is there a plan for additional chinese pieces? like chinese artillery and the like? that would be great, just something in that pale green to use.
I believe FMG has plans for making Chinese units, but they will be a little while yet. Also, they are planning a “commons” set which will include Industrial Complexes (major and minor), Air Bases, Naval Bases, AA Guns, Bunkers, etc. Not so sure about hospitals. Here is the latest order of national pieces to be put out by FMG (Jeremy correct me if I’m wrong):
United States
United Kingdom
Soviet Union
Commons Set
China & Neutrals (possibly)
ALso, HBG is also planning on making some Chinese Units but I’m not sure when. At present, the listing for HBG’s sets are:
Axis Minors
US Marines
US Supplemlement set (alternate planes, alternate battleship class, escort carriers, light tanks, tank destroyers, etc. – basically stuff that isn’t in the OOB or FMG US sets)
Dutch, Polish and Neutrals
After this I’m not sure what coachofmany plans to make. I know there are plans for a further German supplement set and he has taken polls for Nationalist Chinese and Communist Chinese sets, but I don’t think anything is set in stone yet.
HBG and FMG have made a gentlemens agreement to divide up some of the sets. So we do not overlap and have to compete with each other. We will carry eachothers product on the various sites also.
FMG will be doing:
Germany (Two sets, Grey / Black)
United States
United Kingdom
Soviet Union
Commons Set (Bases etc)
HBG has told me they are interested in doing the Neutrals and China, so I am happy to tell you these will be available in the future. HBG is also licensed to sell COMBAT UNITS individually, as they currently do with OOB sets.