@VictoryFirst I’m gonna be out of town for a few days this weekend, not sure if i’ll be able to play.
G40 Alpha2 Jennifer(Allies) vs BigBadBruce(Axies)
Infantry from Midway to Okinawa
I don’t see how this is possible, could you please explain me your path.
It’s Iwo Jima, not Okinawa. It’s correct on the map, I just keep getting the two backwards. I’ve got it pretty ingrained that Okinawa is SE of Japan.
Seems you attacked from KAN, but retreated to TSI… which I don’t think it’s legal. You have to retreat were you units came from (retreat to any land you came from, if attack is from more than 1 territory)
Map attached.
Fighter in Burma (legal zone for China), 5 Infantry in Kan, 1 Infnatry in Sik, 1 INfantry in TSI
3 Fighters to Carolines
I don’t think this is legal. Since there’s no airbase in NSW, planes only have 4 MP, I don’t see how they can land on CAR with 4 movement points.
It’s Iwo Jima, not Okinawa. It’s correct on the map, I just keep getting the two backwards. I’ve got it pretty ingrained that Okinawa is SE of Japan.
Ok, I’ll accept that combat move even if wasn’t declared. The intention (collect 5 more IPC) is quite obvious and no other battle’s result could alter this decision.
Map attached.
Fighter in Burma (legal zone for China), 5 Infantry in Kan, 1 Infnatry in Sik, 1 INfantry in TSI
Yep, that’s all legal. Ok with that.
I have to wait to see what you do with those 3 Anzac’s fighter before playing Italy.
Waiting to see what you do with those 3 Anzac’s fighter, they cannot land in Carolines.
Please realocate those 3 Anzac fighters… shouldn’t take long. I won’t attack z33 anyway. Let’s have this game going on.
Now I feel you avoid this game because you’re afraid I will win… and perhaps demonstrate the “game crack by all US Pacific Tactic” is not really a game crack…
C’mon, can’t be that difficult to realocate 3 Anzac’s fighter…
Please realocate those 3 Anzac fighters… shouldn’t take long. I won’t attack z33 anyway. Let’s have this game going on.
Now I feel you avoid this game because you’re afraid I will win… and perhaps demonstrate the “game crack by all US Pacific Tactic” is not really a game crack…
I wanted to wait for emotional baggage to leave before posting, then I had a trip to Wisconsin. Most of my games I conceeded (even when winning) to lighten the load, I’ve only kept a few going. I do want to get this done before the Tournament starts, however.
Map attached entitled “revised”
I share you concern to finish this game before the Tournament… and I fully understand the fact you need time for real life, but without notice, I didn’t know you had issues on your own.
Anyhow, glad to have it going on. Also, I’m greatful for you offering the Tournament, I was so hoping one would start soon! :-D
ITALY 3 - Holding Egypt until last man.
2Arm(12) + Ftr(10) + Inf(3) = 25COMBAT MOVES
#1 z76 (Tr)
SITA> EGY : Ftr, Tac
NITA> SITA: 2Inf, 2Art
EGY : Inf, Arm, Ftr
SITA: ArmCOLLECT : 16 + 5(NO#1) + 0Saved = 21
I share you concern to finish this game before the Tournament… and I fully understand the fact you need time for real life, but without notice, I didn’t know you had issues on your own.
Anyhow, glad to have it going on. Also, I’m greatful for you offering the Tournament, I was so hoping one would start soon! :-D
I am teaching summer school and that took more time than expected…
France does nothing. No CMs no NCMs.
GERMANY 4 - Maple sirup is known to be the best suger in the World…
5Inf(15) + 4Art(16) + AA(5) + 5Arm(30) + DD(8.) + 2Ftr(20) = 94, save 0COMBAT MOVES
#1 Québec (empty)
UK : 5Inf, 3Art, 2Arm via 5Tr z109#2 French West Africa (empty)
UK : Inf, Arm via Tr z109#3 z103 (DD)
z112 : Sub
z109 : Ftr, Tac - land on Ac to be z106Rolls: 1@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 31@2: (2)1@3: (2)1@4: (1)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
#3 z103
z109> z106: BB, Cr, AC
z112> z125: Sub
z110> z88 : DD
z112> z91 : Sub, AC, 2Tac
NOR > GIB : Inf
WGR > GIB : Inf, 2Art
ENG > GIB : Inf, AA
WGR > GER : 2Tac
HUN > GER : 2Arm
ROM > HUN : 2Inf
BUL > ROM : Inf
GER : 5Inf, 4Art, AA
WGR : 2Ftr, 5Arm
z112: DDCOLLECT : 52 + 20(NO#1,4,5,6) + 0Saved = 72
- 4 Infantry
- 2 Artillery
- 2 Armor
DOW: Germany, Italy
Combat Moves:
INfnatry, MI, 2 Fig, Tac to Hungary
Infantry to Poland
Armor to Finland
Warship/Air Fleet in SZ 115 to SZ 114 (ie, everything but transports)Combat:
SZ 114:
Rolls: 2@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@2: (1, 5)2@3: (6, 4)1@4: (6)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
Loss of Submarine
Rolls: 2@1 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (4, 4)2@3: (2, 2)1@4: (1)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (3, 6)