Global 1940 Cold War goes Hot Scenario

  • @Pvt.Ryan:

    I suggest making Anti Tanks artillery hit on a 2 since you HAVE to have rocket artillery.

    Interesting point. Keep in mind the tank hunting mode is optional.
    Maybe I should revise it so that tank and artillery hits must be placed on enemy tanks first during the first cycle of combat.

  • I like it  :-)

  • nice. but do you get it the same way as in global? rolling dice or some other secret way?!?!?! :-o

  • polo- same. If you get a breakthrough you roll to see which chart you gain a tech in (rather than choosing the chart). I think you should be allowed to get multiple breakthroughs in a turn but a max of +1 level per chart per turn. So it’d take 4 turns to get the first abomb. Of course, different powers would start with different techs. So in 46 the USA would start with a Nuclear Tech Tree level of 4, but the USSR would only have a 2 or 3 in the Nuclear tech Tree.

    For the nuclear tree the first few techs will probably have no effect besides moving you closer to Abombs.

    What should the effects of the various types of a-bombs be? I think all should be deliverable by strategic bombers or ICBMS. Should they have tactical or strategic effects or both? Should you be able to stockpile bombs? How much should they cost?

    Nuclear Tree
    1 Atomic Research Facilities - no effect
    2 Isotope Separation Techniques - no effect
    3 Experimental Reactor - no effect
    4 Fission Bomb
    5 Hydrogen Bomb
    6 Tsar Bomb

  • Put them at 15-20 IPCs each. They should have tactical and strategic effects. Yes you canstockpile though it coasts 5 IPCs per turn (lots of safety and protction hazards) both bombers and ICBMs. But make it tougher for bombers like they can get shot down by AA guns still and intercepted.

  • Here are some of my ideas about the 1960 scenario

    The sides would be
    1 USA
    2 USSR
    3 NATO (Capital in London instead of historical Brussels so it can fight on if mainland Europe falls)
    4 WARSAW
    5 SEATO
    6 Non aligned Movement (capital in India)
    7 PRC
    8 Commie Rebels (nationalist Chinese Pieces)

    Basically, the nonaligned movement and the PRC would be neutral powers. The game would have an individual winner based on which country had the most of their national objectives fulfilled. Both of the free agent powers would have national objectives that would put them at odds with the US or USSR’s blocs. For instance, China would have national objectives for taking Taiwan from the allies and for taking Mongolia from the Soviets. They would be free to declare war on whoever they chose though they could also be attacked by one of the two main power blocs.

    I think I’d allow the USSR/WARSAW Pact and the communist Chinese to support communist rebel movements in the recently decolonized territories of the world. These units (infantry only) would lay dormant in the territory until their masters decided to launch a general uprising at which point they would attack any units there and, if successful, would seize the territory for their sponsor. Non communist forces could target these rebels prior to that but any that survive the first cycle of combat would escape back into the countryside. The PRC and the USSR should be able to sponsor rebel movements in the same territory if they are feeling competitive.

  • set up please! now you’re just teasing me with all the rules you’ve posted!

  • I like it. But instead give the rebels a seperate economy for each place so they can make more units. Also make Nato like that.

  • I think it would be more acomadating to have the game set in the Korean War, and have the Soviets aligned with the Chinese. But discourage eachother from entering eachothers original territory (kind of like the Soviet Archangel NO)

  • Yes but I think each nation should still have independant victory achievments. Byt he way Oztea how’s those Canadian NAs coming?

  • I need to do sigificantly more research into cananda’s role in the war.
    at best I can write 3 now, and add canada as ANZAC units, and make them the “Commonwealth” and have 3 ANZAC NAs and 3 Canadian NAs

  • Hey I’d be good with that for now. If you get any free time post them.

  • dannyboy2016 how goes the tech battle? i mean hows the tech coming along. any breakthroughs?  :-D

  • Lol breakthroughs  :-D. Good one  :-)

  • My general thinking is that the nuclear weapons will:
    cost 20 ipcs to build
    cost 5 ipcs/turn in upkeep to keep nukes at the ready
    the nukes that you don’t pay the upkeep for are mothballed. To get them ready for use you must pay an additional 5 ipcs (on top of the 5 ipcs in upkeep). The upkeep payment is made by everyone at the same time during a brief nuke upkeep phase between rounds (ie after player 8 has finished their turn but before player 1 takes their next turn).

    When conducting a nuclear strike you may choose to launch a strategic or a tactical attack. Each such attack costs one nuke

    STRATEGIC - Nukes are used against industrial complexes, naval bases, or airfields. This works as a normal strategic bombings except you roll additional dice, do not add +2 to the damage, and there is no limit to the damage that a nuclear strike can do to a facility. So an atomic bomb could theoretically do 20 levels of damage to an industrial complex in a single turn- effectively crippling it for the rest of the game.

    Abomb - roll 4 dice. The sum total of the rolls is the damage inflicted to a facility.
    Hydrogen Bomb - roll 8 dice. The sum total of the rolls is the damage inflicted to a facility.
    Tsar bomb- roll 12 dice. The sum total of the rolls is the damage inflicted to a facility.

    TACTICAL - tactical strikes target the ground forces in a territory. When launching a tactical attack against a territory roll 1 dice for every enemy unit in the territory. If the attacked area is also being assaulted by your land forces then the  tactical nukes are launched before the first cycle of combat takes place. You may use multiple nukes to launch multiple tactical nuclear strikes against the same territory. If a player used 2 nukes to attack a territory then he would roll 2 dice per every enemy unit in the territory, etc.

    Abomb - rolls of 1 kill an enemy unit.
    Hydrogen bomb - rolls of 2 or less kill an enemy unit.
    Tsar Bomb - rolls of 3 or less kill an enemy unit.

    Units killed in such strikes are immediately removed from the board and may not retaliate against their attacker.

    Only strategic bombers or icbms may carry nukes. Strategic bombers used to launch tactical nukes may only be targeted by enemy aa and may not take part in any additional combats that take part in the territory they just nuked.

    The other techs look pretty good so far with only the one tank destroyers tech really needing revision.

  • Customizer

    Hello dannyboy2016,
    I just love the looks of this new game you came up with.  Looking forward to trying it out.  I’ve got a few questions:
    First, a few questions on the general setup:
    1:  Is Finland, Norway or Sweeden considered part of Continental Europe?
    2:  Shouldn’t the IPC income from Siam go to Calcutta instead of London?
    3:  Why are there no AA guns in Eastern, Central or Western US?
    4:  Why are there no Nationalist Chinese military units in Yunaan?  Since that’s part of the Burma Road and one of their NOs, I would think they would want to protect that territory especially.
    5:  I noticed the large USSR military presence in Manchuria.  Can the USSR forces attack Nationalist Chinese territories for the Communist Chinese?  If so, can they do so without going to war with US, NATO and UK?
    6:  In regards to both Chinese factions, are Chinese territories liberated by their respective allies or simply conquered.  Also, if one or the other Chinese faction is wiped out, can their allies retake some of their territory so they can start building units again?  Since neither side has an official capital, I am assuming that Chinese territories are treated like they are in Global/Pacific 1940 vs. Japan where if Japan takes all the territories, the Chinese don’t give up their IPCs but simply wait to be liberated.
    7:  In this game, are Chinese forces able to leave China?  For example, could Communist Chinese take Korea or Nationalist Chinese advance into Russia?

  • Customizer

    Just a few more questions about the Technology breakthroughs.  I like the tree system you came up with.
    1:  At the beginning, USA can pick 8 techs and USSR can pick 7 techs to start with.  Can either of them pick one tree and get all 6 off of that tree then 2 or 1 respectively off of another tree?  Or, do they have to spread those out over all 6 trees then pick 2 (USA) or 1 (USSR) to go to the second level on?
    2:  It says Self propelled artillery can support tank attacks (like regular artillery supports infantry, right?)  Does that mean when you get Main Battle Tanks, SP artillery will boost MBT attacks to 5?
    3:  Air to surface missiles allows Tac bombers to attack at 4.  This means they don’t have to be supported by an accompanying fighter or tank, right?
    4:  If a strategic bomber is used to carry a nuke on a strategic bombing raid, can the enemy send interceptors?  If so, I assume you can also send escort fighters.
    5:  Can a tactical nuke be used against ships?

    Thanks for your time and sorry for having so many questions.  I have been busy all evening copying down all your rules and setups and this stuff just kept popping into my head as I went along.

  • @knp7765:

    Hello dannyboy2016,
    I just love the looks of this new game you came up with.  Looking forward to trying it out.  I’ve got a few questions:
    First, a few questions on the general setup:
    1:  Is Finland, Norway or Sweeden considered part of Continental Europe?
    2:  Shouldn’t the IPC income from Siam go to Calcutta instead of London?
    3:  Why are there no AA guns in Eastern, Central or Western US?
    4:  Why are there no Nationalist Chinese military units in Yunaan?  Since that’s part of the Burma Road and one of their NOs, I would think they would want to protect that territory especially.
    5:  I noticed the large USSR military presence in Manchuria.  Can the USSR forces attack Nationalist Chinese territories for the Communist Chinese?  If so, can they do so without going to war with US, NATO and UK?
    6:  In regards to both Chinese factions, are Chinese territories liberated by their respective allies or simply conquered.  Also, if one or the other Chinese faction is wiped out, can their allies retake some of their territory so they can start building units again?  Since neither side has an official capital, I am assuming that Chinese territories are treated like they are in Global/Pacific 1940 vs. Japan where if Japan takes all the territories, the Chinese don’t give up their IPCs but simply wait to be liberated.
    7:  In this game, are Chinese forces able to leave China?  For example, could Communist Chinese take Korea or Nationalist Chinese advance into Russia?

    You’ve got some good questions here.

    2. Yes.
    3.This is based on the laxness of US civil defense measures according to David Miller’s The Cold War: A Military History.
    4. Forces there were surprisingly small according to the oobs I saw for the Chinese Civil War.
    5. Yes. I hadn’t put much thought into the possibility of a Soviet offensive in china coupled with peace in Europe. Any Chinese territory taken by the Soviets will go to their allies. I say allow either side to intervene in China without a declaration of War on the other alliance.
    6. Treat like pacific. Chinese territory is liberated.
    7. Hadn’t really thought of that. I’d say that the Chinese should be able to move freely about the Pacific board (but not Europe). Territories that they capture which are not Chinese should go to USA or the USSR. The exception being the Mongolia territories on the pacific board. Those go to nationalist China if taken by the allies.


    Just a few more questions about the Technology breakthroughs.  I like the tree system you came up with.
    1:  At the beginning, USA can pick 8 techs and USSR can pick 7 techs to start with.  Can either of them pick one tree and get all 6 off of that tree then 2 or 1 respectively off of another tree?  Or, do they have to spread those out over all 6 trees then pick 2 (USA) or 1 (USSR) to go to the second level on?
    2:  It says Self propelled artillery can support tank attacks (like regular artillery supports infantry, right?)  Does that mean when you get Main Battle Tanks, SP artillery will boost MBT attacks to 5?
    3:  Air to surface missiles allows Tac bombers to attack at 4.  This means they don’t have to be supported by an accompanying fighter or tank, right?
    4:  If a strategic bomber is used to carry a nuke on a strategic bombing raid, can the enemy send interceptors?  If so, I assume you can also send escort fighters.
    5:  Can a tactical nuke be used against ships?

    Thanks for your time and sorry for having so many questions.  I have been busy all evening copying down all your rules and setups and this stuff just kept popping into my head as I went along.

    1. The “pick the techs” rule is for the Global 1940 techs. I’ll get an oob setup for the new tech tree ready for this weekend.
    2. Yes to both.
    3. Yes.
    4. Yes and yes.
    5. Good question. That would make more sense if said fleet was in port. I’d say “yes, provided that the fleet is located adjacent to a naval base.”

    I may need some graphical assistance for the 1960 scenario. I plan on having a influence scale of 1 to 10 for each neutral country. Once its been influenced to ten it’ll join the faction. You influence countries by buying units or infrastructure (IC, AAs, naval and airbases) for them. Each country will have a special rule (For instance, Nasserite Modernization: Egypt’s President Nasser placed a heavy emphasis on heavy industry and other modernization projects. The most famous of these were the Helwan Steelworks and the Aswan High Dam. Effect: Gain +5 influence points if you build a major ic in Egypt). I’d need help creating a pdf image for people to print out depicting the starting forces of each neutral, their special objective, and the ten influence slots.

  • Customizer

    Hello dannyboy2016,
    Thanks for all the answers.  I am really tempted to try this game out.  I’m always a fan of alternate reality type stuff.  I am thinking of a similar game to yours, based around 1946, but if the Axis won the war.  Something between Germany, Japan and Italy yet with the US still in it in a somewhat reduced position and even UK operating out of Canada.  All I’ve got so far is the layout for which country has what territories.  I still have to come up with new NOs and maybe some sort of political situation.
    Anyway, I just wanted to clear a couple of things up with China.  So if the NC were to take any Soviet territories, the IPC control would go to the US and if the CC were to take Korea, Burma, etc., IPC control would go to Russia, is that right?  Also, I assume since both factions have naval bases and major ICs, they could build naval units as well.  That would be interesting.  I imagine a Chi-Com fleet floating over to take Japan from the US, or at least trying to.
    A quick note about the game pieces.  If you are interested, Historical Board Gaming has painted armies and he carries pieces for both Communist China and Nationalist China.  I’m pretty sure he has all the land and air units available.  Not sure about naval units since that wasn’t an issue in WW2 but I’m sure if you requested them he could make them up.  His prices are pretty reasonable too.  I have some of his Communist Chinese which I used in the setup.  While I haven’t tried playing your game yet, I set it all up just to see what it would look like.  I used French pieces for NATO.  I know you suggested German to avoid any T34 on T34 violence, but I just felt the blue looked better for NATO.  I forgot to put units on for the neutrals but otherwise the setup looked pretty cool.  Germany and West Germany got VERY crowded.  I really like the look of HBG’s Chi-Com pieces on the board.

    Cold War goes Hot Asia-sm.JPG
    Cold War goes Hot Europe-sm.JPG

  • @knp7765:

    Anyway, I just wanted to clear a couple of things up with China.  So if the NC were to take any Soviet territories, the IPC control would go to the US and if the CC were to take Korea, Burma, etc., IPC control would go to Russia, is that right?  Also, I assume since both factions have naval bases and major ICs, they could build naval units as well.  That would be interesting.  I imagine a Chi-Com fleet floating over to take Japan from the US, or at least trying to.

    Correct on both accounts. :)


    A quick note about the game pieces.  If you are interested, Historical Board Gaming has painted armies and he carries pieces for both Communist China and Nationalist China.  I’m pretty sure he has all the land and air units available.  Not sure about naval units since that wasn’t an issue in WW2 but I’m sure if you requested them he could make them up.  His prices are pretty reasonable too.  I have some of his Communist Chinese which I used in the setup.  While I haven’t tried playing your game yet, I set it all up just to see what it would look like.  I used French pieces for NATO.  I know you suggested German to avoid any T34 on T34 violence, but I just felt the blue looked better for NATO.  I forgot to put units on for the neutrals but otherwise the setup looked pretty cool.  Germany and West Germany got VERY crowded.  I really like the look of HBG’s Chi-Com pieces on the board.

    Nice looking pics!

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