• hey quick Question

    what are the union jack 2 circle territory markers for?

    i assume india’s wadge in the pacific for AAG40?

    can’t find it in the rule book.

  • Official Q&A



    Russia turn 1: declares war on Japan.

    Is Russia was allowed to take neutrals on its turn?



    I wonder about the”…,in addition to the normal restrictions,…"part. Of what do these ‘normal restrictions’ refer to?

    The restrictions on powers not at war described in the sidebar on page 15 of the Rulebook.


    what are the union jack 2 circle territory markers for?

    Tracking the UK Pacific economy’s income on the National Production Chart in the global game.

  • Assuming none of the Axis powers end up causing the US to declare war, and they declare by the end of their third turn, do they collect those 30 IPC’s that turn or do they have to wait until their 4th?

  • but it says at the end of turn 3.
    so turn 3 is over.
    i assume you collect your income first and then the turn is ended.

    its kinda weird to end your turn, declare war, and then collect income, right ?

  • @Krieghund:


    then logically, Nova and Quebec border each other

    That doesn’t necessarily follow.  The four spaces appear to meet at a point, which indicates that Eastern United States doesn’t border sea zone 106 and Quebec doesn’t border New Brunswick/Nova Scotia.  The question is whether the St. Lawrence Seaway is meant to be an extension of sea zone 106, dividing the latter two territories, or just a passable border between them.

    Has there been a ruling on New Brunswick Boardering Quebec yet?

  • Official Q&A


    but it says at the end of turn 3.

    No, it says at the beginning of the Collect Income phase of turn 3.


    Has there been a ruling on New Brunswick Boardering Quebec yet?

    No, but my money’s on them being adjacent.

  • I found this link topic, so decided to continue the US questions…!

    MUST the US wait till turn 3 to collect the extra 30 IPC’s…( unless axis don’t commit war on the US b4 turn 3 )…?

    Once an axis powers makes war with US, how can the US choose who to go to war with? Meaning does the US player announce openly to everyone who US is at war with…?

    Thanks…the wording in the rules makes it to me confusing. If you read German’s example, and Germans attack US, it doesn’t have any conflict with UK/ANZAC or Soviet.

    Just trying to work around my US question.

    Thanks greatly again,

    Sala :-D

  • @sala33:

    I found this link topic, so decided to continue the US questions…!

    MUST the US wait till turn 3 to collect the extra 30 IPC’s…( unless axis don’t commit war on the US b4 turn 3 )…?

    Once an axis powers makes war with US, how can the US choose who to go to war with? Meaning does the US player announce openly to everyone who US is at war with…?

    Thanks…the wording in the rules makes it to me confusing. If you read German’s example, and Germans attack US, it doesn’t have any conflict with UK/ANZAC or Soviet.

    Just trying to work around my US question.

    Thanks greatly again,

    Sala :-D

    Yes, if no axis declares war on it and Japan doesn’t make a unprovoked attack on the British or Dutch or Australians, US must wait till US3. When a power declares war on the US, the US can declare war on all axis powers

  • calvinhobbesliker,

    Thanks for the very quick responce. So once an axis power goes to war with the US, the US is at war with ALL axis powers no matter what. It’s upto the US to attack that axis nation or nations to help out allied forces, or to protect themselves, basicaly continue playing the game being on the side of the other allies ( depending if by then, all allies are in the war…! )

    US3…understand your answer.

  • @sala33:


    Thanks for the very quick responce. So once an axis power goes to war with the US, the US is at war with ALL axis powers no matter what. It’s upto the US to attack that axis nation or nations to help out allied forces, or to protect themselves, basicaly continue playing the game being on the side of the other allies ( depending if by then, all allies are in the war…! )

    US3…understand your answer.

    Well, the US doesn’t have to go to war, but it usually does

  • Does Bulgaria border Turkey? Does Greece border the Black Sea?

  • Customizer


    In the new tech rules paratroopers are referred to as ‘Air units’. Long range aircraft states that "all of your air units ranges are increased by one space.’ Is this technology meant to also increase paratroopers range by one meaning that paratroopers may move 4 spaces or was the use of ‘air units’ referring to paratroopers simply unfortunate wording?

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:


    In the new tech rules paratroopers are referred to as ‘Air units’. Long range aircraft states that "all of your air units ranges are increased by one space.’ Is this technology meant to also increase paratroopers range by one meaning that paratroopers may move 4 spaces or was the use of ‘air units’ referring to paratroopers simply unfortunate wording?

    Oooh!  Great question, Bob!

  • @Krieghund:


    but it says at the end of turn 3.

    No, it says at the beginning of the Collect Income phase of turn 3.


    Has there been a ruling on New Brunswick Boardering Quebec yet?

    No, but my money’s on them being adjacent.

    Thanks Kreig.

  • Thanks once again~!~

  • Official Q&A


    Does Bulgaria border Turkey? Does Greece border the Black Sea?

    No and yes.



    In the new tech rules paratroopers are referred to as ‘Air units’. Long range aircraft states that "all of your air units ranges are increased by one space.’ Is this technology meant to also increase paratroopers range by one meaning that paratroopers may move 4 spaces or was the use of ‘air units’ referring to paratroopers simply unfortunate wording?

    They are not referred to as “air units”.  It says they are subject to AA fire “in the same way as air units”.  Their range is unaffected by Long Range Aircraft.


    When claiming a friendly neutral in noncombat with a ground unit, can the power land aircraft in that friendly neutral in that same noncombat phase?


  • Quote from: Tommietomaat on August 30, 2010, 12:28:13 pm
    but it says at the end of turn 3.

    No, it says at the beginning of the Collect Income phase of turn 3.

    Dowh, i have reread the rules and you are correct.
    thx Krieg !

  • @Krieghund:

    No, but my money’s on them being adjacent.

    I would agree, otherwise US east borders sz 106 (Quebec seazone)

  • Official Q&A

    No, it doesn’t.  Eastern United States meets sea zone 106 at a point (if they meet at all).  They do not share a common border, regardless of the relationship between Quebec and New Brunswick/Nova Scotia.

  • In regards to the Union Jack symbol (2 in the game). One is used on the production chart.

    I like that they included 2. If you are a throwback to old axis and prefer paper money for laying your pieces on as a visual aid, you can keep 1 UK symbol on one pile of cash and the extra union jack on the India cash pile.

    While cash can get confused more easily then someone miss adding on a paper tracking system; being able to break up the cash and place units on it, while waiting for your turn really helps me out.

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