Alright dudes, I made my first G1, but not for this game. I will probably duplicate the purchase and combat moves, so it won’t take long to give you the G1 for this game.
However, it’s now 4:00 AM here, and I need to sleep. Let me know if our thread is started, and I’ll post G1 about 8 hours from now, or so.
It was REALLY fun to play G1 for the first time, and I look forward to seeing how the dice treat me the second time. I mowed down France only taking in one tac bomber (rest reserved for UK fleet targets - all of which were sunk) and only lost a few infantry (I got favorable dice). G1 cash on hand - 68 big ones for round 2.
Well, in about 8 hours, you’ll see what I mean (assuming decent dice). :-)