The pandemic was awesome for Youtube with all the Youtube wars going on.
would any people like to join me in a new version of Youtube wars?
I will team up (and maybe coach a little, so you know) with Pvt.Ryan who’s saying to be quite new at both this site and the game. Pvt.Ryan would like Italy, so I’ll pick Germany or Japan, depending on who signs first for the other one.
So, join us! :)
Germany : X or Bruce
Russia : Gargantua
Japan : X or Bruce
USA/China : Z
UK/Anzac : Cmdr Jennifer
Italy : Pvt.Ryan
France : Cmdr Jennifer.
Sgt. Wonko is playing with no preference regarding nation (X, Y or Z).
So 2 more players are needed.
I’m up for a multi-person game. I don’t really have a preference except I would prefer not to play the UK.
I wouldn’t mind being England, ANZAC and France (so long as France is alive.)
Updated, 2 more players needed.
Something simple would entertain me. I don’t have time for too much allied coordination or multiple concurrent moves and posts.
Russia 1st Japan 2nd.
I’d be a good USA 3rd if NO ONE ELSE wants it… but not looking forward to the time committment/coordination of that country.
1 more player is needed.
1 axis spot (Germany or Japan) or USA to be picked.
Try Canuck12
or 94Canuck
Failing that, get Sgt Blitz or Emporer Mollari
Tell Mollari if he’s USA he can work with me as England/ANZAC - France and he may be a bit more likely to join us in a game.
Well, I’ll play Japan then.
So we have:
Bruce - Germany
Pvt. Ryan - Italy
Wonko - Japan
Gargantua - Russia
Jen - UK/ANZAC/France
With such a prestigious line up how can I refuse, count me in as the US\China.
Post the link here, so we can all find it.
Aw. I am sad.
Game’s thread :