Just wanted to let you know about a new product release here at FMG. We have collaborated with the guys at TheDiceTurret to bring you a specific DICE TURRET for the AAA Community!
Brian contacted me one day and said he wanted to make a tower in honor of one of his favorite games. We worked together on the finer points ( I made sure it included ITALY, ANZAC and FRANCE) and in the end we came up with an inexpensive DICE TOWER in a WW2 AAA theme. I thought this was a great “fan” item and agreed to present it to the greater community and add it to the FMG line of products.
We have called it the COMBAT TURRET and it complements FMG COMBAT DICE.
The is a lightweight Cardboard DICE TOWER. Perfect for carrying to a convention or local game night! The perfect alternative when you can’t bring your FMG CUSTOM DICE TOWER.
Of course this COMBAT TURRET is available in a COMBO with COMBAT DICE (The perfect compliment) $39.99 or on its own for ONLY $14.99!
This Exclusive product is available ONLY from:
Field Marshal Games
The Dice Turret