• @WILD:

    I play with a guy that takes a lot of risks. He will do battles as you have talked about, just to reduce both sides (send them to “The Box”). I like to have the odds on my side when I set up attacks, and try to minimize loses from counter attacks. As we all know that just isn’t possible all the time. The thing is that sometimes his quirky risky plays work well for him. He relies heavily on luck, and it is a dice game. I find myself not doing certain things because of the “well he might just try that”. It does make for an interesting game.

    With big countries Like Germany and Japan it works great. They have a large starting force, and so can afford to wait, somewhat. See I already know that he’s not going to hit mainland UK, and that Russia is going to catch full hell. Since he dosnt have to worry about Russia until turn 4 any way, he can bide his time building up for the attak, and since he’s only fighting againts China as Japan, he can also afford to wait a few turns as well. When he dose buy though, its gunna be a huge lot of something, be it a whole new surface fleet, or an ungodly stakc of Tac bombers, and/or maybe several fancy new IC’s, but its near impossible to counter

  • @Clyde85:

    He’s the type of player that will leave a stack of fighters to guard a tt form counter attack, because the defend on 4’s, and you will take heavy casualties if and when you attack. Its really annoying.

    If he wants to trade expensive fighters for cheap infantry, then you should try to exploit this.

  • It sounds like a great Idea, but could you be more specific?

    I mean the flaw seems obvious when I comes to a little country like Italy, but I dont think its that simple when is the bigger Axis nations

  • @Clyde85 said in Strange Italian Strategy:

    With big countries Like Germany and Japan it works great. They have a large starting force, and so can afford to wait, somewhat.

    I know it’s 9 years later, but… that simply isn’t true. Neither Germany or Japan affords to wait. I agree with what has been said that if they give up their precious initiative, they’re toast.

    Waiting to DOW on Russia until G4 is like inviting a big, up-bolstered Russia to simply just scare the German invasion to a halt by the front. And Japan running out of ground units on the mainland or lacking transports to shuffle around troops among the islands is going nowhere as is their income.

  • @Clyde85 said in Strange Italian Strategy:

    It sounds like a great Idea, but could you be more specific?

    Assault with enough land units to be able to take them as losses and make sure the fight odds are sufficient for not risking your own airforce. Or if it’s a strict sea battle, bring in some soaking units like battleship and destroyers.

    Fighters miss 1/3, so they’re hardly auto-hitting you. And they’re expensive losses.

  • @trulpen , clyde was over 1 1/2 years ago active and online.
    It would be nice to see @Clyde85 online and answering to your post, but chances might be slim.

  • Seems likely. But hey, who knows, maybe this’ll drag him back to the pits? 😉


    but seriously, who’s resurrecting long dead threads?

    I don’t think I’ve played a proper game of this in… well about 9 years sadly, and it really is such a shame because it was one of my most favorite.

    I do appreciate the response but do try to understand that I think the way the game was when it first came out was very different for it’s current incarnation. I’m pretty we were still playing OOB when this thread was made. I’ve never played second edition to be honest and I have heard that they’ve made some considerable changes to help balance, though I never had much issue playing OOB back in the day.

    Thank you for the response all the same, and dragging me back to “the pit” :wink:

  • @Clyde85 hi,
    Thank you for showing up and respond directly.
    Would really be nice to see you more often here arround.

    Best regards


  • @Clyde85 said in Strange Italian Strategy:


    I’m impressed. Happy you showed up. Then I’ve done atleast something of positive significance around here. ;)

    @Clyde85 said in Strange Italian Strategy:

    but seriously, who’s resurrecting long dead threads?

    Just some wanna-be-Jesus believing in resurrection.

  • Saving money can be wise but for Italy, I don’t buy it since Italy is forced into a reaction based plan rather than true offensive since you have to see what UK does to the Italian navy before anything comes into play.

    Italy always ends up doing one of three things: 1. Get aggressive and go after Egypt. 2. Can open for Germany. 3. Play defense exclusively to buy time for Germany to get to Moscow.

    Anything else I’ve seen usually ends up with Rome going to US.

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