How many mistakes on Europe 40??? Let's wager ;)

  • @WILD:

    I’m not sure how to respond to this tread. You know there will be mistakes, but I think your putting the cart before the horse here. I’m going to take the high road and just say there will be fewer problems with the Euro side, and playing both games together will be well worth any aggravation caused by Pac. :-D

    Let’s hope your right- history says otherwise.

  • Dont bite the hand that feed us, for christ sake, I want this games to come out in a steady row and dont mind minor mistakes.

  • A bit of critizim is good, even healty. WOTC has an aparent habbit, according to some, of screwing things up. I see no real reason why they should not be allowed to voice their concerns in an open forum. Espically if they choose to do so in a fairly light hearted manner, as I have observed, here.
    I dont believe it was any knock aginst the A&A series of games, or of Larry, but an outlet for the frustration with WOTC and gumming up the simplest of things with their favorite game.
    How is this foolish, or how is this “biting” the hand the feeds us? Dose anyone honestly think that someone from WOTC is going to come to this forum, read this thread and say “How dare they say such things! I’ll show them!! Were never making and Axis&Allies game again!! Teach you to point out our poor proof reading skills!!”
    Also, how could this be bad press? Who outside of us actually read whats in the various forums here? Do you think someone is going to check out these forums before they decide wether or not to pick this game up? No, of course not.
    I think instead of worrying what the ramifications of this thread might be, and thinking that WOTC really give a damn what anybody posts here, we should just appericate this as the op-ed style thread that it is.

  • @Clyde85:

    How is this foolish, or how is this “biting” the hand the feeds us? Dose anyone honestly think that someone from WOTC is going to come to this forum, read this thread and say “How dare they say such things! I’ll show them!! Were never making and Axis&Allies game again!! Teach you to point out our poor proof reading skills!!”

    That’s the whole point about being in bad taste. You know the people responsible aren’t going to see this. Its rather hurtful to the guys that pour their heart and soul into the AA games, and frequent this site (like Krieghund). Its human nature to take offense to ill humored criticism geared towards a product that you are so close to, although its not directed towards them, and they had nothing to do w/production or cost cutting. If you really want to voice your opinion write a letter or E-mail WOTC direct. You could even get a petition going to improve quality and get electronic signatures from this site and others. Voice your opinion in what you feel is poor quality or corner cutting in past games. Such a list would have to be done tastefully and not just a rant, or it will fall on deaf ears. Of coarse that’s JMO.


    Dont bite the hand that feed us, for christ sake, I want this games to come out in a steady row and dont mind minor mistakes.

    I agree Raz, nothing is perfect and Europe/Global should have fewer problems.

  • Well before we start exploring what might and what might not get thru to customer service at WOTC…
    Well, I didn’t start this thread but seriously I doubt the target audience is WOTC… and I’m very sure it’s not Krieghund who is as close to a paragon of virtue and benevolence that this forum sees.

    And since when is a little jab a bad thing when expressed with dark humour to people who are not strangers to the subject of said rant. Sheesh, must everything be singing Kumbaya and holding hands?


  • I still dont see how poking alittle fun at WOTC for gumming up things is in bad taste. Perhaps we all need to take ourselves, and our beloved hobby, a little less seriously and get some thicker skins. No one was being singled out or attacked, no one is being mocked (except WOTC, but ive seen them refered to ask monkies before, by IL himself no less, and no one thought that was in bad taste) so why all the fuss?

    I have never actually paid close enough attention I guess because i’ve never noticed half of the screw ups others have posted here, but if a few people want to make light of these things, then why not?

  • My chimp comments are reserved for remarks after product is released. I don’t really get into flogging them unless it is an actual issue that they neglected to deal with.

    “WOTC chimps” is in the lexicon of standard commentary only used when they screw up.

    Give them at least that much time and inspect your game when you get it.

    Then comment.

  • @Clyde85:

    WOTC, but ive seen them refered to ask monkies before, by IL himself no less, and no one thought that was in bad taste

    Only because nobody asked any actual chimpanzees.


  • Just checked urban dictionary, and wotc chimps isn’t defined……yet.

  • Google it

  • I thought it was funny that one of the first things it brought up was a review for AA50.

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