• '11

    Can English planes land in French IndoChina without having taken it by land forces prior to their landing?

  • Long time gamer, first time poster. I have three questions that I would like to clarify please.

    1. Can a nation land air units on a territory that was captured on the previous turn by a friendly nation even if this was during the same round of turns e.g. USA captures Caroline Island during its turn meaning that the USA cannot land air units on the Caroline island during it’s turn. During the following ANZAC turn, can the ANZACs land a fighter on the Caroline Islands?
    (I believe this is fine as the rules states that the territory needs to be friendly at the start of the turn. However my mate believes that the turn refers to the entire round of nation turns).

    2.  I would like clarification on a particular situation that I have encountered. Germany moves a single sub into the unoccupied sea zone adjacent to Britain. During the UK turn, the German sub is not attacked. During the build placement phase, the UK player places a single destroyer in the same sea zone as the German sub. The UK turn is now ended. During the following French turn can the controlling French player attack the sub with the French fighter based in the UK given that the territory is occupied by a UK destroyer which can detect the sub? If the French player can indeed attack the German sub, does the UK destroyer then participate in the combat?

    3.  I need help understanding when one can apply damage to an attacker carrier legally and in the spirit of the game. It is clear that a carrier can participate in an attacking combat move albeit without any attack rolls. In the scenario where the attacker chooses to send a carrier plus two fighters to attack an enemy fleet, and where the attacking plane can only legally land his planes on the attacking carrier once the battle is complete (no other friendly territories available), can the attacking player decide to take the first hits on his carrier instead of the fighters knowing that the fighters will not be able to land following the combat due to the status of damaged or destroyed carrier?

  • 1. yes they can.

    2. pretty sure the UK destroyer won’t detect or particpate in France’s turn

    3. As far as i know you can do that. As long as all planes have a potential landing space before conducting combat (it assumes everything will win without losses, but you’re allowed to sacrifice your planes this way, yes)

  • @fighter:

    Can English planes land in French IndoChina without having taken it by land forces prior to their landing?

    yes, assuming it is stll french, is a friendly territory of a power already at war.  To add, the UK does not take control of french territories with a land unit similar to the dutch islands.  capturing and controlling french territories is the same as every other territory - in order for the uk to control fic they must first capture it from an axis power, and if so captured it will revert to french control if paris is at any time liberated.

  • @bblitz:

    1. Can a nation land air units on a territory that was captured on the previous turn by a friendly nation (…)



    2.  (…) can the controlling French player attack the sub (…)

    No. Nations from same side band to defend, but not to attack. The French fighter alone can’t detect German’s sub. On the other hand, if the German Sub attacks during next German turn, then french fighter can scramble (giving the airbase is active) and defend as the UK’s destroyer will detect. French and UK band to defend together.


    3.  can the attacking player decide to take the first hits on his carrier instead of the fighters knowing that the fighters will not be able to land following the combat due to the status of damaged or destroyed carrier?

    Yes. See it as 3 different steps. For each plane, you have to plan a legal landing during combat move, you are allowed to presume all combats will be flawless for the attacker. Then combats are resolved, not binded to any landing declaration, you can take hits (even sink) carriers. During non combat phase, any planes without legal landing will crash. This is usally done to hold on better dice for remaing rounds of battles.

  • A couple questions:

    #1) Can a mechanized infantry capture a territory and move back to a friendly territory

    #2) Scenario: Japan is attacked and Japan’s seazone has only subs, so combat is not required.  Japan scrambles a fighter to cause combat in the seazone.

    Question:  Are the subs now involved in the sea battle?

  • @Tyzoq:

    A couple questions:

    #1) Can a mechanized infantry capture a territory and move back to a friendly territory
    #2) Scenario: Japan is attacked and Japan’s seazone has only subs, so combat is not required.  Japan scrambles a fighter to cause combat in the seazone.
    Question:  Are the subs now involved in the sea battle?

    1. That’s the blitz hability. A MInf cannot do it alone, but MInf can be paired with an Armor performing this action (they must start and end together)

    2. It’s Japan’s choice. Before rolling dices, Japan player state if Subs submerge or not. If attacking player doesn’t have a destroyer, then hits from attacking planes cannot be assigned to subs, must be assigned against Japan’s figther (in your example).

  • '10


    Nation takes control of a friendly neutral on NonCom movement phase.  Can that same power land aircraft in that territory on that NonCom movement phase?

  • @DutchmanD:


    Nation takes control of a friendly neutral on NonCom movement phase.  Can that same power land aircraft in that territory on that NonCom movement phase?

    1.  Only a land unit can take control of a friendly neutral during the noncom movement phase.
    2.  Air units can NEVER remain in a territory that was not controlled by you or a friendly power at the beginning of your turn.  Pro Ally or Pro Axis neutrals are not friendly powers; they are neutral.

  • Can you place Minor IC’s on territories with no IPC value? I’d like a seperate answer for Alpha 2+ if different from Alpha 3, since my group still plays 2+ frequently.

  • @kdfsjljklgjfg:

    Can you place Minor IC’s on territories with no IPC value? I’d like a seperate answer for Alpha 2+ if different from Alpha 3, since my group still plays 2+ frequently.

    No, Minor IC’s require a territory with IPC value of 2 or more.

  • Sponsor

    This must have been answered before, sorry for the repeat questions, but can I load and unload transports during the combat movement phase, in a sea zone with only an enemy submarine in it?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    This must have been answered before, sorry for the repeat questions, but can I load and unload transports during the combat movement phase, in a sea zone with only an enemy submarine in it?

    Da Komrad.  The Red Oktober will not effect Deutshland’s move.

  • @Cmdr:


    This must have been answered before, sorry for the repeat questions, but can I load and unload transports during the combat movement phase, in a sea zone with only an enemy submarine in it?

    Da Komrad.  The Red Oktober will not effect Deutshland’s move.

    But only if you have surface warships as well.  If you only have transports, then the sub blocks all unloading in that seazone during the combat move (amphibious assaults).  You can instead choose to load and unload during the Non-combat phase, and the sub will have no effect.

  • Probly been answered times before…

    Do submerged submarines can disrupt convoys?

    Let’s say Japan has a Battleship, Cruiser and aircraft carrier in SZ5 and I just send a submarine there and submerge it, will it be able to disrupt convoy?

    And let’s say the answer is yes, if I, as Japan decide to build a destroyer in the zone to counter that, what happen? It gives the option to the American to engage battle or retreat one case away as soon as the destroyer is build or the convoy happen and it’s at the American’s turn to decide what he do.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Probly been answered times before…

    Do submerged submarines can disrupt convoys?

    Let’s say Japan has a Battleship, Cruiser and aircraft carrier in SZ5 and I just send a submarine there and submerge it, will it be able to disrupt convoy?

    And let’s say the answer is yes, if I, as Japan decide to build a destroyer in the zone to counter that, what happen? It gives the option to the American to engage battle or retreat one case away as soon as the destroyer is build or the convoy happen and it’s at the American’s turn to decide what he do.

    Yes, they still convoy raid.

  • @Cmdr:


    Do submerged submarines can disrupt convoys?

    Yes, they still convoy raid.

    Submerging is only a term for submarine’s special ability to withdraw from combat rather than roll, before other shots are fired.

    At the end of combat all submarines are no longer considered “submerged”.

    So yes, that sub will disrupt convoys, but it is NOT considered submerged.

  • Sponsor

    On their second turn, Germany sends in 2 strategic bombers to bomb London’s IC with one escort fighter, and 1 tactical bomber to bomb the air base with 2 escort fighters, Britain has 3 fighters to scramble. Germany’s plan is to bomb the air base first, so it becomes unoperational in order to allow the strategic bomb run on the IC, without facing scrambled interceptors. Is this possible if I split my bombing campaigns into 2 separate operations? Would the UK be required (if they choose) to intercept the Tac bomber and escort knowing that their air base could get bombed disallowing them to scramble during the second bomb run? In the combat sequence it says 1. SBR 2. Amphibious Assaults 3. General combat, is it up to the attacker on which SBR is conducted first if their are 2 in the same combat phase?

  • @Young:

    On their second turn, Germany sends in 2 strategic bombers to bomb London’s IC with one escort fighter, and 1 tactical bomber to bomb the air base with 2 escort fighters, Britain has 3 fighters to scramble. Germany’s plan is to bomb the air base first, so it becomes unoperational in order to allow the strategic bomb run on the IC, without facing scrambled interceptors. Is this possible if I split my bombing campaigns into 2 separate operations? Would the UK be required (if they choose) to intercept the Tac bomber and escort knowing that their air base could get bombed disallowing them to scramble during the second bomb run? In the combat sequence it says 1. SBR 2. Amphibious Assaults 3. General combat, is it up to the attacker on which SBR is conducted first if their are 2 in the same combat phase?

    1.  Intercepters aren’t “scrambled”.  The defender can send up interceptors in a territory with any facility to defend against an SBR, with or without an airbase.

    2.  Though strategic bombing runs are rolled before other combats, scrambled fighters are placed in the territories they will defend at the end of the combat move phase.  It is impossible to premptively stop a scramble with an SBR to pave the way for a scramble-less naval battle on the same turn.

  • Sponsor



    On their second turn, Germany sends in 2 strategic bombers to bomb London’s IC with one escort fighter, and 1 tactical bomber to bomb the air base with 2 escort fighters, Britain has 3 fighters to scramble. Germany’s plan is to bomb the air base first, so it becomes unoperational in order to allow the strategic bomb run on the IC, without facing scrambled interceptors. Is this possible if I split my bombing campaigns into 2 separate operations? Would the UK be required (if they choose) to intercept the Tac bomber and escort knowing that their air base could get bombed disallowing them to scramble during the second bomb run? In the combat sequence it says 1. SBR 2. Amphibious Assaults 3. General combat, is it up to the attacker on which SBR is conducted first if their are 2 in the same combat phase?

    1.  Intercepters aren’t “scrambled”.  The defender can send up interceptors in a territory with any facility to defend against an SBR, with or without an airbase.

    2.  Though strategic bombing runs are rolled before other combats, scrambled fighters are placed in the territories they will defend at the end of the combat move phase.  It is impossible to premptively stop a scramble with an SBR to pave the way for a scramble-less naval battle on the same turn.

    Thanks, you answered my next question with that as well.

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