@panther Thank you very much panther…
Thanks IL
This is like 32x6X or maybe close to 70 and laminated. Best part it was free. Ordered 2 more copies of Spring 1942 to get more pieces and have no chips. Thanks a BUNCH!
Looks good. Where did you get those setup sheets?
Looks good. Where did you get those setup sheets?
Man I don’t even recall. Some link from a thread on this site got me to some useful material (tech sheets, setup sheets). They did needed to be tweaked as they had incorrect values. I can try to find them again if you are interested.
naw its ok. Thanks for the picture!
Looks good. Where did you get those setup sheets?
IL, not sure if you have seen these http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/55797/national-production-charts but they look good and fit on the back of the OOB set up cards. I printed them and use them with my game.
The classic look looks nice too. http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/52059/oldschool-charts
Nice links. I can’t decide which I want to do now? Old school or glue to back of 42 cards. Damn you for making me think!
Nice links. I can’t decide which I want to do now? Old school or glue to back of 42 cards. Damn you for making me think!
I did the small ones and used double sided tape to tape them to the back of the OOB cards.
But we needs ones that could work for G40 or AAE40
But we needs ones that could work for G40 or AAE40
Speaking about G40 are you going to make a MAP image of that? I know its pretty big as is but man I want a bigger print already and I haven’t played the game yet. Just seeing how pacific gets a bit tight with Japan. The extra space will be nice.
Of course it will be larger. Otherwise their is no point to redoing it.