Hey again. I think that the thread name is switched or you forgot you were playing allies again.
If you want to keep it this way ok for me and just scramble Scotland.
If not, I can do the axis turn tomorrow
**Germany 57
Purchase ($56)**
Repair Germany ($1), 11 Arm ($56)
#1) Northwest Europe
w/ 1 Arm Ger > Nwe > Ger
#2) UK (rocket)
w/ 1 AA Bel
#3) Norway (rocket)
w/ 1 AA Ger
Noncombat Moves
28 Arm Ger > Ita
5 Inf, 1 Art Epl > Pol
1 AA Ger > Pol
30 Inf Bel > Epl
1 AA Bel > Arc
1 Trn (w/ 1 Inf, 1 Arm) sz34 > sz14
4 AC (w/ 8 Ftr) sz36 > sz35
4 AC sz36 > sz62
3 Trn sz64 > sz62
7 BB sz62 > sz64
10 Sub, 7 BB sz64 > sz53
11 Arm - Ger
$36 + $10 NOs = $46 + WB
UK (rocket)
Rolling 1d6:
Norway (rocket)
Rolling 1d6:
War Bonds
Rolling 1d6:
**Japan 57
Purchase ($84)**
2 Researchers ($10)
Rolling 2d6:
(1, 2)
**Japan 57
Purchase ($84)**
2 Researchers ($10), 5 Inf ($25), 5 Arm ($50), 1 AA ($56), 1 Ftr ($66), 1 IC ($81), $3 Saved
#1) West Canada
1 Inf, 18 Ftr vs 1 Inf
w/ 1 Inf Ala
w/ 18 Ftr sz64
West Canada
ATK: 1 Inf, 18 Ftr
Rolls: 1@1 18@3; Total Hits: 101@1: (5)18@3: (2, 2, 6, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 5, 3, 4, 4, 6, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4)
DEF: 1 Inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
**Japan 57
Purchase ($84)**
2 Researchers ($10), 5 Inf ($25), 5 Arm ($50), 1 AA ($56), 1 Ftr ($66), 1 IC ($81), $3 Saved
#1) West Canada
1 Inf, 18 Ftr vs 1 Inf
w/ 1 Inf Ala
w/ 18 Ftr sz64
Cleared with loss of 1 Inf
Noncombat Moves
39 Bmr Chi > Ger
1 Bmr Ind > Ger
21 Ftr Egy > Ita
8 Ftr sz35 > Ita
1 Inf, 1 Arm sz14 > Ita
10 Arm Per > Euk
12 Arm Per > Ukr
1 Bmr Jav > Mos
3 AC sz61 > sz62
1 Ftr sz59 > sz62
11 Trn sz64 > sz62
6 Inf Jap > sz62 (Ger Trn)
2 Inf Iwo > Ala
18 Ftr Wca > Ala
3 Ftr sz53 > Ala
7 Ftr, 4 AC sz59 > sz64
3 DD sz53 > sz64
2 Inf Haw > sz53
3 Inf - Man
2 Inf, 5 Arm, 1 AA - Jap
1 Ftr - sz35
1 IC - Ala
$69 + $15 NOs + $3 Saved = $87
If you attack Germany, Italy, or any fleet please pause for OOL after each round.
UK57 - with 37 buys 4 rpr to gbr, 10 inf, save 5
alg () - inf, bom (gbr)
nwe () - arm (fra) blitz to fra
waf () - inf, bom (gbr)
feq (inf, AA) - 2 inf, 2 bom (gbr)
cng () - inf, bom (gbr)
feq AA
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (3, 1)
feq - inf, hb vs. inf
Rolls: 1@1 2@4; Total Hits: 31@1: (1)2@4: (2, 2)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)
feq twlo inf, bom
sorry rockets
rkt to ger from nwy
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (6)
rkt to ita from fra
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (6)
guess i should have shot rockets first and maybe you wouldn’t have hit my bomber… :-P
also didn’t list the autokill of the z14 transport with a bomber from gbr
bra - bom (feq), bom (cng)
gbr - bom (waf), bom (alg), AA (z7), bom (z14)
fra - 10 ftr (z7)
z17 - all z7 fleet, 2 inf, AA (gbr)
waf - 2 inf (gbr)
z25 - sub (z20)
place 10 inf (gbr)
collect 35 + 5 saved + war bonds @:
war bonds
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (6)
would have been a great round if you’d missed my bomber… :-)
the map is right but the typing still isn’t:
here’s the fully typed noncom
bra - bom (feq), bom (cng)
gbr - bom (waf), bom (alg), AA (z7), bom (z14)
fra - 10 ftr (z7)
z17 - all z7 fleet, 2 inf (gbr) separate trns
z25 - sub (z20)
wus - bom (gbr)
wca - inf (wus)
waf - AA (gbr)
place 10 inf (gbr)
has 46
place 10 inf (gbr)
**Italy 57
Rolling 1d6:
**Italy 57
Purchase ($19)
Repair 5 Italy ($5), 4 Inf ($17), $2 Saved
#1) Algeria
1 Inf, 2 Ftr vs 1 Inf
w/ 1 Inf Lib
w/ 2 Ftr Ita
ATK: 1 Inf, 2 Ftr
Rolls: 1@1 2@3; Total Hits: 01@1: (6)2@3: (6, 5)
DEF: 1 Inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
**Italy 57
Purchase ($19)
Repair 5 Italy ($5), 4 Inf ($17), $2 Saved
#1) Algeria
1 Inf, 2 Ftr vs 1 Inf
w/ 1 Inf Lib
w/ 2 Ftr Ita
Held without loss
Noncombat Moves
2 Ftr Alg > Lib
2 Inf, 2 Art Blk > Ita
1 Inf Bel > Mos
1 Inf Per > Trj
4 Inf - Ita
$14 + $2 Saved = $16
USA57 - with 49 buys 11 inf, 2 arm, AA
haw () - inf, bom (wus)
wus - bom (haw), bom (eus)
gbr - 2 ftr, 5 bom (eus), 18 ftr (z17), 12 ftr (z7)
waf - bom (eus), bom (wus), 11 inf (gbr), 5 art (fra)
z17 - all z7 fleet, 2 inf (gbr)
z25 - 40 subs (z20)
eus - 6 arm, ftr (wus)
place 11 inf, arm (wus)
place arm, AA (eus)
collect 51 + war bonds @:
war bonds
Rolls: 1@6; Total Hits: 11@6: (3)