Axisplaya vs. ???????- G40- No Tech- Alpha+2

  • ANZAC does have $20- I didn’t buy anything last turn- UK is right however at $35

    US 2

    Buy- $52- 3TT, 1tac and 1BB- no change

    NCM- on map

    Placement- 3TT on z10, 1tac on CUS, 1BB on z101

    Collect- $52

    CHINA 2

    buy- 5inf

    NCM- on map

    UK/ANZAC tommorrow…


  • Since Alpha+3 is coming out- let’s play that instead.  Might as well wait and see the changes.  Now that Alpha+3 will be here I have a very deflated interest in playing this Alpha+2 game.  I forfeit this game in favor of wanting to play Alpha +3- so its an easy win for you- though it may not have any meaning being an “old” version now… :wink:

  • '10

    Winning like that has absolutely no value to me. I’m just playing for fun.

    There is no problem : i’m like you, i just can’t wait for Alpha +3.

    Hope you will be willing to play it with me.


  • I will as soon as it comes out- should be within the next day or two I think.


    _**"Krieghund has reminded me that the “100% Pacific” issue has not been fully resolved yet.  To post Alpha +3 before it is would be a waste of time.  I know good advice when I hear it and you can either thank Krieghund or throw cabbage at him.  I think in the long run you’ll do better to thank him.

    More work is still needed and the Alpha +3 is officially postponed till further notice.

    Your continued feed back on this matter and other issues is, as always, greatly appreciated.

    The problem is that this effort can’t go on forever.  A request of those of you who are gracious enough to contribute your ideas and share your game experiences here.  When I tell you that I can’t use or don’t agree with you on a given proposal or idea… let it go.  Move on.  If I say “No thanks” there’s usually a good reason for it.  To keep repeating the same thing(s) only jams up and slows down this effort.  I hope you understand. Thanks


    I’ll post later…

  • UK 2

    Buy- $34- 1inf, 2art, 4tnk- no change
              India- $17- 3inf, 2art- no change


    All Eth to Soml

    2inf, 2art
    DiceRolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 34@2: (1, 2, 2, 3)

    def 1inf
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)

  • Soli twnl

    NCM- on map

    Placement - 3tnk in SAf- rest in Egy and India

    Collect- UK-$35, India- $17

    ANZAC 2

    Buy- $20- 1AC, 1art- no change

    NCM- on map


    Collect- $14


  • '10

    Italy 2

    Buy : 2tr (14)


    Tob (1mec)
    1nf, 1art Lib
    1fgt, 1tac SIta

    Mor (1inf)
    2inf Alg
    1fgt Lib
    1fgt SIta

    1tr sz 93 pick up inf Sfr » Gib walk in

    Alx (1tnk)
    2inf Alg + 1inf, 1tnk Tun » 2tr sz94 » sz98 » Alx
    2CA, 1BB sz94 » sz98 Bombard


    DiceRolls: 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 22@2: (6, 3)1@3: (2)1@4: (1)

    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)

  • '10

    Tob twol


    DiceRolls: 2@1 2@3; Total Hits: 22@1: (2, 6)2@3: (2, 1)

    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)

  • '10

    Mor twol



    DiceRolls: 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 22@3: (1, 4)1@4: (1)


    DiceRolls: 3@1 1@3; Total Hits: 03@1: (5, 2, 3)1@3: (5)


    DiceRolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 01@3: (6)

  • '10

    Alx twol


    2fgt Mor » Alg
    fgt, 1tac Tob » Lib
    tnk, 2art Sfr » NIta
    1ss sz93 » sz92

    Place units: 2tr sz97

    Collect: 15 + 15 NO = 30 IPC


  • '10

    Since i really can’t see any move that the french can do that will affect germany, i will move them now.

    If really you want to do something with your french fgt like attackin my german fleet or Wfr, consider my G3 as cancelled there is no combat with dices on G3 anyway…).


    13inf (39)
    2art (8 )
    1ss (6)
    No change


    sz109 (1tr)
    ss sz110


    2fgt, 2tac Alg » Wger
    1fgt Lib » Wger
    1inf Gre » tr sz97
    3inf Gre » Bul
    3tnk Gre » Rom
    8inf, 2art Ger » Hun
    2tnk Ger » Pol
    5inf, 5art Wger » 5tr sz 112 » sz114 » Pol
    3tnk Wfr » Wger
    1art Wfr » Hol
    1AAgun Ger » Pol

    Place units:
    8inf, 2art Ger
    5inf Wger
    ss sz112

    Collect: 53 IPC


  • France 2

    moved 1inf to Sud and 1DD near India

    Russia 3

    Buy- $37- 5inf, 3tnk, 1art

    NCM- on map

    Collect - $37

    map later…sorry

  • Sounds like Larry really wants to wrap this up.  He stated Alpha+3 WILL be the final draft so…reading his recent posts, it seems like he’s already decided how to finish the last touches.  With that, Alpha+3 should be out any day I assume so its best we stop here for now.

    Besides I have a few weekend trips coming up so I’ll be taking some time off starting this weekend-  we’ll play again for sure- I just don’t wanna waste my time when I know Larry’s ready to spit out the FINAL Alpha+3 game out.  Finally, we’ll be playing with a finished product- only took 2 years-geesh. :-D  Happy 4th!!!

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