French planes should land in England and as many French units as possible need to head to Africa. However, Germany at first opportunity will take them out. So if they survive ( which i think they wont) thats what whey must do.
That give the allies a double punch advantage against Italy, which seems to have a free hand in North Africa. It can also get bases for allied air units that can try to sink Italian fleet.
So basically France can be the new allied “can opener” until their forces run out.
I don’t know the french surrender rules, because they may have a rule where any French in Vichy areas go to neutral status once france falls. In that case they might take out spain and set up a new landing base for the allies.
I have this feeling that Spain will again return as the old handy allied strategy ( in MB AA) of a base from which to attack France and protect Gibraltar.
IN fact that is my first inclination after seeing the pathetic Spanish army which is too small. Spain had a full armed forces.
I think this will be a glitch and require a rule to beef up Spanish forces because its too strong for the allies not to go for it. Using Spain reintroduces the old glitch of forcing the Germans to commit their forces with two parts and weakening the Russian attacks.
It may even become a standard play to just take out France knowing this gambit, Or conversely, it may become a new standard move to attack Russia on Turn G1, because they are weak. and Let Italy take out France and cover Spain.
Other problems with these ideas might have some influence with the disposition of Finland and Bulgaria ( which are pro axis). If Germany attacks Russia first, are these nations pinned into neutrality or do they automatically turn axis on a specific turn? It should work like this, but who knows.
All i can say is Spain will be very important. Turkey might become important but that depends if they allow a land Bridge for the Turkish Straights ( like in MB AA). If they do It will be a standard Italian move to take it so Italy can get to Africa quicker.