@TigerTankIncinerator Have you tried to play online? Im ready for a game if you still want to
D/FW 1940 Global or 1942 Revised
Reply if you are interested in a meet up. I like to play 3 player (two allies, one axis) for both versions. I am specifically in the West Fort Worth area.
If you ever get to Houston area we have a group that gets together when we get players or if you can host you can contact my buddy in Denton. He is always looking to play. PM me and I’ll send you his contact.
I live in McKinney and play as often as I can.
Just send me a message and I’ll give you his phone number. He’s a teacher so he’s pretty easy to get a game on weekends.
I am in West Fort Worth (pretty much as far away as you can get from McKinney). I would be willing to travel to the East side to play some time this fall or I am willing to host as well. I prefer to play with 3 and I have a friend in Arlington that would be up for it.
My best friend Jeremy lives in Denton. I’ll send you his number just message me. He also owns Bulge and DDay.
I forgot to come back and check in on this thread for over a year. If anyone is interested in some A&A gaming I have the MB big box, 1942 revised, 1940 Global (Europe and Pacific) and D-day. My email is ryan.blake4@gmail.com
@low_roller We play Axis and Allies in the Tyler area of East Texas
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