Well….nice video…I would have to say that was indeed very painful to see the USA played so poorly. As soon as I saw x-ports sitting fully loaded offshore of GB w/o protection I knew they were doomed w/ poor leadership. Interesting that ANZAC was able to roam so freely. Also…how was China able to wipe out Japans air force? :-o Thanks for sharing this. It’s fun to see how others play. I’ve gone up against some folks that won’t make a move w/o their calculators and electronic apps and ridiculously large forces. Then are completely surprised when they lose. I’ve never played with those type of gadgets. I’ve been playing since A&A was introduced and always come up w/ a game plan, buy accordingly and go for it. I tend to try spontaneous battles as opportunity presents itself. (Such as fully loaded x-ports w/o protection :wink: ) I win some & lose some…but always learn and have some serious fun. Thanks again!
First game as Axis
We started a new Global game today and have finished the first 3 rounds. It’s my first go as Axis and am pretty happy so far with how things are turning out.
As it stands, Germany started for a Sea Lion which wasn’t going to work so focus was switched to Russia who is not looking great. They are defended into to zones right now, and Germany is coming strong. War was declared on G2 after Sea Lion was for sure not gonna happen.
Japan attacked a UK territory (I forgot this would activate US) on J2, however India is near falling, 2 more rounds max. Only 5 Inf, 2 Tank, and a Fighter left for UK Pacific. Coming ashore in India with a fleet, and some troops should take it next J turn.
Italy is where I didn’t know what to really do. Right now they are holding Normandy with Germany for the UK/US push back which is building. They are into Africa and slowly taking all of it, and coming up from southern Russia slowly taking USSR territories.
Allies are pretty even I would assess right now. US is coming hard for Japan with a moderate defending fleet waiting. Need to get India out of the way before I am forced to spend IPC’s on defense there. UK Europe is stuck on their Island. USSR is down to Inf and some tanks only. China is gone and ANZAC hasn’t left their island yet.
Hopefully finish in 3 or 4 more rounds tomorrow.
How did you manage to knock out China and virtually crush India in only 3 turns? Was the allied player making some bad moves? Because usually you have to focus on one or the other to accomplish such a feat.
Got pretty lucky on dice for China. They are down to 5 Inf co-defending with 3 UK Inf and 2 UK Tanks on the last hold before an easy march to India. Plan is to hit India on an amphip assault next turn. Should be possible if the dice go my way.