2 guns, versus, Axis 2 troopers & 10 guns. Losses Allies 5 troopers & Axis trooper & 4 guns.
Back to Brest moves damaged BB & submarine.
Round Five: GE. builds sub., fighter, 2 guns, &, 5 troopers. Moves 2 troopers from Berlin to protect Prussian coastline, and, reinforcements into Lorraine. Combat 8 troopers & 9 guns & fighter from Ruhr (lost in air duel), versus, Fr. fighter(lost in air duel), &, Italy fighter & trooper & gun. Losses Axis 3 troopers & Italy all. Lorraine is taken!
Fr. builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Burgundy forces go into Lorraine, moves Paris garrison into Burgundy. Combat 8 troopers & 2 guns, versus, GE. 4 troopers & nine guns. Losses Allies all & GE. 3 troopers & 5 guns.
Fr. transport lands in Togoland trooper, versus, defending trooper(both wiped out). Another transport leaves Rome for S. France with two Italian troopers.
Italy builds fighter & 3 troopers, moves 2 troopers onto S. France from Fr. transport. Another transport lands onto undefended Togoland, &, takes colony!
From Burgundy into Lorraine, battle 3 troopers & gun, versus, GE. trooper & 4 guns. Losses all Allies & Axis 2 guns.
Germany may control Lorraine for now, but, probably never take Paris, with only a submarine for a navy, and, land forces about the same each side. Axis forces no longer has an land advantage, trooper & 2 guns are not much of a presence in France. Gives back Lorraine to get Kamerun back, Italy keeps GE. East Africa, &, the Allies split Togoland.
IPCs troopers Axis 70 & Allies 61, guns 21 & 17, fighter 4 each, transports 1 each, subs. 5 Axis only, C 4 & 2, BB 3 & 2.