Ok a tank is 3-3 right?
so you roll three dice hitting at one, while 2-5 are misses, and if you use the other phase 2 or 3 rules then 6 means a retreat.
So the tank rolls out: 1,1,5
Two hits and retreat.
The defender loses two units and the tank must retreat.
Example two:
tactical bomber attacking battleship:
rolls 2,3,1
again two hits ( tactical bombers hit on 1-2)
Battleship rolls four dice: 1,4,5,6
tactical bomber hit, BB sunk and retreat roll is ignored since it was sunk. ( its possible to be damaged and forced to retreat as well)
You will notice that battleships need air power because based on cost, the planes will be greater damage than before. Now carriers are more vital.
Just roll out your own battles.
I think it will lead to a whole new system for AA:
land units can have new prices
the total number of units can be reduced, making the game play faster
New units can be introduced as per FMG units ( early, mid and late war units or light medium heavy units)
Greater differentiation of units. some hit on 1 others 1-2, others 1-3 all with unique number of rolls
Pips are the dots on the dice. Each strength point of a unit gets its own roll rather than just one roll. Combat is now easier to show the outcome of and players will make better plans because you are always adding the pips up and comparing the odds. Also, a few of the units have real historical flavor, like tanks and air. I think combat can be just one round, or more elaborate systems like battle of the Bulge where you can introduce chits for ammo/fuel that players pay for combat and you face a ‘cost’ for combat. This is more consistent with better modeling. For example, Germany could not hope to attack everywhere in Russia each turn, rather they became increasingly selective on where they attacked as their supplies run down.
These rules are all part of a new process for AA. Cutting edge stuff IMO. Id like to see them used in a Barbarossa style game, or even an Africa Corps campaign game.