I’m not talking OOB, talking Alpha 2.
Normandy, Paris, S. France, SZ 111, SZ 106, SZ 91 taken/cleared
+10 Transports (9 in the north, 1 in the south)
London taken, egypt reinforced
British remnants and French fleet in the Med Sunk
Syria Taken (or Jordan depending on garrison.)
Egypt, Gibraltar Taken (assuming Gibraltar not taken I1)
Iraq activated
NW and C. Persia, NW Persia taken (depending on England garrison in C. Persia)
Philippines, SZ 35, SZ 37, SZ 26, Yunnan, FIC, Sham State, various Chinese, Borneo, Hong Kong taken
Malaya, Celebes, Sumatra, Java, Hawaii taken
NSW and/or QUE taken
Most Australia taken by Dutch East Indies transports not killed by England
Assuming you are playing Victory Cities, perhaps ANZAC layers ships to stop Japan from taking NSW/Queensland. It stops the VC win, but still leaves Japan with about 65-70 IPC income with no American naval pressece. (British ships probably fled the area, considering all you have is a destroyer and a cruiser vs a vast air force.)
England is out of the game, period. London is in the hands of Germany, Calcutta is cowering and turtling to stop Japan from taking them. (You’ll only be getting about 12ish IPC anyway.) China is gone. No Artillery, most starting forces gone.
I’d let Russia take Korea to advance further into China. But lets face it, the days of Russia breaking the non-aggression pact are pretty much gone for good. They need the 12 IPC to slow Germany until America can get into the war.