Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • @FieldMarshalGames:


    Italian units would make a nice Christmas gift, Don’t you think?

    I wish!  I don’t think everyone understands how EPIC a project like this is…  how expensive and how much time it takes.

    We are moving as fast as we can.  They will be out 2010 100%

    I can empathize with you man, Projects slipping to the right is just a natural part of business. Usually people underestimate the work required during the planning stage, key people are away, or certain supplies can’t deliver on time etc etc.

    It’s just part and parcel of business and business planning. I do commend you on fronting up here and informing your customer base of the delays though, good man.

  • I know the guys at FMG aren’t just screwing around. If it were up to them, the pieces would be on the market now. I just want to commend them for their great work and their commitment to the A&A community. Let us not forget how WotC has treated us……

  • '10


    The first test Sculpts are coming out!  Once I have the FULL Italian set ready I will post a picture on the AA50 board and some comparison shots with the original pieces.

    This is the FIRST one complete and ready for production.  This is a blown up image to show detail.  The unit is in the standard AAA Tank unit size.  The production units will of course be made in COLOR… as this test sculpt is just made in Grey plastic.


    Sculpt copy.jpg

  • OMFG!!! that is really awesome. Great detail!!!

    I will have to raise my order to at least 6 sets.

    I think this will be good competition against the metal 1/285 micro armor, because this is better for gaming and you dont have to glue it together.


  • That looks awesome. Now I am even more eager. +1

  • Well Done FMG!  After being out of town the last month, this is a great joy to see posted upon return.
    More +1’s are a coming! and looking forward to the ordering!
    Great job!

  • '10

    Very, Very NICE!

    I think this will be good competition against the metal 1/285 micro armor, because this is better for gaming and you dont have to glue it together.

    Ditto on that!  I think you’ll definitely give GHQ a run for their money.

    Thank you for all your effort FMG!

  • Official Q&A

    That’s impressive.

  • I’m very impressed by the level of detail. The smallest details appear to be pushing the .2mm barrier.

  • Wow!!! that has to be the most beautiful plastic miniature I have ever seen!! I’m telling you right now, if all of them look as beautiful as this…. I will never buy W.W.II miniatures anywhere else!! I’m in for two sets, at least…

  • As one of the resident miniature painters here I am blown away by this sample…… that’s just amazing

  • Customizer

    I am gaping at what appears to be the finest plastic tank sculpt I’ve ever seen! Wow… I’m all in.

  • '22

    They look Great! I want to have 2 sets to, because the standard of your’e sculpts is very high, hats off here.

    Keep up the good work! :-D

  • As we say in Norway : jævla bra

  • Hey Aldertag. How about a  translation?

  • Sweet … and to think, that’s just the sample!  :D

  • At the risk of being repetitive… I’m impressed.

    I also noted that you switched around the Italian roundel from the pre-fascist Italian/ Iranian green-on-the-outside to the post-fascist Italian red-on-the-outside.  Was this an accident or a deliberate decision?

  • That roundel which has nothing to do with being ‘accurate’ which is an oxymoron because aviation roundels were not used to identify military forces on maps is only used to keep the same icons that the game has, are used only to identify which side has control.

  • Once again, you’ve missed my point Imperious…

    My point is that the roundel he used caught my attention specifically, because it DIFFERENT from the one used in AAA and on his Italian dice (if you look carefully, you’ll note that the colors are reversed).  I thus wanted to know if this was an accident or a deliberate, conscious choice, and, if the latter, what had inspired this change.  (Although, I was kind of figuring that it in fact was a conscious choice, since he seems to be such an astute and careful sort of guy…)

    For the umpteenth time, it’s not so much an issue of ACCURACY for me, so much as it is things having some sort of logic and consistency whenever possible…

  • '10


    Once again, you’ve missed my point Imperious…

    My point is that the roundel he used caught my attention specifically, because it DIFFERENT from the one used in AAA and on his Italian dice (if you look carefully, you’ll note that the colors are reversed).  I thus wanted to know if this was an accident or a deliberate, conscious choice, and, if the latter, what had inspired this change.  (Although, I was kind of figuring that it in fact was a conscious choice, since he seems to be such an astute and careful sort of guy…)

    For the umpteenth time, it’s not so much an issue of ACCURACY for me, so much as it is things having some sort of logic and consistency whenever possible…

    We will be using the same ones from AAA…  I just noticed that the one in the image above is reversed.  It was an accident.  I have an image database for AAA and this one was pulled from a AAA Miniatures box.

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