AAP(40) may, indeed, be out of whack. It uses pretty much the same setup as came for AA40. But this is not a discussion of AA40-OOB, this is a discussion of AA40A2 and A2 reversed and destroyed the fortunes of war for the Axis.
As for the point about China and US, it does, in fact, matter. This is a game, not a rewrite of history. HISTORY, does not matter, PLAYABILITY, most certainly does matter, I submit, it not only matters but is the only consideration to think about…after fixing playability, if you have time, you can futz with the historical aspect.
It used to be all nations piled on Germany, now it is more all nations pile on Japan. We traded a bad situation (all on Germany) for a bad situation (all on Japan.) It should be remedied. Hell, it always should have been remedied!
One remedy was national objectives…why do you think most are in the Pacific for 40 and 50? Sure, there’s a smattering in the Atlantic, but there are no objectives for Japan to invade Russia or America to play in Africa/Europe in 40 (there was 1 for America in France in 50).
My objection to increasing the strength of China is that Japan is already hopelessly out-matched against the allies and you want to make one of the allies STRONGER??? As it stands now, if anything happens to China, I would recommend REMOVING infantry! Fix Japan, then talk to me about buffing China…if you put all of Japan’s aircraft back in, double their transports and give them an extra destroyer or two, then yes, HELL YES, even, China would need another 4 or 5 infantry. Until then, China’s OP, IMHO.
I think the advantage to the allies is very significant. Run the math on # of Units for both sides, Value of Units for both sides, value of land, value of NOs for both sides, and assume very basic things for round 1. (France is taken by Germany, the Italian fleet is sunk or mostly sunk, etc.)
I think you’ll find that the allies out spend Japan by 40-50 IPC a round + the allies outspend Germany by whatever England earns (as Russia usually earns about what Germany does in most games).
If you don’t think 100 IPC (give or take) difference per round of the game is significant: I bid 50 IPC to Germany and 50 IPC to Japan every round of the game…any takers?
Yea, I didn’t think so…
Questioneer: Maybe I misspoke or you misunderstood…Alpha 2 CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO BE FINAL, it’s way too flawed…
Larry wants test results??? Does he own a computer? He’s more than welcome to come to these boards and just LOOK at the results of hundreds of games of varying degrees of players and get plenty of results.
The results are in: Japan is way too weak.
The fix is simple: America must be required to spend a portion of its money in the Atlantic and a portion in the Pacific.
Effects of the fix: No bid required. No major changes to the rules (it only applies a rule that currently exists to a nation that currently does not need to abide by said rule.) Ends the 40 IPC deficit that Japan has per round and reduces it to an easier obstacle to overcome. Not EASY, EASIER, there’s a significant difference.
Now you have, what I feel, is a perfect game: The axis have more equipment to start, but earn less. The allies have less equipment to start, but through wise play can use their slightly stronger income to overcome the axis powers.
Just my two cents.
As for going there, as I said, he’s more than welcome to come here - he has a profile here, he’s posted under it before. The play testers I know that are here have been PMed numerous times on things and some fixes I know for a fact won’t even be considered (ie changing the play order back to make life easier on the axis player who is reading his or her copy of War and Peace cover to cover waiting for the allied player to finish already!) (ie moving the Italian fighter from N. Italy to S. Italy or combining the Italian fleet or moving the British fleet to the otherside of the Suez, etc)
I didn’t even include those fixes, I know they won’t be implemented. I am pushing for a fix on America’s spending habbits because it HAS been done before (Gamer’s Paradise Expansions) and it IS part of the rules currently (England has the split in finances) so we don’t have to INVENT anything.
What did he say about tech? Right now, it’s really lame to even try. LRA would be nice, but I can replicate it with ABs, HBs would be nice, but its cheaper to buy a tactical bomber and effectively replicate that too, etc.