• TripleA '12

    GERMANY cont…


  • TripleA '12

    GERMANY cont…  Sorry for the number of posts!


  • Customizer

    I just took a quick look at your practical tech cards.  I’m going to need to print these up.  Anyway, I noticed the hit points are very high, even with infantry hitting on a 3 or less.  I assume you mean to use 12 sided dice with this game?

    I once expanded the Weapons Development chart to 20 different technology choices you could go for.  Also, some of the ones that I came up with depended on others as well.  A couple of them were a little futuristic for WW2 technology –- like Stealth Technology:  all attacking planes get one free combat roll and defending casualties don’t fire back — but most of them I think were suited to the time period.  I’m not sure where my old notes are, but I think I can remember most of them if you are interested.

  • TripleA '12

    Sure thing knp7765, that would be cool. I like your stealth fighter idea. Yes, my game uses the D12 system - sorry for not mentioning it earlier. Some of my ideas for the Industrial tech tree would be:

    Improved Industrial Efficiency 1 - Roll 2 D6 and keep the best result. Add that many IPCs to your hand. (just like the old War Bonds)

    (which would lead to)

    Improved Industrial Efficiency 2 - Roll 2 D6 and combine the totals. Add that many IPCs to your hand.

    Full Build Capacity - Your Minor Industrial Complexes may now be upgraded at no cost. New Minor ICs may be built on ANY territory.

    Just a couple of ideas. I’m open to different names for them and so on. I’ll post the rest of the Unit Tech Cards soon.

  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12



  • TripleA '12

    ITALY Cont…


  • TripleA '12

    ITALY Cont…


  • TripleA '12

    ITALY Cont…


  • Customizer

    Okay, I looked through some boxes and managed to find my old notes from when I came up with new tech ideas for Axis & Allies.  Remember, I came up with these for the old Classic game.  I got some 20 sided dice to research these techs and some of them require you to use the 20 sided dice to employ them.  Another idea would be to add breakthrough charts so you could still stay with the 6 sided dice.
    #7 - Heavy Tanks = Tanks attack at 4.
    #8 - Long Range Artillery = One free artillery barrage from an AA gun per territory per round, range of 3.
    #9 - Paratroopers = Bombers used as troop transports.  Each bomber can carry 2 infantry, 1 armor or 1 AA gun.
    #10 - Radiation Protection Gear = Allows your troops to ignore radiation fallout zones.
    #11 - Chemical Warfare = NERVE GAS!  A successful strike decreases ALL defending units’ capabilities by 1 in targeted territory.
    #12 - Nuclear Warheads = A roll of 6 destroys all units in targeted territory and that territory can not be entered for 1 full round (unless you also have #10)
    #13 - Piracy/Salvage = Rebuild your forces!  When you attack a territory or sea zone and win the battle, whatever MACHINE units (NOT Infantry) your enemy lost in the battle you can recover and turn them into your own units.
    #14 - Brilliant Propoganda = When attacking a territory, roll a 20 sided dice and call evens or odds.  If it rolls as you called it, any enemy INFANTRY units in that territory are persuaded to join your side and will now fight with you in the battle.  DOES NOT WORK ON CAPITALS.
    #15 - Troop Transports = Allows infantry to move 2 spaces.  (Obviously this is now Mechanized Infantry so this one will be scrapped now).
    #16 - ICBM capability = This weapon can only be used with Special Weapon #2 “Rockets”.  Range is increased from 3 to unlimited.
    #17 - Stealth Technology = All attacking fighters get the same “surprise strike” capability as submarines.
    #18 - Increased Anti-Aircraft Protection = All AA Guns roll 2 dice.  (I imagine this is equivalent to the current “Radar” tech.  The difference being you roll 2 dice trying to get '1s" and with Radar you roll 1 dice for a 2 or less.)
    #19 - Increased Naval Engine Efficiency = All Naval vessels can move 3 spaces instead of 2.  I guess going from a Naval Base would increase movement to 4?  Too much?
    #20 - Minefields = For each roll of 3 (Not 3 or less, JUST 3 ), an attacking land unit is destroyed and removed from play.  Like AA Guns for Land Units.

  • Customizer

    That last post was getting a bit long.  I figure most of my ideas you can figure out pretty simply.  I’m going to try giving a little more info on some of them:
    #8 Long Range Artillery = I came up with this before we had artillery pieces.  I imagine you could also call it V-1 attacks, Rocket barrages, etc.  Basically, it works like an offensive AA Gun mixed with the shore bombardment of BBs and CAs.  For each defending unit in a targeted territory, you roll a dice.  Each role of 1 is a hit and that unit is placed behind the casualty strip.  It’s just a one-time shot.  Then the rest of the battle proceeds as normal.  You can only use one AA gun artillery attack on any territory and each AA gun can only barrage one territory per turn.  However, if you have more than one AA gun within range of more than one attacked territory, they can each fire at different territories.  Range is 3.
    #9 Paratroopers = Now the game actually has this development.  My transports were bigger because you could carry tanks with mine.  I think the current ones only allow infantry.  If a bomber is used as a transport plane, it can not be used as a bomber in the same round.  Also, if the attacked territory has an AA gun, the transport plane can be hit and destroyed but the paratroop units will still participate in the battle because they are considered dropped before the AA fire.
    #12 Nuclear Warheads = This happens BEFORE the regular combat move.  There are three ways to deliver your H-Bombs; by bomber which can be shot down by AA guns in which case you lose your precious H-Bomb, with Special Weapon #2 Rockets which  have a range of 3 with no defense against them, and with Special Weapons #2 and #16 ICBMs.  These have unlimited range and no defense.  To employ a nuclear bomb, role a 20 sided dice and call evens or odds.  If it comes up as called, all defending units in that territory are immediately destroyed and that territory becomes a radioactive dead zone that is owned by NO country.  The country being nuked loses the IPC value of that territory and it can not be entered by anyone for ONE full round (basically, the attacker’s next turn).  If the nuked territory was a country’s capital, then that country follows the same rules as if their capital was captured by an enemy power, except the IPCs on hand are not handed over to the attacker, they are simply lost.
    #10 Radiation Protection Gear = This allows the nation using it to ignore the 1 full round waiting period after a nuclear attack.  You can enter a nuked territory and gain the IPC value of that territory, or liberate it for an ally.  If you have both Nuclear Warheads and Radiation Prot Gear, you can blast a territory and immediately claim it.  If the blasted territory is an enemy capital, you can gain the IPC value of the territory but you DO NOT get to plunder the IPCs on hand.  Those are destroyed by the nuclear blast.

  • Customizer

    Here are further explanations:
    #13 - Piracy/Salvaging = Basically, any enemy units that you defeat in a battle (except infantry) you can bring back as your own.  For example:  you attack a territory that has 3 inf, 1 mech, 1 art and 1 fighter.  You win this battle.  So, you salavage the enemy equipment and now YOU get 1 mech, 1 art and 1 fighter to add to your existing force.  However, any of YOUR forces lost you do NOT salvage.
    On this one, I’m not entirely sure if it is a good one or if I just didn’t do it right.  Maybe you should be able to salvage your own machine losses rather than the enemy pieces.  That actually makes more sense.  Also, I’m thinking it should be restricted to land battles only.  After all, if you destroy an enemy ship, it sinks to the bottom of the ocean!  So, lets consider this one only for land battles.  One other thing, I’m not sure if I should make it 100% salvageable.  If you attack with 10 tanks and win but lose 8 tanks in the process, would it be right to suddenly have 10 tanks sitting there?  I’ll be really curious to hear your ideas on this on in particular.
    #14 - Brilliant Propoganda = I thought this one was pretty good.  Originally, I had it where you take a 20 sided dice and call evens or odds.  If it comes up as you called, then any enemy infantry are swayed over to your side and fight with you in that battle.  If the territory in question is only defended by infantry, then you get the territory without a fight, plus you add to your force as well.  Now I am thinking that was a little too easy.  You are not likely to convince 100% of the enemy troops to join your side.  Perhaps this is a better way to do this:  get 1 6-sided dice per enemy infantry piece.  Pick a number between 1 and 6, roll your dice and for each of that number you called that comes up, an enemy infantry joins your side.  This way with the larger battles, you might sway a percentage over which could mean the difference in winning or losing.  On a territory defended by 1 or 2 infantry, you might not have to fight at all.  One thing though:  I don’t allow this weapon on Capital territories.  Reason being;  I figure troops defending the capital are considered the most loyal and thus would not be swayed by your propoganda.

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