• Thanks Mark you have a lot of good ideas, I am fixing the spelling errors now, I agree with the ideas on powers having Germany and Italy vs Commonwealth and Greece, in addition special rules may add for a bulgarian unit or two and the possibility of Yugoslavia involvement.  With the map being the way it is it would be hard to do this as an economy based game but doing a re-enforcment game like BOTB subtracts an element from the game, I was thinking of providing units on a point system but more on that later.  As for game components I am thinking of making a 12x12 map and printing in on adhesive paper like a sticker so it can be adhered to a piece of sheet metal, then all the pieces would have magnets fastened to the bottoms of them, I am then going to make two boxes that can hold pieces for the axis and for the allies and modify a FMG custom dice tower with a plexi-glass door on the tray area to keep dice from coming out.  As for piece types I am still working on a list.

    whew, thats all for now, I will have some more done this weekend once finals are over.

  • @spartan:

    With the map being the way it is it would be hard to do this as an economy based game

    Agreed.  The historical Battle of Greece lasted just a few weeks, so it would be unrealistic to have income-collection and unit-building phases.

    It occurs to me that there might be two ways of handling the presence of Crete.  One way would be to restrict the game just to the mainland phase of the Battle of Greece.  The other would be to include the Battle of Crete, perhaps using special paratrooper rules and maybe also allowing for the possibility of an amphibious landing.  The second approach sounds more interesting.  At any rate, the Battle of Greece ended with an evacuation by sea of British forces from Greece, which can be seen as an amphibious landing in reverse.  Maybe one of the rules could be that, if the British and Greek forces fail in their primary objective of preventing the German and Italian conquest of Greece (as will probably be the case if the rules depict the situation realistically), the secondary objective on the British-Greek side would be to hold back the enemy long enough to permit the Commonwealth forces to evacuate in large numbers.  This would allow the incorporation into the mini-game of the concept of having different victory conditions, like in the full-scale A&A games.

  • Reinforcement cards are the way to go in a game like this - remove the economic equation completely.

  • Yes I agree, however I am thinking of doing a point system to determine how many, and when, you get your troops, more on the later.  :|

  • Newest version now ready, still have a few spelling errors and discoloring in Turkey will be fixed in next version. :-(

    http://www.mediafire.com/?4n6scpgcp5duqnf  :-)

  • Here is the intro I wrote for the rulebook, thoughts anybody?

    "It is fall of 1940 and the Axis war machine is driving across Europe, yet to see defeat.  France, Poland, Norway, and Denmark have all fallen under German and Italian control.  By mid 1940 Germany had seen great military success where Italy had little to its name other then its puppet state of Albania.  Eager to prove himself to Hitler, Mussolini issued an ultimatum to the Greek Prime Minister, Ioannis  Metaxas, demanding free passage through Greece, access to un-named strategic points, and annexation of the Aegean Islands. Metaxas refused these demands saying “Alors, c’est la guerre”, French for, “Then, it’s war.”.  Within hours Italy started attacking Greece from Albania, the Balkan’s Campaign had begun.”

  • @spartan:

    Here is the intro I wrote for the rulebook, thoughts anybody?

    I like it.  It sets the stage nicely, I think.

    A few editorial suggestions:

    “It is fall of 1940 and the Axis war machine is driving across Europe, yet to see defeat.”

    Technically, the Axis forces weren’t driving anywhere in Europe in the fall of 1940.  Hitler was stuck at the English Channel and was losing the Battle of Britain.  Italy wasn’t moving either.  It would be better to refer to the Axis war machine having overrun most of Europe, or having made itself the master of Continental Europe.

    “France, Poland, Norway, and Denmark have all fallen under German and Italian control.”

    It would be better to just say German control.  Italy had only taken a small bite out of southern France, and to my knowledge it had no troops whatsoever in Poland, Norway, and Denmark.

    “where Italy had little to its name”

    ’ whereas ’

    “the Balkan’s Campaign had begun.”

    ’ Balkans ’

  • thanks for the grammar editorial I will post the first half of the rule book later today.

  • If you don’t mind, I’ll start another forum to try my hand at the East African Campaign.

  • That sounds great, pm me if you need any help!  :-D

  • I think once I am done with Axis and Allies Express Greece I will do one for the Winter War, Finland vs Russia, thoughts anybody? :-)

  • Sounds Great

  • @spartan:

    I think once I am done with Axis and Allies Express Greece I will do one for the Winter War, Finland vs Russia, thoughts anybody?

    That conflict is on a good scale for an Express game.  You might consider adding some special (perhaps optional) topography rules, because the landscape of lakes and forests had a considerable effect on the fighting.  Finland has been described as a country consisting almost entirely of obstacles to military operations, as the Russians discovered to their chagrin.

  • '10

    Just to add to Marc’s previous post:


    Italy had little to its name other then its puppet state of Albania.

    The bolded word should be than

  • Here is the final copy of the map, hopfully the rules come out soon!  :-D


  • @spartan:

    Here is the final copy of the map, hopfully the rules come out soon!  :-D

    Maybe it’s just my monitor contrast settings, but Albania and Turkey are very difficult to distinguish from the sea zones because they’re all in very similar dark colours.  Perhaps the sea zones could be changed to a medium or pale blue?  This would also help to see the black dividing lines between the sea zones, which are hard to see in the northern part of the map.

  • sorry but because of the way the program works I can’t adjust the sea color without having to adjust or redraw all the islands and sea zone lines  :-( :cry:

  • If it’s easier, an alternative would be to change the colour of Turkey and Albania to something lighter, and to make the colour of the sea zone separation lines white rather than black.

  • ok I will have a new map up tomorrow and if all goes well the rest of the game will be done by monday! :-)

  • Awesome looking map, I can’t wait to see what the game looks like when finished.

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