I have designed, independently of all other sources, the following A&A playing pieces;
Motorized Infantry; Att 1 Def 2, Move 2, PF cost 4 Motorized Artillery; Att 4 Def 1, Move 2, PF cost 7 Paratroop; Att 1 Def 1, Move 1, PF cost 3, Transported via Bomber (1:1) Corvette; Att 1 Def 1, Move 2, PF cost 6 (the missing naval unit)Global Gaming Table Threads and Pictures
Here are the customized roundels I made for Vichy France and for the Free French forces.
The pictures of the five roundels didn’t all end up the same size when I made them into separate files prior to posting them, so if you copy them into a Word document for printing make sure to adjust their size on the page until they’re all the same diameter and so that they print out correctly sized as A&A roundels.
Looks very nice!, Is is solid enough?
Oh yes…it is solid! 2 sheets of 3/4 inch plywood with not just 1 set but 2 sets of folding legs.
Terrific table! I especially like the padding all around it, complete with nice curves at the corners – it looks very professional. Are those casino-style chips I see in one part of the picture?
Thanks! Why yes those are poker chips you see in the picture.
Thanks for doing this! This is a great resource. I’m still working on my command center, but I’ve discovered the rooms in old houses are a bit small for a G40 table… Still working on it.
Great work to everyone out there who’s command centers make the rest of us very jealous!
this is my custom table…the only thing left is the custom peice of glass…didnt realize the best price i was going to get down here in florida was going to still be over 100$…lol. decided to use hinges for a bit of a storage area for the decorative wood side with the decals i made.
just adding the rest of the pic’s…
Some pics of our table
this is my custom table…the only thing left is the custom peice of glass…didnt realize the best price i was going to get down here in florida was going to still be over 100$…lol. decided to use hinges for a bit of a storage area for the decorative wood side with the decals i made.
Very nice! It was a good idea to build dice-rolling areas into the table frame.
As far as the glass goes, it might be cheaper to use plastic (like acrylic) depending on what thickness you buy, and it would almost certainly be lighter. Thin plastic also has the advantage that it can be rolled up for shipping, storage and moving.
New links added:
Katfishkris’s Global 1940 Table
(Pictures located on page 2 of the thread for 94Canuck’s Global Gaming Table)
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=20291.15Streifenkarl’s AARHE 118" x 60" Map Table
(Pictures located on page 14 of the AARHE Map Files thread)
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=8670.msg688948#msg688948 -
Here is my table.
These are all really cool, I think over the break I have here that I’m going to try and fashion a table (especially since I don’t have one that can fit the entire global game). I’m thinking of something simple, raised edges with cubby holes for the piece boxes and removable legs so if I have to it can sit on the floor or up against the wall when not in use.
New link added:
Docfav7’s Global Table
(Picture located on page 1 of the Securing Boards Together thread)
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=21687.0 -
Probably gonna have to get rid of my table in the next couple of months if anyone is interested I will be taking offers on it.
New link added:
13thguardsriflediv’s Global Table:
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=21913.0 -
New link added:
Maddog77’s Bunker and Global Table
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=22000.0 -
Check this table out!
I LIKE IT!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Now I know what to buy if I pick the correct lottery numbers :-D