2 fig vs the BB on Haw as Japan, or is that move too risky?
Considering that the BB itself cannot threaten Japan yet, I think the risk is unnecessary.
If you are “lucky” you will sink the BB on your first round of fire and lose a DES. If unlucky, you could lose 1 fighter too. I haven’t played yet with Japan, but sending all 4 Fighters seem like a possibility (especially since the figther can’t really be used on the ground)
I love dangerous battles, because they can change the game. I tend to play all-in when my team is doing badly. I remember a game in revised, where Japan had 2 BB, 2 destroyer, 2 transport and 2 AC (4 fighters), i sent my 3 destroyer, 3 BB, 1 AC (2 fighter) and 2 transports
He defends 6 @ 4
4 @ 3
2 @ 1
What were my odds of winning this?
I had
3 @ 4
5 @ 3
1 @ 1
2 @ 0
And I won and even 2 fighters survived and 1 BB!!! Japan Navy was wiped out (so was US navy). But he had 3 IC producing tank and was sending them toward Moscow (so no money to spend for Ships)
I still don’t know how we won that game. I mean, the navy fight was actually pointless. He was on ground with three IC (India, Manchuria and China)