Tech setup for 1946 scenario
Land techs: 5
Air techs: 3
Navy techs: 4
Industry techs: 4
Secret techs: 3
Nuclear techs: 3
Land techs: 4
Air techs: 4
Navy techs: 5
Industrial techs: 5
Secret techs: 3
Nuclear techs: 4
Land techs: 3
Air techs: 3
Navy techs: 3
Industrial techs: 3
Secret techs: 3
Nuclear techs: 1
Both China’s start with no techs, but may roll for techs.
Land Techs
1 Heavy Tanks - tanks attack and defend at 4 during the first cycle of combat
2 Rocket artillery - artillery attacks and defends at a 3 during the first cycle of combat
3 Self propelled artillery - artillery has a move of 2, may support the attack of tanks, and may blitz when paired with an equal number of tanks.
4 Tank Destroyers- during the first cycle of combat any hits rolled by your tanks must be placed on enemy tanks first.
5 Improved mechanized infantry - Mechanized infantry now attacks at a 2 and may blitz without being attached to tanks.
6 Main Battle Tanks - tanks attack and defend at 4 during every cycle of combat and have a move of 3.
Air Techs
1 Paratroopers - as vanilla Global 1940
2 Long range Aircraft - as vanilla Global 1940
3 Jet Fighters- as vanilla Global 1940
4 Heavy Bombers- as vanilla Global 1940
5 Attack Helicopters- infantry attack and defend at 3 during the first cycle of combat.
6 Air to Surface Missile- Tacs attack at 4
Naval Tree
1 Marines - infantry attack at 3 or less during the first cycle of an amphibious assault. they may not be supported by artillery during this cycle.
2 Sonar- Battleships and Cruisers now have the same anti submarine warfare traits as destroyers.
3 Super Heavy Battleships - Battleships attack, defend, and bombard at 5.
4 Long Range Submarines- Subs now have a move of 3
5 Super Carriers - Carriers may now carry twice as many planes as normal
6 Nuclear powered Navy - all naval units have a move of 3, subs now have a move of 4
Industrial Tree
1 Improved Factory Production - as vanilla
2 Aircraft Assembly Lines
New Unit prices are as follows:
Strategic Bomber 10 ipcs
Tactical Bomber 9ipcs
Fighter 8ipcs
3 Improved Shipyards
New Unit prices are as follows:
Battleship 17ipcs
Aircraft Carrier 13ipcs
Cruiser 10ipcs
Destroyer 7ipcs
Transport 6ipcs
Submarine 5ipcs
4 Underground factories - halve (rounding up) the damage done to any of your factories during a strategic bombing raid.
5 Plastics - gain 2d6 worth of additional ipcs at the end of every turn.
6 Advanced Factory Production - major ICs may now be built on territories worth at least 2 ipcs, minors may be built on any territory including islands and zero ipc territories
Secret Weapons Tree
1 Radar- scrambling fighters defend at 5
2 Electromechanical computers - tech rolls of 5 or 6 result in a research breakthrough
3 Rockets - as vanilla
4 Surface to Air Missiles - aa guns defend at a 3 or less
5 Transistor based Computers - tech rolls of 4, 5, or 6 result in a research breakthrough
6 ICBMS- Like rockets except that AA guns can now attack a complex up to 9 spaces away. Additionally, nukes may be launched from AA guns at territories up to 9 spaces away.
Nuclear Tree
1 Atomic Research Facilities - no effect
2 Isotope Separation Techniques - no effect
3 Experimental Reactor - no effect
4 Fission Bomb
5 Hydrogen Bomb
6 Tsar Bomb