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The combined game A&A E/P
Axis&Allies Europe and Axis&Allies Pacific may be played as a single game with no off board maps and no separate ipc or purchase piles.
Important - Use all normal AAE/AAP rules unless specifically noted
Basic Rules >
Japan and Russia are not at war, Germany and China are not at war, these powers troops may not enter spaces originally owned by the other. (It’s still possible for there to be hostile engagements)Turn Order
1-Axis 2-Allies
Roll joint assaults as seperate battles for all combat on land (as if on seperate turns).
On the 1st turn the Us is mostly inactive (Chinese forces/IC’s are active) and the Uk Pacific forces are inactive. Germany may not attack the Us, Japan may not attack Us/Uk until turn 2. a-Victory Conditions
Allies- Capture an Axis capital, the instant Germany or Japan is in Allied hands the game is over.
Axis- End any turn with at least 22 Victory Points. b-Income
Starting income: Germany-40 Japan-19 Allies-0.
All powers collect income at the end of the Axis turn (start of the Allied turn). c-
All convoys of any type (Us/Uk/Soviet on both boards) subtract from the Us income as well as Uk/Russia. Us pays for Axis holdings in the Middle East.
On turn 1 the Uk collects for income from the pacific but cannot place there.Board Links
Iran is adjacent to India. Eastern Mediterranean is adjacent to Red sea which connects to SZ’s 52 and 54. Us East connects Us West and East Canada connects West Canada which connects Aleutian Islands (Alaska). SZ 0 aka Antartic Atlantic (use Task Force Markers) is adjacent to SZ 1 and is 2 spaces from South Atlantic and SZ 50. d-IC’s
Each Allied IC is considered a capital. Allies continue to collect and produce as long as they have a single IC.
2 Chinese inf are produced per turn and they may be placed on either Szechwan or Siking. (If owned since the start of the turn)
Siberia produces 2 free inf per turn and an extra inf for every full 3 ipcs of newly conquered land territories by the Russians that turn.
Ground troop production of all other IC’s may not exceed the value of the territory.Limited/Captured IC’s
France, Trans-Jordan, Shangtung and the Philippines count as limited IC’s. Limited/Captured IC’s may produce up to 8 ipcs in units per turn and may not be strap bombed for more than the value of the territory.Common Wealth Convoy IC’s
India/NSW count as CWC IC’s (rulebook limited IC’s). The total number of units placed there may not exceed 5 per turn.Soviet Far East Recall
At the end of the turn 3 Russia transfers all its troops from Soviet Union space on the Pacific board to Siberia.Lend-Lease
At the start of the Allied turn the Us may purchase for Russia a single aircraft. This rule replaces the old Soviet Patriotic War rules.Convoys
Surface ships may liberate or establish income of convoys, any naval or air unit with an attack value may disrupt convoys.Europe Set-up
Hungary: 4inf, 2arm
Romania: 2inf, 1rtl
Tunisia: 1inf, 1arm, 1rtl, 1ftr
Barents Sea: 3subs
Halifax Sea: 4subsUSSR
Leningrad: 1inf, 1IC
Moscow: 4inf, 1aa, 1IC
Baltic: 2inf, 1rtl
E.Poland: 3inf, 1arm
Ukraine: 3inf, 1rtl, 1arm, 1bmr
Karelia: 2inf, 1ftr
Archangel: 3inf, 1aa, 1IC
Siberia: 4inf, 3arm, 1IC
Turkestan: 3inf, 1aa, 1IC
Soviet Convoy: 1dstrUnited Kingdom
Malta: 1inf, 1ftr
Davis Straits: 1dstr
North Sea: 2bshp
Celtic Sea: 1sub, 1trns
Gibraltar: 1inf
Trans-Jordan: 1inf, 1aa, 1IC
Eastern Mediteranean: 1trns
Red Sea: 1sub, 1dstr
British Convoy 3: 1trns
British Convoy 3: 1trns
British Convoy 5: 1trns
British Convoy 5: 1trnsUSA
US East Coast: 1 dstr
US Convoy 6: 1 trns
US Convoy 4: 1 trns
Central Atlantic: 2 trnsAll other Europe spaces unchanged
Pacific Set-Up
Japan - 7inf, 1rtl, 1bmr, 1aa, 1IC
Korea - 2inf, 1ftr
Manchuria - 2inf, 1rtl
Shantung - 2inf, 1rtl, 1IC
Ryuku Is. - 1inf, 1ftr
Formosa - 1ftr
Marianna Is. - 1inf, 1ftr
Palau Is. - 1inf
Caroline Is. - 1inf, 1ftr
French Indochina - 2arm, 1aa
Marshall Is. 1inf
Hainan - 2inf
Bonin Is. - 1inf, 1ftr
SZ23 - 1sub, 1ac, 1ftr
SZ24 - 1sub
SZ25 - 1dstr
SZ35 - 1sub
SZ36 - 1dstr, 1bshp, 2trns, 1ac, 1ftr
SZ37 - 1dstr, 1trns, 1sub, 1ac, 1ftr
SZ45 - 1dstr, 1bshp, 2trnsUnited Kingdom
India - 2inf, 1rtl, 1ftr, 1aa, 1IC
Borneo - 1inf
Burma - 1inf, 1rtl
Shan State - 1inf
Hong Kong - 1inf
Malaya - 2inf, 1ftr, 1aa
Queensland - 1inf, 1rtl, 1ftr
New South Wales - 1inf, 1ftr, 1aa, 1IC
West Australia - 1inf
North Territory - 1inf
New Hebrides - 1inf
New Zealand - 1inf
New Britain - 1inf
Solomon Is. - 1inf
Papau - 1inf
Celebes - 1inf
Java - 2inf
Sumatra - 1inf
SZ0 - 1trns
SZ29 - 1dstr
SZ30 - 1trns
SZ33 - 1sub
SZ39 - 1trns
SZ43 - 1trns
SZ46 - 1bshp
SZ50 - 1acChina
Szechwan - 1inf, 1aa, 1IC
Sikang - 1ftr, 1IC
Tsinghai - 1inf
Suiyuan - 1inf
Hopei - 2inf
Anhwe - 3inf
Hunan - 2inf
Kiangsi - 2inf
Kwangsi - 2inf
Yunnan - 1infUSA
Us West - 2inf, 1ftr, 1IC
Hawaii - 2inf, 1ftr, 1bmr, 1aa, 1IC
Aleutian Is. - 1inf
Wake - 1mar
Guam - 1mar
Midway - 1inf
Samoa - 1inf
Philippines - 1inf, 1ftr, 1aa, 1IC
Szechwan - 1ftr
SZ0 - 1dstr
SZ5 - 1ac, 1dstr, 2trns, 1sub
SZ9 - 2bshp
SZ38 - 1sub
SZ11 - 1sub, 1dstr, 1trnsRussia
Soviet Union - 7inf, 2rtl, 3arm, 1ftr, 1aa (Inactive untill the end of turn 3)Notes
a- Navy and air may attack SZ’s as a single force and allied troops always defend together but attack as if on seperate turns for all combat on land spaces. Attacker chooses the order of battles. Finish all combat on a single space before going to the next. Forces must attack for a single round before retreating and must move in even if another power is already victorious. Ftr’s are either defending vs all SBR’s or all ground assaults. Troops may only unload from their allies transports during non-combat movement. Us does not move collect or produce untill turn 2. Other than Chinese forces on turn 1 the Us may combat move the Sikang ftr and non combat move USEast aircraft.
b- VP’s are not accumulated. At any point the Axis VP’s are the sum of all IC-IPCS (not including Germany/Japan) Example- If at the end of turn 2 the Axis has France (3VP), North Italy (4VP), Shangtung (3VP), Hawaii (2VP) and Philippines (3VP) then they have 15 VP’s. Players may choose to bid on the number of VP’s for victory, highest bidder(s) play the Axis.
c- Allies can be put into negative ipcs from axis SBR’s. An upside down control marker on the National Production Chart can help keep track.
d- On non-combat movement, Allies may use 2 movement to go from SZ 5 to USEC. Aircraft may use 3 movement to go from Siberia to Tsinghai. Red sea (Persian Gulf) is also adjacent to Iran and Iraq. You must control Egypt to move through the Suez Canal. The Axis may enter Us/Uk convoys during non-combat movement of the 1st turn. Uk may non combat move units from Europe to the Pacific on turn 1 including from SZ 0.Important- Play the basic rules before using the advanced!
Advanced Ruleset > (Includes basic rules)
Initial Placement
Players bid the IP. The Allied IP is the winning bid. The highest bidder(s) play the Axis.
Allies place 1st, the Germans get an IP of 14 ipc’s and place last. Players may place land/air units or upgrade naval units (make up the difference in cost to upgrade). Land/air units may not be upgraded, navy may not be placed.
Allies may use their IP to upgade naval forces on the pacific board. Germany may gift IP ipcs to Japan’s starting income.
Optional- Players bid on the number of VP’s the axis needs to win. The highest bidder(s) play the Axis. Ties are broken by bidding on the Allied IP, otherwise the Allies get an IP of 11 ipc’s.Advanced Victory Conditions
The Axis must end any turn with at least 27 VP’s or start any turn with at least 25 VP’s. (Or the winning bid and the winning bid minus 2)Neutralities
Us/Uk are allied to Russia but their troops may not enter red Russian territories.China
Chinese inf represent a mix of both nationalist and communist forces. Once per battle a single Chinese inf may use one of two communist abilities.
Merge - similiar to a sub submerge, before attacking or after 1 round of defending. Tip the inf on its side, it will resurface after non combat movement.
Retreat - after 1 round of attacking or instead of defending, one inf may retreat to adjacent friendly or unoccupied enemy territories. This inf is also merged in the new space.
Merged inf have no affect on ownership of the territory that turn.
Chinese inf may only merge/retreat onto original Chinese/Japanese territories.
Japan may non combat move during combat movement (to safegaurd vs Chinese retreats).
Japan may not collect income for territories with any Chinese inf.
The Us may build a Szechwan ftr every 2 two turns at extra cost. Pay 8 ipcs the 1st turn and leave upside down in the purchase box and pay the second half the turn you place.
For every 4 Chinese spaces with only Japanese ground forces the Axis has 1 extra VP.Convoys
Aircraft may not disrupt convoys during combat movement but only during the combat resolution phase. To disrupt a convoy means to cause income to not be collected.
Us must control Aleutian Islands in order to collect for the Alaskan convoy.
Allies must control Egypt to collect for CWC 4.SBR’s
For every full 10 ipcs the Allies inflict from SBR’s the Axis has 1 less VP for their entire next turn.
Attacking ftrs add 1 ipc to and defending ftrs subtract 1 ipc from SBR’s. (Even if they don’t survive)
Strap bomb damage cannot be reduced to less than 1 per surviving bomber nor be greater than the value of the territory for limited/captured IC’s.
Bombers always roll for strap bomb damage. If an aa gun is defending and a 1 is rolled then the bomber does 1 ipc damage and is shot down.
Bombers shot down get an attack at a 1 versus any defending ftrs.Lend-Lease
At the start of the Allied turn the Us and/or the Uk may gift ipcs to Russia towards the purchase of a single aircraft. (up to 15)
These ipcs can only be spent on a single aircraft and may not be saved. (Russia must make up the difference or refuse the gift)IC’s
Limited/Captured IC’s may be strap bombed for the value of the territory, if more is sustained then the IC is disabled.
All IC’s may be enabled/disabled on place units phase if there is no placement. (Disabled IC’s are still worth VP’s and may not be strap bombed)
Szechwan produces 1 Chinese inf per turn and an additional inf if the Burma road is open at the end of the Allied turn.
Sikang produces 1 Chinese inf per turn if the Burma road is open at the start of the Allied turn and also produces 1 inf for every Chinese control marker on the board (at the end of the turn).
Newly liberated Chinese IC’s cannot produce untill next turn.
On the Axis turn 3 place units phase, place a free newly built IC onto both Siam and Hungary. These are limited 8 ipc IC’s worth 2 VP’s.Common Wealth Convoy IC’s
India and NSW ground troop production is limited to the value of its territories plus the greater, middle east holdings or the open CWC’s.
Uk stills purchases at the start of the Allied turn but the maximum ipcs in ground troops that it may place on India/NSW is counted on the Allied place units phase. (5 plus up to 8 or 12 ipcs)AA Guns
In addition to their normal function all aa guns may be taken as casualties. (Would still be captured if left undefended and cannot attack)Naval Combat
Bshps’s and AC’s may be built at a discount over two turns, 16 ipcs for AC’s and 20 ipcs for Bshp’s. Pay the 1st half one turn and the 2nd half the turn you are ready to place. An upside down ship left on the purchase pile is half built.
Dstr’s may transport a single inf.
Bshp’s may transport any single ground unit.
Dstr’s may shore bombard at half strength (1) if they are unloading or if they were involved in naval combat but not both.
2 hit bshp’s may always shore bombard at full strength (4).
1 hit bshp’s may always shore bombard at half strength (2).
Bshp’s bombards that hit on a 1 remove the casualty without a defending roll.
Bshp’s and dstr’s may unload their allies ground troops during combat movement.
Japan starts with only 1 kamikaze but may purchase 1 per turn for 4 ipcs each and may have at any point in time up to 6.
Optional- Every SZ in the Mediterranean counts as a 1 ipc convoy. Except for starting fleets (SoG, Tyr Sea, East Med), all SZ’s start neutral. The Axis/Allies may not collect more ipcs from Med convoys then they have holdings in the ME and North Africa.
Optional- Turkey allows naval passage to the Black Sea. The following territories have naval ports (counted for all adjacent SZ’s)- South Italy, Vichy, Egypt, Morocco, Greece and Ukraine.A Few More Notes Before play begins -
Use the AAP rulebook for disputes. CAP rules are in effect on the europe board. Ftr’s may be on CAP with the Allied IP. No new IC’s may be purchased.These are optional Advanced rulesets-
Africa and the Middle East
Remove the aa and IC from Trans-Jordan.
Germany and the Uk may place units in any A/ME territories they have owned since the start of their turn equal in ipcs to there A/ME holdings. (navy in adjacent SZ’s)
If the Axis collects less than 4 ipcs from A/ME they have 1 less VP.
If they collect at least 8 ipcs from A/ME they have 1 extra VP.
If they control all 12 ipcs they have 2 extra VP’s.Rail
German and Russian inf may move 2 spaces on non combat movement between starting IC’s. This includes limited but not captured IC’s.Surprise Attack
Add 1inf, 1ftr to the 4 pink border territories. All Russian units defend at a 1 for the 1st turn only.
Add 1inf to Philippines and Hawaii. Add 1trns to SZ’s 9, 29, 38, 46 and 52. All Pacific Us/Uk forces defend at a 1 for the 2nd turn only.Advanced Land Tactics
Rtl- Rtl get long range (sneak) attacks. Before each round of combat attacking/defending rtl exchange fire. Rtl hit on a 2 or less or may pair with an Inf so that the Inf hits on a 3 or less but the rlt hits on a 1. Rtl and inf hit by rtl do not participate in the normal combat round. Inf paired with lost rtl still get to roll at a 3.
Arm- On defense, arm that hit with a 1 may sacrifice themselves to take out an attacking arm. (the defender may lose those tanks to force the attacker to lose an equal number of arm)
Arm may retreat 1 space to any adjacent friendly territories after defending on any combat round. During non-combat movement, arm may augment an accompaning inf movement by 1 if neither were involved in combat and arm may blitz or capture unoccupied enemy territories.
Arm may move 1 space before naval loading.
Optional- Germany may purchase rockets for 1 ipc each and may have at any point in time up to 6. Rockets are fired from german AA guns at land territories up to 2 spaces away. Rockets are fired prior to combat-movement on the axis turn. A roll of a 1 scores a hit, defender chooses casualties
Optional- Afghanistan is between India and Iran. Use Saudi Arabia or Turkey to represent. Afghanistan can also be a neutral territory that costs 3 ipcs to capture.Advanced Naval Tactics
Capital ships that were involved in combat may use any remaining movement points during non-combat movement and may load or unload but not both.
In naval combat, 2 hit bshp’s that hit with a 1 choose their casualties unless the opposing fleet has a carrier or its own bshp.
No sub on sub combat without surface ships present. Subs do not impede enemy sub movement.
Subs may defend and submerge in the same round. Instead of defending, subs may (individually) retreat to friendly or unoccupied SZ’s.
Player’s may non combat move during combat movement (to safegaurd vs retreats).
2 hit bshp’s may pair to allow a trns to attack at a 1.
Optional- Starting turn 3 (or turn 2 with the Alternet Timeline), after Combat Movement before Combat Resolution Phase all enemy naval vessels are allowed a 1 space combat or non-combat move. Units retreating from battles are subject to 1 round of fire without defending. Transports only may load or unload (friendly) but not both.Pacific Fleet Reinforcement
At the begining of allied turn 2 (or turn 1 with the Alternet Timeline) the Uk may purchase and place units on SZ 50 and the Us may purchase and place units on SZ 1 up to 27 ipcs each. Us/Uk may spend their income collected at the begining of turn 2 to do so. All units start the turn with full movement.
The Axis has 1 extra VP for all 3 of the Common Wealth Convoys being disrupted.Advanced Air Combat
Strategic Air Patrol- Ftr’s may establish SAP in a land territory. SAP ftr’s intercept and engage enemy aircraft that enter the space during combat movement for a single round of combat. Enemy ftrs and bmrs attack at a 1, SAP ftrs defend at a 2. SAP ftrs may not defend normal attacks on the territory and must defend SBR’s during combat resolution phase. (AA guns may fire at the same aircraft during both SAP combat and combat resolution phase)
Tactical Air Patrol- May be established in a SZ. Acts as SAP during combat movement phase and as CAP during combat resolution phase.
SAP and TAP are established and landed in the same way as a CAP. (Upside down ftrs indicate they are on SAP/TAP)British Empire
The Uk keeps 3 separate ipc piles for India, Australia and Britain. The Uk collects for the middle east and that income along with the common wealth convoys can be added to any pile. Unspent ipcs may not be moved from one pile to another. India/NSW are only limited to 5 units per turn.American Bureaucracy
The Us keeps 2 separate purchase piles for USEast and USWest who collect only from their boards respectively. Unspent ipcs may be transferred at the end of the Allied turn. The Us collects at the end of the turn for newly opened Us only convoys.Alternate Timeline
Japan gets its normal free turn to move, produce and combat vs Chinese forces while all other players are frozen on both boards. Germany and Japan then start the 1st Axis turn. The Us is active on the 1st Allied turn and the Uk collects for middle east holdings. The German capital may produce any 6 ground units and unlimited arm on top of that. Add 1 sub to Bay of Biscay.For 4 player games one player is both Us and Russia.
For 5 player games the Alternate Timeline gets the Us involved faster.
For 6-8 player games the British Empire and American Bureaucracy rules can split both the Us and Uk into 2 - 3 separate players.
Thank You