OK, I have some new information that might help pinpoint the problem.
I just downloaded Func’s latest version and repasted it to the F40.gim folder. All the files were over-written.
I had changed a few territories and seazones the other day to the correct names. After re-pasting Func’s files, those territories still have the names I gave them. So when I had save the new names to sektorinfo.sek, they were not affected by the re-write of files. There is no sektorinfo.sek file in my ABattlemap folder, there is only the new one in the F40.gim folder. So how in the world did my changed names remain through the new over-write??
Yes, that happened to me too. For example, I correctly renamed the Canadian territories, and they remained the same. I, in the beta version, made notes about the adjacency of Z118 and 109, which also remained.