Supply to your troops becomes alot harder when you got to go around the horn rather than the canal.
Cairo is imporant and the new vc reflects that.
And it’s unrealistic to expect Ottawa to be taken. Realistically the game was over long ago if Ottawa provided final victory.
Agreed with all your points and - like I said - Cairo should be a VC.
But the question is should Ottawa be a VC or just another territory.
I’d say the former.
Not saying the number of VCs should be so limited that you HAVE to take Ottawa.
Not saying taking it should be easy or frequent.
But IF (and yes, it is a huge IF but we’re only making the map once and for a diverse bunch of gamers) IF the Axis land troops there, gaining a foothold in North America, you can’t tell me it’s of trivial concern.
Something has to reflect that it’s in the heart of the USA’s hemisphere.
Well, theres a few ways to look at it.
First, lets exclude the “total war” game. One where your opponent wont conceed till the whole map is axis. In such games, taking Ottawa is a necessary pre-condition to holding Washington.
When you are playing for “x” number of VC’s, the axis have few options to win. If its not Ottawa, then it must be London, or some equally difficult place, like Los Angeles. Its why I was always in favor of a 9 VC revised game (the ninth being moved from LA to Hawaii).
If the axis got Lenningrad, India and Hawaii, they were “generally” on their way to a win, but games never took till death or were unrealistic in forcing the axis to get London or LA. It also made sure the USA at least played somewhat in the pacific.
But isnt the North American region already important? I mean, there are two US VC’s there, plus the point of Alaska as a staging area either offensively or defensively. That region already draws attention. Yet you could conquer an entire continent (Africa) and get no VC, despite the huge amount of resources this would have provided.
I agree that Canada/North America is important. But having three VC there and none in another area (where the oil is) doesnt seem to me to be good VC use.
Keep both as VC. Thats fine. But if you’re saying there has to be a choice, then I’m glad is Cairo.