I have a question regarding landing fighters on a newly built carrier. I read through this thread and did not see it previously answered.
This was the situation in our game the other night. German had built some transports in sea zone 113 and did not protect them with any surface ships. The only way that UK could possibly destroy them was to build a carrier and fly a fighter from London to sea zone 113, and then land the fighter on the newly built carrier outside of London in sea zone 110. Is this a valid move? I thought it was, but the line in the rules that we found would seem to indicate otherwise, and the group voted me down.
“Any air units that are not in an eligible landing space by the end of the Noncombat Move phase are destroyed (note that this can include a sea zone in which a new carrier will be placed during the Mobilize New Units phase” -pg 28 AAE.
This phasing is confusing to me. I know that right above this line it says that ‘Landing doesn’t actually occur until the Mobilize New Units phase’, but then it follows that by saying that air units are destroyed if they are not in an eligible landing space at the end of noncombat move. I would appreciate a clarification.
Great game and rulebook otherwise so far. We loved it.