• 2023 '22

    I have been playing the revised edition for a while with the same buddy. Although we still enjoy it very much, we would like to try another edition. The revised edition is the only edition I have played so far and my buddy has played the 2nd edition before.

    Could you share your experiences with other editions? I am particularly interested in your comparison of other editions to the revised edition.
    Thanks in advance…

  • The closest edition to reised in Axis and Allies 1942. It uses the improved Anniversary Edition rules and is seen as more balanced. Anniversary edition has many more land spaces and a ffew more sea zones than AA42 and has 2 setup scenarios. Axis and Allies Global 1940 is a giant game with over 300 land territories and 100 sea zones. It is the game most on this forum are focused on right now.

  • I also started out on Revised and played it exclusively for a while. Now I have Pacific and Europe 1940 which, I think it’s safe to say, blow Revised out of the water. The scale of the games, especially when combined, is enormous, as Calvin pointed out. My experience with them, and I imagine the majority of players,has been a lot better than Revised (which isn’t to say anything negative about the latter, that’s just how good the 40’s are!) I suggest you head over to the other forums and search for a game that looks interesting to you. There are theater specific games, Guadalcanal, D-Day, and Battle of the Bulge, but I don’t have any experience with those.

    In short, I recommend Europe and Pacific 1940. They’re pretty expensive, but I’d say they’re definitely the right way to go if you want to expand into A and A.

  • I like AAG40 the best. It’s kind of like revised, only it takes much much longer to play (many more territories, a little more complicated, etc.).

  • I like Spring 1942. It is similar to Revised but plays better with some set up changes, some territory changes, rule changes and the addition of the cruiser unit. I have played all but the G40 game. I did not care for the theater specific games too much due to being too limited in scope. The nice thing about going from Revised to Spring 1942 is that you can use the marshal cards and tokens from Revised along with the Victory City chart to use with AA42. I have Pacific 1940 but do not play it. Too much stuff to keep track of and the errata is enormous.

  • I would definately recommend Global 40 to anyone and thats the game I play. I played revised and it was a blast, never tried Anniversary and played spring 42. I swear, the global game makes me feel like an actual general going over the map. 4 of us play and you litterally have to stand up and since its 6 feet long you have to take 2 steps to get from pacific to europe. I also played original MB edition….fun for its time no question. Since there are only 2 of you I think Global would be the most fun as the downtime between turns is a bare minimum…lots to do and see for both of you. Spring 42…great game but the damn board is to crowded. I wouldnt let that stop me cause its still a great game. I personally like Revised better than Spring 42 because of the Russian Winter ect, ect. There is just so much more to the game though I feel the U.S. is so weak in that edition. If you have the time, space and money Global is the way to go. Wish I picked up Anniversary when I had a chance. I wasnt into AA then but I wanted to try it but at 100 bucks I thought it would be a stupid purchase. Not the best decision Ive made as I have seen it on Amazone for 800!!! Who the hell has 800 bucks for a boardgame!!! All the editons are very good and you will really enjoy but for my money its Global 40.

  • For the easiest transition from Revised, I would suggest Spring 1942.  It is the most similar to Revised, but with some extra territories and seazones, more refined rules and more balanced overall.

    For the BEST official version (to date) I would suggest picking up Europe and Pacific 1940 (E40 + P40 = G40).  It is massive, and it can easily take more than 12 hours to play a game to the point where you know who’s going to win.  And if you just don’t have that kind of time you can play just one of the theaters instead of combining them.

    For the BEST un-official version (in my opinion) I would look at getting the DeathsHead map or Coachofmany’s incredible (and huuuuuuuuge) map.  Of course, you’d likely have to pick up some extra pieces to play either of them!  Those maps are enormous.  And they both have a great rule-set to go along with them.  FMG has also posted a ruleset in the variants section for use with Coach’s map that works incredibly well also.

  • '21 '18 '17 '15

    I started with the 2nd edition, moved up to revised, had to buy the pacific  :-D  then brought the anniversary edition. My newest versions should arrive this week, the pacific1940 and europe 1940, am excited after reading all the posts from others who have played it.

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