Appreciate all the help. Lots of great explanations and clarifications of the rules.
Krieg: sub question
So here’s the scenario: Germany builds two subs in the Baltic in SZ 114 on G3, with no declaration of war against Russia, where the Russians have moved their destroyer on R1 (playing the latest Alpha setup). Germany declares war on Russia on G4. In the combat move phase of G4, the Germans want to move their two subs out of SZ 114 (where they are currently alongside the Russian destroyer) to attack the Russian BB and TR in SZ 115. Does the Russian destroyer stop the Germans from moving, forcing the two subs to attack the destroyer, or can the Germans move their subs out of the Russian destroyer seazone and into the Russian BB/TR seazone to conduct combat against the Russian navy?
Longtime reader, second-time poster. Thanks Krieg!
I think they can leave 114 and attack 115
So here’s the scenario: Germany builds two subs in the Baltic in SZ 114 on G3, with no declaration of war against Russia, where the Russians have moved their destroyer on R1 (playing the latest Alpha setup). Germany declares war on Russia on G4. In the combat move phase of G4, the Germans want to move their two subs out of SZ 114 (where they are currently alongside the Russian destroyer) to attack the Russian BB and TR in SZ 115. Does the Russian destroyer stop the Germans from moving, forcing the two subs to attack the destroyer, or can the Germans move their subs out of the Russian destroyer seazone and into the Russian BB/TR seazone to conduct combat against the Russian navy?
Longtime reader, second-time poster. Thanks Krieg!
Where did the Russians get a destroyer to move on R1?
Welcome, C_Moss_80!
Calvin’s right, they can move out. Destroyers never stop enemy subs from leaving a sea zone. They only stop their movement when they enter it.
Another Russian/German naval question. Pretty sure I know but want to clearify….
Russian Battleship (while NOT at war with Germany), moves in the same sea zone as a Brittish Battleship… Germans attack that sea zone. Is this a declaration of war? Or do I simply ignore the Russian Battleship and only attack the Brit ship…
I want to say I ignore the Russian Battleship and proceed with normal combat toward the Brits.
You ignore the Russian battleship.