@The_Good_Captain The rule applies in all sea battles where there are sea units allied to the attacker present, regardless of the type(s) of defending German sea units. The rule mentions only German subs because the author failed to take into account the possibility that the situation could also exist with German surface units if they were mobilized in a hostile sea zone. This oversight was corrected in the Axis & Allies Pacific Rulebook.
Rulebooks are for reading , r-e-a-d-i-n-g, reading
What’s wif youse guise?
Games have rules. Rules(in each game)explain how the game is played. Many games have rulebooks. A&A, A&AE, & A&AP(boardgames)have rulebooks. If youse(each player who will play the game) takes the time to read the rulebook you will be able to play the game better and have more fun.
READ THE F&^$)@G RULEBOOK, smurfdammit!
–-----------------------------------------------------------------------Let’s play …
“Ït’s been one week since you looked at me.” -
I agree. I am the only one who knows all the rules when I play so every game I end up having to look up certain rules and prove I’m not making it up etc. to my idiot friends who always forget them (cause they just ask me, and then when they dont like what they hear they argue until I prove them wrong with the rules.) It speeds up a game A LOT if EVERYONE knows the rules. Its also an advantage to know ALL of the rules if someone else doesnt cause then you can do stuff they didn’t think or know about cause there lazy ass didt read the book.