• '22 '19 '18

    If people could post their after action reports on Europe 40 games here we can check balance on this half of the board.

    Date: 8/27/10
    Game Time: 5 hrs 1800 to 2300 (with interruptions while I got my kids ready for bed)
    Victor: Axis captured 8 VC- London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Cairo, Warsaw, Lenningrad, Stalingrad
    Experience: Allies played by 2 players with experience from 2nd edition and Revisied.  Axis played by me with slightly more experience with newer versions of the game (AA50, Pac 40)

    Game Discription
    G1 builts AC and Minor IC for Romania, Germany took France losing all inf and 2 mech inf, sunk 2 crusiers in 112 losing a ftr and 1 hit on BB, sunk RN in 110, 111 losing 2 subs, lost one sub in an unsuccessful attack of RN of coast of Canada.  Take over Yugoslovia losing 3 inf, Bulgaria and Finland and Normandy losing 1 inf.

    R1 build 8 men 1 art and moved into position.

    UK1 build 3 destroyers and 1 inf and attacked remaining sub in Z110, did not attack Italian Navy and moved AC, DD and placed naval builds all in Z110, AC had 2 ftrs.  The formed a defensive line in Egypt and moved  Z98 fleet to Red sea (Z81).

    Italy built 1 mec, 1 tank and attacked Syria, Greece, Southern France, Tunisia and took out French fleet in  in Z93.  They won all battles with minimal loss

    G2 saw the sinking of GB fleet in Z110 and the preparation of Barbarosa.  Significant builds were 2 transports.

    UK2 Saw UK taking Normany with surviving transports that were parked in  Z109 (2 trans) and the building of 5 inf and 4 art.

    I2 Took over egypt and Gibralter.

    G3 Was Sealinon on Barbarosa.  Germany took the boarder russian terriotries  since they only had 1 inf in each, but retreated from Karelia after losing 3 inf and not hitting 1 russian.  Sealion had 3 German tanks, 3 inf, 1 bomber, 3 ftrs, 3 tac aginst 7 inf 4 art 1 fighter 1 tac.  Germany took UK with 1 tank and 1 bmb left.

    R3 saw a big russian counter  in Baltic states.

    I3 Took Iraq and finished french resistance in africa.

    F3- Retook London, yes the 1 french inf got moved to Scotland on F2 to prtotect from German attack, and counterattacked the lone german tank and rolled a 1 on first try and tank rolled a 4.

    G4 Retook London  and took Karelia.

    R4 Russian horde takes  takes Poland and positions a huge force in Ukaraine.

    I4 Bulids IC in Iraq and and destroys UK troops in Mid East.

    US4 come in force and take Morroco, sunk Italian crusier that was forming block in Z108 (German Crus in 118) to prevent counter attack on London

    G5 Wiped out Russian horde in Poland shifted sounthern forces to Northern Front and continued troop stack in Romania.  Failed missable in attack on US fleet losing 1 dd 2 ss 1 ftr and 1 tac and not taking a single hit on the american fleet.

    R5 uneventful, tried to reposition troops to meed new threat.

    UK5 out of game only 2 inf left in Africa and 1 inf in Canada

    I5 Take Baltic states and NW Persia, failed attack against american fleet off africa losing 2 subs and not hitting a single ship.

    US 5 Takes Gibralter

    G6 Take Leningrad and Belarus

    I6 Takes Caucaus and smolensk

    US 6 take Norway, Denmark, Holland, Western Germany

    G7 Retake Karelia, take Archangel, Bryansk (to prevent tank force in West Ukraine to reinforce Moscow); and they retake Norway, West Germany

    R7 attack and retake Bryansk take Romania with IC

    I7 take Stalingrad, Tambov (to prevent a counter from moscow) and retake Gibralter, Holland and south africa.

    With the axis having 8 VC and the allies no way to retake them, the game was ended.  If we had done another round Germany would have retaken Bryansk to prevent tanks from attacking Stalingrad and the US navy would have to return to USA to get more troops since they only had one tank left in Europe sitting in Denmark.

  • French inf liberating UK was WIN. Axis’s experience seemed to be decisove

  • Did the French player stack up the 3 infantry in North Africa in Algeria? If not…well, that should be a textbook move. Three lone infantry is worse off than three combined infantry.

  • '22 '19 '18


    French inf liberating UK was WIN. Axis’s experience seemed to be decisove

    Win?? When?? If that was the question, France had 1 inf in scotland (moved there on F2) that retook London on F3.  Allies did make a few mistakes, like putting entire UK navy within range of german air force and navy and Russia not bringing large southern force back to protect stalingrad.  I think Russia didn’t think my Itialian force coming from the Mid East could take Stalingrad, but it did with pieces to spare.


    Did the French player stack up the 3 infantry in North Africa in Algeria? If not…well, that should be a textbook move. Three lone infantry is worse off than three combined infantry.

    They stacked 2 inf in algeria, tunisia inf was killed I1 with 2 inf and 1 tank

  • @cond1024:


    French inf liberating UK was WIN. Axis’s experience seemed to be decisove

    Win?? When?? If that was the question, France had 1 inf in scotland (moved there on F2) that retook London on F3.  Allies did make a few mistakes, like putting entire UK navy within range of german air force and navy and Russia not bringing large southern force back to protect stalingrad.  I think Russia didn’t think my Itialian force coming from the Mid East could take Stalingrad, but it did with pieces to spare.


    Did the French player stack up the 3 infantry in North Africa in Algeria? If not…well, that should be a textbook move. Three lone infantry is worse off than three combined infantry.

    They stacked 2 inf in algeria, tunisia inf was killed I1 with 2 inf and 1 tank

    When I said “WIN,” I meant it. It means, according to urban dictionary: The action or reaction to the direct opposite of a fail. A win is a moment of such epic sucess that it needs not be acknowledged with more than an understated “Win” which signifies the moments’ need to be granted the tag of a “Win” due to its importance in the History of Human existance.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:



    French inf liberating UK was WIN. Axis’s experience seemed to be decisove

    Win?? When?? If that was the question, France had 1 inf in scotland (moved there on F2) that retook London on F3.  Allies did make a few mistakes, like putting entire UK navy within range of german air force and navy and Russia not bringing large southern force back to protect stalingrad.  I think Russia didn’t think my Itialian force coming from the Mid East could take Stalingrad, but it did with pieces to spare.


    Did the French player stack up the 3 infantry in North Africa in Algeria? If not…well, that should be a textbook move. Three lone infantry is worse off than three combined infantry.

    They stacked 2 inf in algeria, tunisia inf was killed I1 with 2 inf and 1 tank

    When I said “WIN,” I meant it. It means, according to urban dictionary: The action or reaction to the direct opposite of a fail. A win is a moment of such epic sucess that it needs not be acknowledged with more than an understated “Win” which signifies the moments’ need to be granted the tag of a “Win” due to its importance in the History of Human existance.

    It’s funny how french units still can do great things. In my game i managed to squeeze a french cruiser in the middle of german fleets, blocking them to pick up units and thus delaying Sealion 1 turn. I lost UK later but that move was a WIN for me (and a fail for german deploying)

  • It sounds like Italy was a force to be reckoned with. What was their income a few turns into the game?

  • '22 '19 '18


    It sounds like Italy was a force to be reckoned with. What was their income a few turns into the game?

    Well there final income at game end was 44 with 15 IPC from NO
    After I1= 16 plus 5 NO
    I2= 20 plus 10 NO
    I3= 25 plus 10 NO

    Italy was really the difference maker in this game.  They took out Africa, but it didn’t hurt the allies really because UK  and France were in German so they weren’t taking IPCs from anyone.  Where they were really helpful was in Russia, first where they took over baltic states thereby allowing germany to move through and take Leningrad (which was lightly defeneded because Russia player thought they had Baltic as buffer) and secondly they took over Stalingrad.

  • Summary of the game we didn’t end up  finishing this weekend and some thoughts.

    Quite a few errors occured (first game for allies).

    Germany 1 Built destroyer, sub, and carrier. hit RN with subs luftwaffee and navy. Successful, but lost four planes and two subs. took finland and yugoslavia. Took France with all avalable land units. Successful, minor casualties.

    USSR1 built men, withdrew - i man only on territories adjacent to Germans.

    UK 1 built all men. Hit Italian navy with all availbale, sucessful, lost 1 plane and destryer and cruiser. Pulled back to egypt leaving 1 man in alexandria. moved a few pieces around.

    Italy1 built nothing. cleaned up UK navy because not enough luftwaffe. Took alexandria with 2 men and plane. Kit french dude with tank and two men and i mech. Took bulgaria . Landed 1 man in transjordan and one tank in syria (killed i french infantry).

    US1 , built transports and men and carrier and plane.

    Gotta go, will expand later today.

  • Hmm not sure if I’m doing this right

    G1 build: 1 AC, 1 fighter, 2 Infantry

    Germany: Leaving the French in ruins Germans pushed into Paris and also secured the coastline of Normandy. The navy and air force really hurt the royal navy. In the East, unprovoked attacks continued with and assault on Yugoslavia. The German government allied with Bulgaria and Finland.

    R1 build:8 Infantry, 1 Artillery

    USSR: Moved into Eastern Persia, and pulled back all armor and planes closer to the capital leaving soldiers next to the borders near the Great German Reich.

    UK1 build: 3 Destroyers, save 3.

    UK: the British started to recover from horrid Nazi attacks. UK also knocked out Italian ships and knocked out Italian Ethiopia, and pulled back armor and planes closer to Cairo.

    I1 build: 1 Fighter

    Italy: The Italians knocked out Southern France, to have the country once known as France is an axis holding. Italian forces shifted near Greece. Italy after a rough battle moved into Alexandria and has enough to hold off against a British counter. Italy also grabbed Tunisia, to make France forgotten and a thing of the pass.

    US1 build: 1 AC, 1 Fighter, 1 Transport save 4

    US: Moved forces in Central US into Washington, and a bomber flew into cold Greenland, along with 1 infantry and 1 tank also moved to Greenland and 1 Fighter all in cold Greenland

    F1 build: Your face

    France: moved forces into Egypt to help assist.

    Thats was round 1, but anyways Axis won.

  • One game of Europe played (and one global).

    I am not going to describe everything, but at one point Germany made a heroic and daring attempt at invading Leningrad and with lucky dice rolls got it. They even held on to it for the rest of the game. But still the allies won, becasue Italy got kicked out of Africa, in southern Russia Germany and Italy couldn’t hold on to any conquest and the Brits landed massively in Norway, costing the Germans 13 IPC (2 NO’s).

    I would not go as far as saying the game is broken, but the axis should outsmart the allies to win. The allies can fix little mistakes/unfortunate rolls, but the axis mistakes/unfortunate rolls can lose the game.

    At this time I think the Russians are too rich. Or perhaps not too rich, but they already start with some expensive units (airforce, mech inf, tanks) while in A50 they almost only had inf to start with. In this game they can almost only buy inf with one or two tanks/art.

    But I need at least 5 more go’s on this game to tell if changes need to be made.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Stacking your inf is NOT always the best solution.

    Especially if you know they are just going to die anyways.

    In Africa often it’s just a waiting game till help gets there. (The U.S.)  Sometimes it’s better to spread em out to make em last and slow the opponents ability to take territory.  Depending on the layout too, sometimes they bite off more then they can chew. Splitting up their equipment sometimes means thier doom.

  • My first game ended swiftly after two turns of Italy being beat like a piñata and a single surviving transport got enough ground forces to UK that Sealion was impossible.

  • Yesterday I won as Axis. In short my strategy was to threaten UK with my first buy 2 trannies and a CV. I eventually used them to strengthen Scandinavia and scare off the RN.

    I built an IC in Norway and together with the trannies I made sure Finland had a massive army. Only on turn 4 I DoWed Russia and captured the Baltic States, Karelia and Vyborg with large armies. Bes and EP I took with small forces. Russia managed to kill my Baltic army, but the other two, combined with an invasion force took Leningrad, even though his first defense dice rolled only hits! Literally every inf, armor and fighter hit the first round. Cost me my complete inf I brought.

    It was never recaptured. Italy managed to do well in Africa and built an IC in Egypt. It took all of the Middle East and even invaded southern Russia.

    The US was too late and even though they landed with a massive army in Normandy I could take it back (with only one tank left…), but that was enough. It took them too long to get another shipment accross the sea, because Moscow and Stalingrad would have been captured by then. The allies gave up.

  • Last weekend I played Germany, and my friends played italy, Sov and UK/US.

    After 7 rounds we concluded that Axis would win: The Germans was 1-2 areas away from Moscow and Stalingrad with 11 tanks, 12 inf, 4 art, 4 TACs and a bomber. Moskva has like 3 units and very low income. Also, Italy had captured Egypt on I4 og I5, and secured it with a minor IC. The US was still a large threath coming underbelly towards South France, Italy and north Africa.

    Key facts

    • Germany viped all royal navy outside UK with the loss of 4 subs and 3 planes. Attacked France with all land units (exc 2 for Normandie) and 3 planes. Lost all ground except 3 tanks. - Ger Built factory in Romania and later Ukraine.
    • Ger attacked Soviet on G4.
    • Soviet produced superstacks on 2 of 3 front areas. They got wiped thanks to tanks/TAC combos.
    • Germany had Italy ferry 2 infantery to Middle east, which later walked into Egypt for that sweet bonus.
    • UK challenged Med with carrier on UK2 or 3, and it was painful for italy to rid. Had to buy subs to block and prepare for sneak attacks. Worked well.
    • Iraq was attacked by UK, and lost. Retaken by Italy.

    Ok, not very structured or detailed overview, but u get the picture. Axis victory.

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