• @Imperious:

    I think the Zombies should start in Canada since they called Canadians “Zombies” in WW2.

    Well obviously not in Ottawa.

    Not enough BRAINS!!!  :evil:

    Problem is how do you capture that feel of the relentless advance of zombies closing in when standard infantry already move at 1??  hmmm


  • Axis & Allies & Zombies (WARNING: This has NEVER been play-tested!  Proceed at your own risk!  The Z to Civ ratio may need adjusting.)


    • Zombie figures (a Z, or Zs)
    • Civilian Family figures (a Civ, or Civs)
    • extra chip counters, or some way to track a lot of Zs and Civs on the board.


    • Each Territory gets Civs = to it’s IPC value.  All grey Neutral Zones get 2 Civs, Except Sahara Desert and Himilaya get 0.
    • Set up board as normal for each nation.
    • The Outbreak:  Randomly choose a territory, roll 1d6, and that many Civs in that territory are removed and become Zombies at a ratio of 4 Zs for 1 Civ. (1 Family = Mother, Father, and 2 kids)  If the roll is greater than the IPC, the territory owner takes casualties, like during combat, and remove units in that territory and replace with Zombies until the roll is reached or there are not more units left.  Note: to make things interesting, try randomly choosing a Victory City.

    Combat Movement:

    • Zombie Automated Attack: Zs must do a combat move into an adjacent territory if it has any Civs and there are no Civs in it’s current territory.  If more than one qualify, evenly distribute Zs between them and randomly distribute the remainder into those territories.  If there are Civs in the current territory, each Z in that territory rolls 1d6 and on a 1 removes a Civ and adds 4 Zs to that Territory.
    • For each Z that enters a territory that contains one or more Civs, roll a special opening fire shot and for each hit (2 or 1), remove a Civ and add 4 more Zs.  These new Zs do not get to do this, but do participate on the Battle Board.
    • Zs have a movement of 1 and can move into into Grey zones and into an adjacent Sea Zone if it has a navy. (Stop laughing.  To make things more interesting, I am assuming that all navy ships in a sea zone adjacent to a land territory are docked and trying to help the Civs.  If you want your Navies safe, you must have them in a Sea Zone that is not adjacent to a land territory.)  Zs can only attack a SZ when moving from land, so Zs already in a water zone at the beginning of a turn are submerged and cannot attack or be attacked.
    • Zs can move from a Sea Zone to a land territory for an attack.
    • Everyone can attack into Grey zones.
    • Players attacking a zone with one or more Players and/or Zs present must declare who they are attacking.  It can be just one, or some, or all in that territory or zone.


    • Civilians are 0/0 and may not participate in combat.
    • Zombies are 2/1, casualties caused by zombies are removed from the battle board and that many Zombies are added on to the battle board immediately at a ratio of 1 Z for every 1 Infantry and Artillery, 2 Zs for all others.
    • All Military units are 1/1 vs. Zombies (You need a critical head shot.)

    Non-Combat Move:

    • Civs have a movement of 0.  However, you may move a Civ in your control by using one of the following units that has not participated in combat this turn:  Infantry, Artillery, & Tank. (it escorts the Civs)  Bombers can transport 1 Civ if it has not participated in combat.  The unit moves the Civ according to that unit’s movement rules.  Transports treat Civs like Infantry. (2 or 1 and something else)  Carriers can move Civs like transports and can carry 2 Civs instead of 1 Fighter.  (4 Civs or 2 Civs and 1 Fighter)
    • Zombie Automated Move: Zs That have not attacked this turn move in the following manner:
      • Zs will stay where they are if there are fewer Zs than the IPC value of the current territory plus 1.
      • If there are more than the IPC value plus 1, the extra will move to an adjacent land territory that has the fewest Zs.  If more than one qualify, evenly distribute them between the territories and randomly distribute the remainder.  If no land territory has less and an adjacent Sea Zone is empty, then move the extra into the Sea Zone.
      • If Zs are in a Sea Zone, randomly move them 1 in any direction, SZ to SZ or SZ to land territory.
      • Zs beginning their turn in a SZ are submerged and cannot attack or be attacked.
      • Zs may not use the Panama Canal or the Suez Canal.  They must cross over the land.
      • Zs that move into a SZ that completely surrounds an island are considered to be on the island.


    • Each Nation may collect IPCs from their territories based on how many Civs are in that territory.  Zs do not collect IPCs.  All IPCs given to them are lost.

    Additional Rules:

    • The turn order is:  Russia, Germany, Great Brittan, Japan, US, Zombies.
    • A country that has no Civs or Units under it’s control is eliminated.
    • Only one nation can own a territory.
    • Zs cannot own territory.
    • The owner of a territory controls all the Civs in that territory.
    • The first player that is eliminated becomes the Zombie Player (ex: Zombie Churchill) and may ignore the Automated Attack and Move rules and may move and attack as they see fit.
    • Zs do not collect IPCs and cannot research Tech and cannot build units.
    • Zs cannot cooperate with other players.
    • Axis and Allied nations may cooperate with each other if they choose to up an to the point that they choose not to.
    • Zs win the game if all other players are eliminated.
    • Players win if they have met the normal win conditions AND all Zs are eliminated.
    • Factories can only produce as many units up to and including the number of Civs in the same territory.[UPDATED: 7/14/2010]
    • Factories can be removed from the board, “demolished & salvaged”, for 1 IPC. (This is to allow players to get around the no more Factory models rule) [UPDATED: 7/14/2010]

  • @allboxcars:


    I think the Zombies should start in Canada since they called Canadians “Zombies” in WW2.

    Well obviously not in Ottawa.

    Not enough BRAINS!!!  :evil:

    Problem is how do you capture that feel of the relentless advance of zombies closing in when standard infantry already move at 1??   hmmm


    Just keep em out of BC!

  • Just keep em out of BC!
    Don’t worry about the zombies we have the newfies!

  • Please, let me know if you try the Mod I suggested above.  I am very interested in hearing how it worked, what was good about it, and what was bad about it.  8-)

  • Personally I think the civilian tracking is unneeded.
    If zombies win and control the territory they get 2 zombies per IPC rating of the territory to reflect the civilian population being infected/taken.  Yes that does mean that some of the bigger territories will hurt, Japan for example would generate 16 zombies if it fell.  Though makes sense as generally higher IPC rating indicates a higher number of population.  Make use of the originating IPC value of a country in the case of US or others that get income boosts.

    Then reduce the combats losses to just 1 for 1.  Tank, mech, etc, all end up being 1 zombie.

    There are three types of models available from the Zombies!!! game.  I suggest the following rules/stats for them

    Regular Zombies:  Attack 2, Defense 1, Move 1 (Can engage air units with ‘Zombie Pathogen’)
    Zombie Babes:  Attack 1, Defense 2, Move 1 (Can move across water at Movement 2 and engage navel units)
    Zombie Dogs:  Attack 1, Defense 1, Move 2 (Can blitzkreig like tanks)

    All are equal in cost, IE you get to place 4 zombies, it can be any combination of the above.

    Also remove the zombies random movement and make it more interesting.  Have each player roll a d6 on the zombie phase, the highest rolling player gets to play the zombies.  Attacks if possible must be made, IE can’t just keep the zombies standing at your border and not attack just because its you, but if you have more than one option you pick.  Non-combat doesn’t follow this as zombies like to shuffle around mindlessly when not attacking.

  • http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/62871/zombie-dice

    This game uses dice that might make it fun to determine combat and movement results for the zombies.

    each zombie rolls one die

    Roll ‘brains’ and the army attacked loses one unit

    Roll ‘shotgun’ and one zombie dies

    Roll ‘feet’ and you can retreat or move a zombie. Only units that roll the ‘feet’ can move

    Buy what they call “bag-o-zombies” ( about 10 bucks)

    You need to make “boss zombies”

    These would have a token under the unit. The benefit of these is they can roll green dice

    Zombie production: each IPC = 1 zombie produced, Boss zombie can be replaced if lost only if you got a 3 IPC or greater territory under control.

    Zombies start in: Canada, Argentina, Sahara, Himalayas

    starting deployment: 6 in each territory, plus 1 boss zombie in each

    Zombies start the game before all players and production/builds are placed based on the current turns captures.

    Example: Zombies take eastern USA and Italy, so at the end of their turn they collect number of new zombie baby’s equal to IPC…. all before Germans turn.

  • @Imperious:


    This game uses dice that might make it fun to determine combat and movement results for the zombies.

    each zombie rolls one die

    Roll ‘brains’ and the army attacked loses one unit

    Roll ‘shotgun’ and one zombie dies

    Roll ‘feet’ and you can retreat or move a zombie. Only units that roll the ‘feet’ can move

    Buy what they call “bag-o-zombies” ( about 10 bucks)

    You need to make “boss zombies”

    These would have a token under the unit. The benefit of these is they can roll green dice

    Zombie production: each IPC = 1 zombie produced, Boss zombie can be replaced if lost only if you got a 3 IPC or greater territory under control.

    Zombies start in: Canada, Argentina, Sahara, Himalayas

    starting deployment: 6 in each territory, plus 1 boss zombie in each

    Zombies start the game before all players and production/builds are placed based on the current turns captures.

    Example: Zombies take eastern USA and Italy, so at the end of their turn they collect number of new zombie baby’s equal to IPC…. all before Germans turn.

    The zombies look like LEGO! awesome.

  • @crusaderiv:

    Just keep em out of BC!
    Don’t worry about the zombies we have the newfies!

    If Quebec splits were giving that up too!  :lol: the dream.

  • Qubec wants to separate because of the newfies!

  • '12

    Technically, it was not Canadians per se’ the were called zombies but rather the French-Canadian conscripts who refused (or tried) to be sent oversees.

  • yes but they did come from Canada regardless of national origin.

    Zombies don’t care, they eat anybody.

  • @Imperious:

    yes but they did come from Canada regardless of national origin.

    Zombies don’t care, they eat anybody.

    So we feed them people from the East (Canada) first, (not including Ontario.)
    Then the South US (Not including Texas and more West.)
    Then we get the commies
    Then we get more French
    Then the Mexicans
    Then were ready to go to Mars!  :lol:

  • Technically, it was not Canadians per se’ the were called zombies but rather the French-Canadian conscripts who refused (or tried) to be sent oversees.
    Only a few of them…
    They didn’t want to serve under the British flag.
    It was not their war and their country.

  • '12

    Well they came from Canada, so national origin would be Canadian.  I’m just saying there were only a few 10s of 1000s known as zombies out of a total armed force of over a million.  Calling Canadians in general as zombies just isn’t correct.  In order to be more historically correct, Canadian zombies would have a preference to people covered in curd cheese with hot gravy poured over them with copious amounts of salt added.  It’s a wonder Canada doesn’t have more french zombies what with them smoking and drinking and eating poutine…its a wonder French Canadians live past 50…

  • '12

    Not there war or country……Yes, that is what they said.  I think had there been more Canadian units who spoke French and had French speaking command structures and maybe based out of Quebec more would have served.  It seems nowadays Quebecers proudly serve the Canuck armed forces and I would wager they over-represent the armed forces per capita.

  • @MrMalachiCrunch:

    Not there war or country……Yes, that is what they said.  I think had there been more Canadian units who spoke French and had French speaking command structures and maybe based out of Quebec more would have served.  It seems nowadays Quebecers proudly serve the Canuck armed forces and I would wager they over-represent the armed forces per capita.

    N. America the way it should be


    Yeah! No CSA though.

  • Crunch,I agree.


    :-D And what the Labrador?

  • @crusaderiv:

    Crunch,I agree.


    :-D And what the Labrador?

    Give it to Quebec stick all that crap in one.

  • @MrMalachiCrunch:

    I think had there been more Canadian units who spoke French and had French speaking command structures and maybe based out of Quebec more would have served.  It seems nowadays Quebecers proudly serve the Canuck armed forces and I would wager they over-represent the armed forces per capita.

    I’d agree with the former and the latter definitely seems difficult to dispute… although the lads from the Maritimes might give em a run for their money eh


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