Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • @Imperious:

    well i will get like 5 sets, so you only have to sell 195 sets now.

    This you said yesterday, today you tell FMG to hold off the prosject because WOTC maybe release a new Revised game in august.

    I just want to know where this project is standing right now. I swear I will preorder 2 sets of every nation, so dont let me down on this.

  • has the sculptor made some drawings of the units, technical plans and sketches,
    i think that some visual information would be appreciated,
    could there be a locked thread set, with the sketches non downloadable,
    i realise that the project is for the most part confidential to the primary investors,
    what i observe is similar to a inventory,
    the exception being that if i look at a catalogue i can observe the merchandise,
    what i have observed from this thread is a example of a miniature,
    i see miniatures every day when i open my axis and allies game, my monopoly game, my dungeons and dragons game,
    my risk games,
    i am still sitting on the fence regarding this project, if i see some solid groundwork that has been completed by the company that you represent i could be off the fence and investing my money to the miniature set

  • '10

    All this will come in the next week or so…  As soon as I have information I will post it here.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    (Back from vacation and well rested….  Back to work)

    I understood going into this that it would be impossible to make EVERYONE 100% happy but I am sure the final product will be acceptable to everyone.

    So far we are resolved on the following:

    The colors with match the COMBAT DICE

    The number of the units for each nation will be the same (no cheaping out on some)  Each nation will have around 200 units so they can be used for ANY AAA game or varient aswell as other WW2 games.

    The quality and detail of the units will be far superior to ANYTHING that has been released to date.

    We are going to to make TWO sculpts for INF and ARM for each nation.  They will be the same color but will give the game a great look OR can be used for varient rules etc…

    As for Naval units and Air units we will stick with the ICONIC types.  (I think we will do the Hurricane for UK as this is more historiclay acurate)

    The bases will fit on AAA chips with the same rounded base type

    If this goes off well we will continue with the line and do FRENCH, ANZAC, CANADIAN, POLISH, SPANISH, TURKISH and other types.  But to start we will do the SIX nations in AA50.

    We are working on all six of the moulds concurently but the first off the production line will be the ITALIANS.  These will be shipped to all those who have pre-orders so you have something to show for your investment as soon as possible.  I hope the release of the ITALIANS will show the quality of the product and increase the interest thus making it alot easier to fund the entire set. (without having to morgage my house  :|)

    More details on the final set and pre-order information will follow soon.



    Oh my g…… :-o You guys are awesome!!!  :lol: Man, I’m so late on reading this thread.  :-P

    We are going to to make TWO sculpts for INF and ARM for each nation.

    If it weren’t against the First Commandment, I’d worship you guys!  Man, and I thought the dice were cool.  Don’t get me wrong.  They are, but man! :-o

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    All this will come in the next week or so…  As soon as I have information I will post it here.

    Any news or updates for us yet? Please forgive my questioning, but this is all very exciting, and the more we learn about the project, the more exciting it gets. 8-) Thank you.

  • tell me about it.  the suspense is killing me.  :-P

  • Now that we’re just waiting for the pieces, I’m curious about rules for the New Pieces: Trucks, Half-Tracks, Pill Boxes, and Commanders.

    I think IL said half-tracks would cost 4, attack and defend 2, move two, and carry 1 infantry.

    Trucks?  Carry 2 inf, + tow 1 art?  No attack, of chores.  Basically a land transport?  Would there be “hijack” rule like in Battle of the Bulge?

  • I would pre-order a complete set at $59.99.

  • Mech does not carry infantry…, that makes it too powerful. just a 2-2-2-4 unit except id allow them to blitz.

    These units are powerful mobile armored infantry with light tanks, halftracks, and recon units.

    Id tend to think that Artillery can boost these units like infantry with +1 on attacks

  • I dont know about having bother trucks and half tracks, sounds like much of a muchness to me.

    Half tracks and self propelled artillery would be much cooler. Just my 2 cents.

  • Cost of Trucks?

    Cost of heavy tanks?

    Also, what of the two kinds of infantry?

    You could have an elite commando unit, like marines or SS, but they’d cost 4.  Why waste 4 IPCs on a 2-2-1 unit when you can buy a 2-2-2 unit for the same price?  They’d have to have some other special ability, wouldn’t they?

  • @Imperious:

    Mech does not carry infantry…, that makes it too powerful. just a 2-2-2-4 unit except id allow them to blitz.

    Yeah, I figured if Mech could carry infantry, I’d have to beef up tanks and artillery, too: Artillery bombard in opening fire, tanks carry 1 infantry (riding on top) and support infantry +1 attack.

  • I am very interested.  I’ll be in on 1 set for preorder.

    Could anyone help direct me in the direction of a good AA50 map that I could plot?  I have access to a very nice plotter and possibly the laminator.  I need a gameboard that is easier to travel with than the one the game comes with.


    Edit:  Not sure if you are still looking for ideas on sculpts or not.  I was thinking that perhaps 2 different sculpts of planes would be a better idea than 2 different armour sculpts.  1 Fighter that was land based for each and 1 fighter that was CV based.  This would particularly be best for the US and Japan actually.

    A few sculpt suggestions:

    Russian Bomber: Tu-2 or Pe-2
    Russian Fighter: Yak-9u or La-5
    US Bomber: B-24 for a 4 engine bomber or A-20 if your looking for a 2 engine bomber
    US Fighter: the F6F would be a good one if looking for a CV based fighter or the p47d40 for a land based army airforce plane
    UK Bomber: Lancaster
    UK Fighter: Tempest (upgraded typhoon)
    German Fighter: FW190A8 or the long nosed 190D9.
    German Bomber: JU88 or HE-111 would work
    Japan Fighter: A6M5 for cv’s, Ki84 for airforce
    Japan Bomber: Mitsubishi G4M “Betty”
    Italian Fighter: C205 or better yet the Fiat G.55 Centaur
    Italian Bomber: Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero


  • '12

    I voted very interested but i will pre order for sure.

  • It’s been awhile since we heard anything on the pieces project. @ FMG - is everything alright with the pieces project and with you guys in general? I hope nothing is wrong, but I tend to fear for the worst in many cases.

    Or is this maybe the ‘calm before the storm,’ so to speak? I.e. are we about to receive a large update on the status of the project; maybe even some pictures of the prototype sculpts from the sculptor?

  • '10

    Yeah, I figured if Mech could carry infantry, I’d have to beef up tanks and artillery, too: Artillery bombard in opening fire, tanks carry 1 infantry (riding on top) and support infantry +1 attack.

    Upside-down Turtle

    Keep in mind that units are general representations of Divisions, Airwings and fleets.  In this case the Halftrack is representing Mechanized Infantry.  As IL pointed out, most Mech Infantry divisions included, halftrack, armored wheel vehicles, light tanks AND infantry.  So to allow a Mech Infantry unit to carry infantry would be distorting the power of that unit.

  • '10

    Also, what of the two kinds of infantry?

    Personally, the way A&A is set-up, having two or more infantry is not practical.

    Commando units for example did not operate in Division size units.  At the most they were no bigger than than several brigades in size.  Also, commando units in WWII were created to perform a specific task.  These special tasks are harder to integrate such units on a large Strategic game like A&A.  However, these unit might find some use in games like D-Day and Guadalcanal which are much closer to a tactical game.

    Now there were specialized infantry divisions such as Airborne, SS, Russian shock Troops and to a lesser extent Marines (But I personally wouldn’t classify them as such.  They are simply a naval infantry).  So if such unit were created then they should have some limited specialized ability.  Airborne can be transported by plane, SS have a special attack or defense against armor, Russian shock troops get a +1 attack on the first assault, Marine get a +1 attack on the first wave of a beach attack and so on.

    Now, if you create such units they should obviously cost more.  However, now you run into another problem, cost.  If infantry is 3 IPCs, Mech Infantry-4 and Armor-5.  Where does that leave special infantry?  The most logical choice would be 4 IPC but in most cases the mech infantry will be superior to these special infantry divisions.  With this in mind, the only unit I see of any value under these condition would be Airborne divisions if they are allowed to move underspecial conditions without using aircraft unit (I would assume that airborne divisions would included aircraft for transportation).

  • This scheme might work

    C   M      A D  Special
    Airborne          4   1       2 1    2 or less opneing fire shots when airdroped, drops cost 4 ipcs each   
    Waffen-SS      4   1       1  2  can target tank units (Germany only)
    Shock Troops   3   1      1  1   attacks at 2 the first round of combat (SU only)
    Marines           4   1      2  1   attacks at 3 the first round of an amphibious assault ( US only)
    Static division  2   0      0  2   (Germany Only) can be built in any orginally own terriotry, up to as many as the ipc value
    mech/motr inf  4    2      1  2  can blitz, can be supported by artillery

    All of these units have their own historically accurate purpose not fullfilled by the mech inf unit, while the mech inf is still usefull for high speed cannon fodder

  • I just found out that the Nova edition of the game allowed for each side to have “Commandos”.  I’ll have to look into it some more.

  • '10

    Emperor Taiki

    That’s not a bad system you’ve created and I kind of like it but I see two draw backs.

    The first is your stats for your Mech/Motor Infantry.  Mechanized and Motorized Infantry are two different things.  Motorized Inf. is essentially infantry that is moved by a large number of trucks.  Mechanized Infantry is infantry that moves in armored transports and supported by light armor vehicles and tanks.  The stats you created I think are well suited for Motorized Inf. but not Mech Inf. I would give Mech Inf, the following.

    C M A D
    Mech Inf.  4  2 2 2

    But here lies the problem.  As I mentioned earlier, if you do this, you pretty much make all the other units worthless.  The only way to really solve this issue is to essentially create a new cost system.  For example make standard Infantry 2 IPC, Specialized Inf 3 IPC and Mech Inf 4 IPC.

    The other drawback is that it adds a lot more complexity to the game.  One nice thing about A&A is it’s simplicity.  If you go that route with Infantry, you can easily do the same with armor, heavy, medium, light, tank-killers and aircraft too.  Where would it stop?  The biggest problem though is where would you find all the units to represent them?

    One other thing I would change with your stats is the Marines.  I would only give them a 2-attack for the first round of a beach assault.  A 3 attack is simply too strong in my opinion.

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