• or AA Guns cannot be strategically bombed? Sorry,i’m kinda confused with this

  • @dcandf5:

    Some final questions :

    1. About convoy disruptions. How are convoy disruptions carried out in a seazone that is adjacent to TWO territories. e.g. sz101 adjacent to central and eastern us. If my enemy has like 5 subs and 3 destroyers,i would only lose 12 ipcs right?since the maximum loss is only 12 and not 20…
    us loses 25 ipcs , having to lose 12 for central US and 13 for eastern us, indicating that IPCs are lost for each territory.
    us simply loses 13 ipcs, maximum ipcs lost being 20

    None of the above!  US loses 13, but the maximum would be 32.

    2.And what if my ally and I control two territories adjacent to a seazone that conducts convoy disruptions. How are the IPCS subtracted? e.g. france controls southern france and uk controls spain while their are 3 italian destroyers in sz 93.

    France loses IPC’s on France’s turn, and then the UK loses IPC’s on UK turn.  But this is only if those danged Italian destroyers are parked there at the end of France’s turn, and then the end of the UK’s turn.  Basically, the rule is you just check for convoy raiding when you’re collecting money with each power.  Enemy warships in your convoy zones?  Then subtract money collected accordingly.  So yes, a single sub could potentially disrupt income from more than one power (probably up to 3 or 4 are possible in some locations, I’d have to look.  But that’s just trivia) in a single round of play.  Convoy raiding is looking better all the time, no?

    3. Finally,isn’t the Turkish straits somewhat functioning like a canal since Greece and Turkey are connected?

    That’s right.  You have to own Turkey to go through.  Both sides of the Dardanelles are Turkey, so you don’t have to control Greece.

  • @dcandf5:

    or AA Guns cannot be strategically bombed? Sorry,i’m kinda confused with this

    This.  The only Strat bomb targets are industrial complexes and naval and air bases.  Note that in Alpha2 (I don’t think you could in OOB) Tac bombers can strat bomb bases, but not complexes.  (That is, in OOB Tac bombers can’t strat bomb anything at all)

    AA guns are now purely for air defense in conventional battles where there are attacking aircraft.  They are never involved in SBR’s.  In Alpha2 they only cost 5 instead of 6 because they are removed from play when captured (this was my suggestion to Larry, and he actually listened!  :-D  Although if I didn’t suggest it someone else was probably going to).  No more getting shot down by your own former AA gun!

  • hello people i am new here so excuse me if i ask an obvious question :-D
    since a submarine and air units cannot attack each other without destroyer what happen if say i had a submarine vs a fiter and a cruiser. i was the attacker and i scored a hit with my submarine. my opponent wanted to save his planes as he was preparing for a big attack on my capital. he chose his cruiser as a casualty. then,  the fighterr missed on his turn. what happens when a surviving submarine and fighter is in pplay. since they cannot fire at each other.

    how does an aircraft carrier move with respect to the planes on it moving as well? since aircraft carriers have 2 move space. do they add 2 move spaces to the planes on them? i am lost here. :(

    with that said:
    another question.i do not understand what is the significance of the aircraft carrier. my friend says that they’re advantages are for defending and if there are two fighters loaded onto it,the defense values of the carrier and planes are 4-4-2,being quite good.he also said that they allow planes to land.is that it? i dont find them very useful compared to like 2 destroyers.

    thanks !

  • thanks for your quick reply gamerman :)!

  • sorry guys another thought just hit me.
    I understand that destroyers cancel the surprise strike and submerse abilities of a submarine,but does the dd have to be present in combat?
    e.g. i have 1 destroyer and 1 battleship going up against 1 sub. if the sub gets lucky,rolls a one and if i chose to take my destroyer as a casualty,does the submarine sort of recover its surprise strike and submerse ability since the destroyer has been destroyed?meaning that it now attacks my battleship first and if it hits,it cant fire back.

  • @dcandf5:

    sorry guys another thought just hit me.
    I understand that destroyers cancel the surprise strike and submerse abilities of a submarine,but does the dd have to be present in combat?
    e.g. i have 1 destroyer and 1 battleship going up against 1 sub. if the sub gets lucky,rolls a one and if i chose to take my destroyer as a casualty,does the submarine sort of recover its surprise strike and submerse ability since the destroyer has been destroyed?meaning that it now attacks my battleship first and if it hits,it cant fire back.

    Yes, as soon as you lose your last destroyer, in the next round of combat the sub gets all of its special abilities back.  Submersible, and surprise strike…  As soon as you lose that destroyer, the sub can submerge the next round before you can fire again with the battleship.  If you really want to get the sub, you maybe should damage your battleship so it can’t get away.

  • @amagicgiraffe:

    hello people i am new here so excuse me if i ask an obvious question :-D
    since a submarine and air units cannot attack each other without destroyer what happen if say i had a submarine vs a fiter and a cruiser. i was the attacker and i scored a hit with my submarine. my opponent wanted to save his planes as he was preparing for a big attack on my capital. he chose his cruiser as a casualty. then,  the fighterr missed on his turn. what happens when a surviving submarine and fighter is in pplay. since they cannot fire at each other.

    Newbie questions welcome.
    You’re right, subs can only hit other naval vessels and never aircraft.  Once you are down to only subs vs. aircraft, the battle is over.

    how does an aircraft carrier move with respect to the planes on it moving as well? since aircraft carriers have 2 move space. do they add 2 move spaces to the planes on them? i am lost here. :(

    The best way to think about this rule is that planes must take off from carriers at the beginning of the move.  Carriers never extend the movement beyond 4 of the planes. (Never is a strong word.  Here is the exception: If you have an ally’s planes on your carrier, your carrier could move up to 2 spaces during your turn, carrying the ally’s fighters.  Then on your ally’s turn, he can fly the 4 spaces with his fighters.  In one game turn, the fighters could have traveled 6 spaces.  But the saying holds true that a fighter can never ever move more than 4 spaces during ITS turn (on that power’s turn).  And of course, this is not considering the long range aircraft tech.  IIRC it’s 5 spaces with LRA, so then those fighters can’t fly more than 5 during it’s respective power’s turn, etc.)

    with that said:
    another question.i do not understand what is the significance of the aircraft carrier. my friend says that they’re advantages are for defending and if there are two fighters loaded onto it,the defense values of the carrier and planes are 4-4-2,being quite good.he also said that they allow planes to land.is that it? i dont find them very useful compared to like 2 destroyers.

    Oh my goodness.  :-)  Your friend is on to something.  Carriers are AWESOME.  There are so many advantageous characteristics of aircraft carriers, I know I’ll forget some.  Here are a few:

    1. Allow your fighters to defend your fleet.  If you already have fighters, adding a carrier adds that 4-4-2 all for the price of 16.  That is far and away better than any other naval purchase (if you already have the fighters and they’re not needed to defend land)  Fighters costing 10 and defending at 4 are vastly superior to destroyers costing 8 and defending on a 2, in terms of fleet defense.  To get fighters defending at sea, you must have carriers.
    2. Add a tremendous amount of attacking options for your fighters.  Your fighters have to have a safe place to land.  You can’t land on territories that you didn’t own at the beginning of your turn.  Carriers are floating islands for your fighters.  1 Carrier could service 4 fighters, effectively.  Imagine 2 on the carrier take off and attack and then land elsewhere.  2 fighters from elsewhere attack and land on the carrier.  For maximum defense, you want 2 fighters per carrier.  For maximum attack, you want 4.  Having 3 per carrier is a nice in-between strategy.
    3. You can play catch.  Multiple carriers can create synergies.  Apparently you’ve never played anyone who knows how to use this, because if you did you wouldn’t be saying you don’t find carriers useful.
    4. In Global 1940 carriers are capital ships that can absorb a hit without sinking.  So you’re getting 2 hits for 16 bucks (same as destroyers) but yet you have all the capabilities of carriers to carry fighters.  If your carrier(s) survive the battle, they repair for free at a naval base, so right there they have a huge leg up on destroyers.
    5. In Alpha2 version, Tac bombers can strat bomb bases.  Carriers can get those tacs in position to bomb more bases, or pick them up when they’re done.

    Not an exhaustive list, because I am exhausted.  In short, carriers are one of the most useful units in the game, and every good A&A player knows how to exploit their abilities to the max.  Carriers = options.  Options = advantage.
    Cheers  :-)

  • arggh i see now :-D. carriers have many uses.thank you!
    but i still need some clarification for the first question though,the seazone has a fighter and a submarine after the combat.lets say the situation was reversed, the guy with the fighter was the attacker and the guy with the sub was the defender. Does the player with the fighter retreat his fighter to any friendly adjacent place(friendly land and seazones) like how it does when a carrier carrying it is gone?

  • Official Q&A

    The one space movement for a fighter after its carrier is sunk only applies to defending fighters.  When attacking, fighters use their remaining movement after the battle in noncombat movement to land.

  • About my very first question about the battle between the fighter & sub… If they both remain in the seazone…does the fighter get 4 moving space from that seazone at HIS turn?i thought fighters MUST have a space to land AT THE end of anyones turn and cant be left floating in the middle of a seazone. thanks guys

  • Official Q&A

    The only way that a fighter could be defending in a sea zone without a carrier is if it was scrambled into the sea zone.  After the battle, it would return to the territory it was scrambled from.  If that territory was captured by the enemy, the fighter would have one space to find another place to land.

  • And also in your original example you had a CA FTR vs SUB.  The ftr would not get to roll because there is no dd present in the battle, so it cannot hit the sub.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    And also in your original example you had a CA FTR vs SUB.  The ftr would not get to roll because there is no dd present in the battle, so it cannot hit the sub.

    He probably also meant an Aircraft Carrier not a Cruiser.  Cruisers = CA (don’t ask me why, there’s no A in Cruiser far as I can see…) and AC is Aircraft Carrier…

  • CV is carrier, not AC.  AC is air conditioning…or alternating current.

    Still, if using a CV and a ftr vs a sub, the ftr still won’t get to fight against the sub because there’s no dd present.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Screw dat.  They wanna call it a carrier vehicle, fine, but I’m calling it an Aircraft Carrier or A.C.  Not really sure what it’s an SS for Submarine either, shouldn’t it just be S?  Same for Destroyer?  BB makes sense, Battle Boat…close enough to Battleship afai-concerned.

  • @Cmdr:

    Screw dat.  They wanna call it a carrier vehicle, fine, but I’m calling it an Aircraft Carrier or A.C.  Not really sure what it’s an SS for Submarine either, shouldn’t it just be S?  Same for Destroyer?  BB makes sense, Battle Boat…close enough to Battleship afai-concerned.

    It’s US naval ship class designation, and AC stands for auxilliary-collier. Any ship starting with “A” indicates auxilliary, I believe.

    There’s no reason to call a carrier CA since it’s an unclear abbreviation, and if you call it AC most people will probably still understand what you mean , but since there is an official abbreviation that most people with knowledge of ww2 history will use, well, arguably it makes sense to keep them in mind or clearly spell out the ship rather than making abbreviations that have no historic significance (when there are already abbreviations with precedence).

    Combat Vessels:
    BB Battleship
    BBc Coastal Battleship
    BC Battle Cruiser
    CA Heavy Cruiser
    CL Light Cruiser
    CL(AA) Light Cruiser (Antiaircraft)
    CM Minelayer
    CMc Coastal Minelayer
    CV Aircraft Carrier (Fleet)
    CVE Aircraft Carrier (Escort)
    CVL Aircraft Carrier (Light)
    CVS Aircraft Carrier (Seaplane)
    CX Armed Mechant Cruiser
    DD Destroyer
    DE Destroyer Escort
    DM Light Minelayer
    DMS Fast Minesweeper (Destroyer)
    SM Submarine (Mine Laying)
    SS Submarine

    And Auxiliaries:
    AB Crane Ship
    AC Collier
    ACM Auxiliary Minelayer
    ACV Auxiliary Aircraft Carrier (CVE)
    AD Destroyer Tender
    ADG Degaussing Ship
    AE Ammunition Ship
    AEL Small Ammunition Ship
    AF Stores Ship
    AFD Mobile Floating Crane
    AFDB Large Auxiliary Floating Drydock (Non-Self-Propelled)
    AFDL© Small Auxiliary Floating Drydock (Concrete)
    AFDM Medium Auxiliary Floating Drydock (Non-Self-Propelled)
    AFS Combat Stores Ship
    AG Miscellaneous Auxiliary
    AGB Icebreaker
    AGC Amphibious Force Command Ship
    AGCL Small Communications Ship
    AGD Seagoing Dredge
    AGDE Escort Research Ship
    AGDS Deep Submergence Support Ship
    AGF Miscellaneous Command Ship
    AGL Lighthouse Tender
    AGP Patrol Craft Boat Tender
    AGOR Oceanographic Research Ship
    AGS Surveying Ship
    AGT Target Service Ship
    AH Hospital Ship
    AK Cargo Ship
    AKA Attack Cargo Ship
    AKD Deephold Cargo Ship
    AKE Ammunition Transport
    AKF Refrigerated Cargo Ship
    AKL Light Cargo Ship
    AKN Net Cargo Ship
    AKS General Stores Ship
    AKV Cargo Ship & Aircraft Ferry
    AL Lighthouse Ship
    ALS Auxiliary Lighter Ship
    AM Minesweeper
    AMc Coastal Minesweeper
    AMA Auxiliary Minesweeper
    AMS High Speed Minesweeper
    AN Net-Laying Ship
    AO Tanker (Oiler)
    AOG Tanker (Gasoline)
    AP Transport
    APA Attack Transport
    APB Self-Propelled Barracks Ship
    APc Coastal Transport
    APD Destroyer Transport (High Speed)
    APH Evacuation Transport
    APL Barracks Ship (Non-Self-Propelled)
    APM Mechanized Artillery Transport
    APS Transport Submarine
    APV Transport & Aircraft Ferry
    AR Repair Ship
    ARB Battle-Damage Repair Ship
    ARD Auxiliary Repair Drydock (Floating Repair Drydock)
    ARG Repair Ship, Internal Combustion Engine
    ARH Repair Ship, Heavy Hull
    ARL Repair Ship, Landing Craft
    ARS Salvage Ship
    ARS(T) Salvage Vessel Tender
    ARV Aircraft Repair Ship
    ARV(A) Aircraft Repair Ship (Aircraft)
    ARV(E) Aircraft Repair Ship (Engines)
    AS Submarine Tender
    ASR Submarine Rescue Vessel
    AT Tug
    ATA Auxiliary Tug
    ATF Ocean-Going Tug, Fleet
    ATO Ocean-Going Tug, old
    ATR Rescue Tug
    ATS Salvage & Rescue Ship
    AV Seaplane Tender
    AVB Advanced Aviation Base Ship
    AVC Catapult Tender
    AVD Seaplane Tender (Destroyer)
    AVG Escort Vessel (Aircraft) = CVE
    AVP Small Seaplane Tender
    AVS Aviation Supply Ship
    AVT Auxiliary Aircraft Transport Ship
    AW Distilling Ship
    AWK Water Tanker
    AZ Lighter-Than-Air Aircraft Tender
    IX Unclassified, miscellaneous

  • Larry needs to implement all of those in the next A&A version.  :lol:
    Then maybe we could have some units that cost 1 or 2 IPC’s…

  • @gamerman01:

    Larry needs to implement all of those in the next A&A version.  :lol:
    Then maybe we could have some units that cost 1 or 2 IPC’s…

    Yes, I would like to see a “Lighter than Air Aircraft Tender”.  I imagine they would be absolutely critical to the sacking of East USA by Germany.



    I forgot, this isn’t Crimson Skies.  or WW1.

  • Thanks for the list kcdzim.  I didn’t know there were that many different types of ships!  I figure its best to use the official designations so that people know what I am talking about…and I don’t sound like an unedumacated fool.

    Still, to each their own…

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