Dijitz House Rules Part 4 - Nation Objectives

  • Now my intention here is to increase the depth of the game, without making the game last longer than it already is. So I added some more nation objectives to increase the amount of IPCs available. Now, for those of you interested in the math, It was a little complicated, It is mathematically balanced, And I am sure strategically balanced. Let me know what you think. Oh, and UK-Europe and UK-Pacific collect NO’s separately.

    National Objective Totals - Global
    Germany 28 19.9%
    Soviet Union 29 20.6%
    Japan 20 14.2%
    UK 10 7.1%
    ANZAC 8 5.7%
    Italy 10 7.1%
    USA 30 21.3%
    China 6 4.3%
    TOTAL 141 100%

    Total increase of 113 IPCs needed for increase of units added to game.

    New Totals
    Germany 28 19.9% 23 IPC increase
    Soviet Union 29 20.6% 24 IPC increase
    Japan 20 14.2% 17 IPC Increase
    UK 10 7.1% 9 IPC Increase
    ANZAC 8 5.7% 7 IPC Increase
    Italy 10 7.1% 9 IPC Increase
    USA 30 21.3% 25 IPC Increase
    China 6 4.3% 5 IPC Increase
    TOTAL 254 100%
    Actual Increase of 114 IPCs

    o 5 IPCs while not at war with the Soviet Union.
    o 5 IPCs when Axis controls both Denmark and Norway and Sweden is neutral or
              controlled by the Axis.
    o 5 IPCs when Axis controls all of the following: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Albania and
              Switzerland is neutral or under axis control.
    o 6 IPCs when Axis controls all of France, Normandy Bordeaux, and Southern France
              and Spain is neutral or under Axis control.
    o 6 IPCs when Axis control all of the following: Finland, Vyborg, and Karelia, and the
              Baltic Sea is clear of enemy surface war ships (sea zones 113-115)
    o 6 IPCs when Axis control at least three of the following: Baltic States, Eastern       
              Poland, Western Ukraine, Bessarabia, Belarus, or Ukraine
    o 3 IPCs when there is at least one German land unit in Egypt.
    o 5 IPCs for Axis controlling Leningrad
    o 5 IPCs for Axis controlling Stalingrad
    o 5 IPCs for Axis controlling Moscow

    Soviet Union
    o 5 IPCs when not at war with Japan
    o 5 IPCs when the Soviet Union is at war, SZ 125 is free of Axis ships, Archangel is
              controlled by SU, and there are no other Allied units in the original SU territories.
    o 5 IPCs when SU controls all the following: Finland, Vyborg, and Karelia and sea zone
              127 is clear of enemy surface warships.
    o 6 IPCs when SU controls all the following: Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow.
    o 5 IPCs when SU controls all the following: Baltic States, Eastern Poland, and
    o 3 IPCs when SU controls either Yugoslavia or Bulgaria.
    o When the SU controls its original territories, collect 6 IPCs for each originally
              German territory that the SU controls.

    o 5 IPCs for not being at war with Soviet Union.
    o 5 IPCs for Axis controlling all Japan’s original Asian territories.
    o 6 IPCs for Axis controlling Solomon Islands, Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, and
              New Britain.
    o 6 IPCs for Axis controlling Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and Celebes.
    o 5 IPCs for Axis controlling Honolulu
    o 5 IPCs for Axis controlling Sydney
    o 5 IPCs for Axis controlling Calcutta

    United Kingdom-Europe
    o 5 IPCs when there are no German subs on the board.
    o 6 IPCs when Allies control both Egypt and Trans Jordan and at least three of the
              following: Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, West India, and Union of South Africa.

    United Kingdom-Pacific
    o 5 IPCs when the UK-Pacific and ANZAC control all of their original territories.
    o 3 IPCs if the Allies (excluding the Dutch) control all of Sumatra, Java, Celebes, and

    o 5 IPCs when the Allies (excluding the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New
              Guinea, New Britain, and the Solomon Islands
    o 3 IPCs when the Allies control Malaya and ANZAC controls its original territories.
    o 4 IPCs when ANZAC controls any territory originally under Japan’s control.
    o 3 IPCs when Allies control all the following: Gilbert Islands, Fiji, and Samoa.

    o 5 IPCs when Axis controls Egypt, Greece, and Southern France
    o 5 IPCs when there are no Allied surface ships in SZ 92 to 99.
    o 6 IPCs when Axis controls at least four of the following: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia,
              Alexandria, Trans Jordan, and Syria
    o 3 IPCs when Axis controls at least three of the following: Gibraltar, Malta, Crete,
              and Cyprus.

    o 30 IPCs when the USA is at war and controls Eastern, Western, and Central USA.
    o 6 IPCs when Allies control at least five of the following: Midway, Wake Island,
              Hawaiian Islands, Johnston Island, Gilbert Islands, and Solomon Islands
    o 6 IPCs when Allies control Okinawa and Iwo Jima at the same time.
    o 5 IPCs when Allies control both the Philippines and Guam.
    o 5 IPCs for having at least two bombers in United Kingdom and Brazil under Allied
    o 3 IPCs when Venezuela, Argentina, and Chile are all neutral or all three are under
              Allied control.

    o 6 IPCs when the Burma Road is controlled by the Allies (India, Burma, Yunnan, and
              Szechwan), may purchase artillery units.
    o 5 IPCs when China owns at least four of the following: Manchuria, Jehol, Shantung,
              Kiangsu, Kiangsi, Kwangsi.

    o Once per game, when France (the territory) is liberated place 4 French infantry on
              that territory.

  • Like these, awesome.

  • Customizer

    Really don’t like NOs.  Too much like scripting; let the players choose their own objectives.

  • NOs are good. they can represent added strenghts to an economy like oil, or political power or influence

  • @Flashman:

    Really don’t like NOs.  Too much like scripting; let the players choose their own objectives.

    Have you tried any other ways to increase the amount of income available in the game? Short of changing TT amounts.

  • Larrys new NOs for US look exellent and look like they will balance game better becouse they will scale down US income if conditions are not met

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