Ups, my fault. Gibraltar is not considered a canal, so in theory u can pass with transport, but only to be stopped by the destroyer as mentioned earlier in this topic.
BTW: We play Gibraltar-Morocco as canal as a house-rule, perhaps that explains my post above.
Eastern US to sea zone 9 = 1 move?
The way the map is drawn up I can’t tell if a plane in the Eastern US can directly enter sea zone 9 or if it takes 2 moves to enter it. Anybody know how to interpret this situation?
The way the map is drawn up I can’t tell if a plane in the Eastern US can directly enter sea zone 9 or if it takes 2 moves to enter it. Anybody know how to interpret this situation?
my map shows it’s two moves from eastern US to SZ9
it’s 2 moves from EUS to sz 9, thats how everyone i’ve ever seen play it including myself.