@Lompestein Awesome work! Big thanks for including the .xcf’s and brushes as well, that should help others get a leg-up on their own projects.
Global Gaming Table
Did the pictures expire?
I would like to see table examples.See this thread for an index to table picture threads, and for a few pictures directly incorporated in the index:
Sorry for bumping an old thread but I’d really like to see the finished product. Any progress on this amazing table?
I took a slide picture of the world projected it on the wall and traced it on a twin flat sheet and then darkened the lines good and then broke out the paints and put the colors down of the major powers at war and did the minors in a stripe pattern, now its just a matter of trimming it and then gluing down to some plywood
I love to hear the stories of ya’ll and your maps.
Get some naval Mini’s they look so good on the large maps -
plexi-class or acrylic or class …
Wow that woodburning is top notch! I have other skillsets pertaining to my hobbies, but that is certainly not one of them. I am very impressed with this.