Tricked out my AA50th - pics in a bucket

  • Customizer

    Cheers for the kudos! Yeah… not sure though, I think in the future it might go a little bit back to historical accuracy - well, depends on the edition really.  IMHO, each game has a slightly different feel yeah?  And then if you trick it out well… I treated my AA50th with that WWII comic book kinda look, it is after all, a tribute edition  - whoa, verged near a rant of artistic license. Btw, tack up a third compliment from BGG on the maps as well!

    Thoes26: That cracked me up, eheheh. Someday way down the line I might offer said services… perhaps after FMG has their full product line out since their minis will be so finely sculpted.
    If you go on BGG - there’s 2 photos I uploaded, those in particular are fun if you zoom with the “large” size (“original” size is too close IMO) :

    Oh - I threw the Atomic Bomb pics in the bucket today. kA-Booooom

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Everything = Awesome.

  • Customizer

    Much obliged Variable. What do you think of the abstract HQ’s?

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10


    Much obliged Variable. What do you think of the abstract HQ’s?

    I like them alot! I’m actually trying to duplicate them myself.

    Get those pics for IL so we all have a painting guide to go by.

    IL, could you throw in AllWork’s pics as well. A lot of people like the Japanese stuff he just did.


  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10


    Could you give us a “shopping list” for I-94? I looked at everything but am lost on what to actually buy.


  • Customizer



    Much obliged Variable. What do you think of the abstract HQ’s?

    I like them alot! I’m actually trying to duplicate them myself.

    Get those pics for IL so we all have a painting guide to go by.

    IL, could you throw in AllWork’s pics as well. A lot of people like the Japanese stuff he just did.


    Would like to see your finished command centers! When I was younger I tried doing an edition with the command centers in their own language - it was interesting.  Somebody with more graphic savviness than me should be able to produce really cool stuff.  Still haven’t had a chance to send take & send those portrait pics. This set is actually my '42 board (the ‘learner’), though photographed on AA50th (which will hopefully be populated by FMG minis - as it deserves!).  The minis pics I posted have actually been done for quite some time, but I just never bothered with taking photos… so I’ll have to go back and see what decals were for what…

    Will get back to you on the shopping list… sorry.

  • I don’t have any game that has the Hellcat in it, but I do really want carrier-based US fighters. I was thinking that I could paint the Zero model to look like the Hellcat…



    It seems like the model is small enough that if you painted it right it would look pretty close. Opinions?

  • get me the links for what you want to add here. I will make a new thread that just has pictures and the how too guide to paint them and make it a sticky

  • Customizer

    That sounds excellent!  If you could wait for the weekend - I’m going to take some pics of the minis on my detailed board (42) and some portraits…  Really swamped with stuff right now…

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10




    Much obliged Variable. What do you think of the abstract HQ’s?

    I like them alot! I’m actually trying to duplicate them myself.

    Get those pics for IL so we all have a painting guide to go by.

    IL, could you throw in AllWork’s pics as well. A lot of people like the Japanese stuff he just did.


    Would like to see your finished command centers! When I was younger I tried doing an edition with the command centers in their own language - it was interesting.  Somebody with more graphic savviness than me should be able to produce really cool stuff.  Still haven’t had a chance to send take & send those portrait pics. This set is actually my '42 board (the ‘learner’), though photographed on AA50th (which will hopefully be populated by FMG minis - as it deserves!).  The minis pics I posted have actually been done for quite some time, but I just never bothered with taking photos… so I’ll have to go back and see what decals were for what…

    Finally finished up this project, so I thought I’d share. Enjoy-

  • Customizer

    These are really cool Variable… More - want to see more!

  • Did you get the decals from the same place that Viracocha got his? What are the part numbers you ordered?

    I started to paint my pieces. They looked really good when I sprayed them, but the details are hard. I bought a really fine high-quality brush from the hobby store and I still have trouble making thin-consistent lines. I am thinking of starting over and trying to use a toothpick as a paintbrush.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10


    Did you get the decals from the same place that Viracocha got his? What are the part numbers you ordered?

    I started to paint my pieces. They looked really good when I sprayed them, but the details are hard. I bought a really fine high-quality brush from the hobby store and I still have trouble making thin-consistent lines. I am thinking of starting over and trying to use a toothpick as a paintbrush.

    I didn’t use any decals. I ended up painting the roundels myself.

  • Customizer

    Sweet - old school.  I did that for my Italians - rough stuff but cool end product.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10


    Did you get the decals from the same place that Viracocha got his? What are the part numbers you ordered?

    I started to paint my pieces. They looked really good when I sprayed them, but the details are hard. I bought a really fine high-quality brush from the hobby store and I still have trouble making thin-consistent lines. I am thinking of starting over and trying to use a toothpick as a paintbrush.

    After re-reading this, I have some advise that may help. With the roundels, for example, British, Paint a yellow circle. Then put a blue ring inside, then a white ring, then a red dot. That way, your rings don’t have to be perfect.

  • how do you get those flags on those ships?

  • Customizer

    Hmm… very carefully. eh eh eh - but seriously, it wasn’t easy.  The larger the decal the more likely it is to tear or fold it seemed.  Just took some patience - and a lot of trial and error.  Been meaning to take some more photos - just been swamped with other things lately…
    Thanks for taking a peek.

  • I emailed that place you suggested to buy decals from, but they never got back to me. Do you normally have to call them? I sent them a link to your photos so they could tell what I wanted. Do you still have your order sheet that you would not mind posting? (I’m just interested in the part numbers and prices.)

  • Customizer

    You have to look at the sizes listed, and examine the scanned in images as well.  Really don’t think he’s going to go through and discern what decals are used from someone sending him photos of his transfers…

    I’ll try to provide a list of sorts at some point - I’ll try for this weekend but I can’t promise it due to other things…

    I think there was some kind of chart somewhere about what sizes suit what minis from what games as well.  Not sure if it was there or somewhere else though…

  • Thanks any help is appreciated. I’m not sure how you ended up buying there…I can’t find any information!

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