• Hi, pals. I finally ended my module for AAG40 (global game). It uses Stoney’s AAP40 as base, so part of this module is his. Also, I must give credit to Holkann, that teached me how to program modules, Attila for doing AABattlemap and Mr. Harris for doing the real board game

    Installing the final version (v1.1) of the module is pretty easy: just unzip it to your main AABattlemap folder. If you did all right, you should have a ‘G4F.gim’ folder inside of your AABattlemap folder.You should install the last version of AABattlemap as well (the one included with AAP40 beta in Attila’s page, it’s named 0.80, also included with my module). Don’t worry, 0.80 is compatible with all your old 0.79 games. Just unzip and x-copy the .exe file included with the module to your main AABattlemap folder.  Start a new game as ‘Axis & Allies: Global 1940 OOB’ and enjoy the game.

    The module is designed to be the final version for OOB game (play alpha series at your own risk). This final version has better and more uniform graphics than earlier versions of my module, including capitals shown as red squares and other VCs shown as red circles. It also includes a raid marker in the toolbar (check the readme, raid markers are at the 1st right column of toolbar).

    How to use the raid marker and the french boats: Due some AABattlemap engine’s limitations, only 8 powers can do and suffer convoy raids. China is not a problem by obvious reasons, but something had to be done with France. You have 2 options:

    A) Use Blue boats from the 5th row (India’s) as French fleet. This is the option used as default.
    B) Use French boats from the 10th row (France’s). Add 1 raid marker from the 5th row (India’s) for each point of damage done to the convoys by French boats (the marker must be at the same SZ that the boat that does damage). Don’t mix this system with A, or French boats will make double damage

    In both cases, France will be able of making convoy raids, but not suffering them (the latter is irrelevant with OOB, but relevant if you use the exilied capital optional). If you are not sure of how B works, use A

    Wolf packs optional rule also uses the raid marker. Just add 1 German raid marker for each german submarine if you want that the German subs make 3 of damage. Ensure that the markers are at the same SZ that the submarines

    If you find something wrong, post here or PM. I’ll try solving it.

    Note: a very small fix was done 4/20/2011. Download it, but it should be compatible with later download (it’s not a new version). Edit: Another minimal fix 6/29/2011. Same as later.

    Download the module here:

    Older versions:



    First fix of full version (1.01)


    Unfixed full version:

    http://www.mediafire.com/?fqzralqgw3v49l4 (edited 11/3 to include full version)

    Former beta:


    Nota para Guillermo: en este post tienes toda la información para descargar e instalar el módulo necesario para A&A G40. Para descargar el programa AABattlemap básico, visita daak.de    / Other people ignore this red message, it’s a temporal reminder for a friend of me, FTF player

  • Once I’ve downloaded it, ho do I attach it to ABattlemap?

  • So just what is this program for?  Playing via Email?

  • Yep, it’s for PBEM

    How to install:

    • Create a folder named ‘F40.gim’ in your AABattlemap folder
    • Download the F40.gim file from the link provided
    • Unzip the files to F40.gim folder

    To start a game, start AABattlemap and then you should pick ‘Axis&Allies Global 1940 Func’s beta’

  • Thank you Funcioneta!
    This is nice to have!
    Sure beats having the game board set up.

  • @BadSpeller:

    Thank you Funcioneta!
    This is nice to have!
    Sure beats having the game board set up.

    I prefer to have the board set up because it looks more epic and real

  • Nice effort!

  • I think it looks just fine Func thanks a ton.  Only one thing, you have a major IC placed in East Germany, it should be a minor I believe.  Thats the only error I’ve noticed.

  • Check if there is a aa gun at Volgograd or not. I’ll update the setup in a couple of days anyway, when I get the real game

    Edit: also check Poland setup, because I’m not very sure of it

  • @Funcioneta:

    Check if there is a aa gun at Volgograd or not. I’ll update the setup in a couple of days anyway, when I get the real game

    No AA there, no.

  • UK NO should be “No German subs on the board”, not “no subs in Atlantic”

  • Germans start with Norway/Sweden/Denmark NO, so should be flagged at start.  Sweden doesn’t have to be controlled by Axis, just so it’s not controlled by Allies.

  • WOOT Thanks Func!  We can now start epic G40 games without referring 5 million times to the board/website!  Thanks much!

  • @gamerman01:

    German NO in Egypt is THREE IPC’s in Global.  It is 5 in Europe only.

    It’s 5 in global, 3 in Europe

  • How do I get the screen to scroll over without resizing the window?  I’m using a 1920x1200 monitor and it almost fits on the entire screen, but it won’t resize past Hawaii in the Pacific.

  • LOL, nvmd, I figured it out.  Right mouse button.  Yeah.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    German NO in Egypt is THREE IPC’s in Global.  It is 5 in Europe only.

    It’s 5 in global, 3 in Europe

    Not in my rulebook, it’s not.

  • Func, Mickelson didn’t have the NO’s right.

    The other UK NO is ALL original territories of UK AND ANZAC!

    NOT Canada + ANZAC!

  • Funcioneta, please add a Air Base to the Philippines and the setup.

  • thanks func.  much appreciated

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