• also Japan don’t need the FB it for new strategy, like UK they have a BMR

    I am still not happy with it though
    USSR can’t afford to lose a FTR but Germany already has many units
    how about just USSR new FB

    reality check
    who HAD much dive bombers in 1942?

  • OK, now we are going somewhere. I like you diversion between a completely new alternate setup and one for automatic placement when people decide to use the optional units.

    Place the Russian FB in the Caucasus.

  • reality check
    who HAD much dive bombers in 1942?

    Well the fighter-bomber is alot more generic than a divebomber… All nations had these planes.

    OK add FB to Soviets and Germans

    replace FB with fighter with Japan and USA

    the other 2 dont get anything ( UK and Italy)

  • Hey, my reply was on a comment about alternate setup, but i see tekky modified the text… so my reactions seems kind of odd.

    First the Germans with Stukas and the then Russians with Sturmaviks, The Japs specialized in torpedo bombers. The UK and US started to turn their FIG in ground attack models form 1942 on… This game is in the early 1942 so the German and Russians have the advantage. Japan could also, if the torpedo bomber is also represented by it.

  • @Micoom:

    Hey, my reply was on a comment about alternate setup, but i see tekky modified the text… so my reactions seems kind of odd.

    hehe yeah I removed it again cos I thought too many ideas at once
    and suddenly felt like just wrapping this part up

    Imperious, here it is again…

    *our goal is becoming vague
    *maybe make this minimal and simple (its just to cater for new units)
    *later make an “alternative setup”, for opening new strategies, realism and other stuff

    OK add FB to Soviets and Germans
    replace FB with fighter with Japan and USA
    the other 2 dont get anything ( UK and Italy)

    yeah I was consider a hybrid (new placements + replacements) method too, but was trying to keep it simple

    oh I see, now thats different again…now US not UK gets FB…
    would that be Western US?

    NAV (naval fighter)
    the FTR at Hawaiian Islands (not on CV)…should it become NAV or remain as FTR?

  • I think the FTR of Hawaii should remain a FTR. Axis move first, so the CV will probably sink anyway. Then the US has more value on that FTR then when it would be a NAV.

  • OK ill go with make it simple philosophy…

    so just add 2 pieces ( one germany one Soviets)

    What really would be decent is the idea of a pre-game build of only new pieces say of 12-20 ipc worth of stuff. That would create alot of new strategies. Its something like the rules in AAE… but just an idea.

  • ok its warped up then

    PARA (paraptrooper): new placement
    MECH (mechanized infantry): replace INF
    FB (fighter bomber): new placement
    NAV (naval fighter): replace FTR
    CA (cruiser): new placement

    Japan: 1 CA (East Indies), 1 PARA (Japan)

    Germany: 1 CA (Baltic), 1 FB (Ukraine), 2 MECH (Western Europe, West Russia), 1 PARA (Germany)

    Italy: 1 CA (Italy), 1 PARA (Italy)

    UK: 2 CA (Anglo-Egypt, Greenland)

    US: 1 CA (Western US), 1 MECH (Eastern US), 1 PARA (Eastern US)

    USSR: 2 MECH (Russia) , 1 FB (Karelia), 1 PARA (Russia)

    What really would be decent is the idea of a pre-game build of only new pieces say of 12-20 ipc worth of stuff. That would create alot of new strategies. Its something like the rules in AAE… but just an idea.

    How about we add that bid system then. Bid X IPC to play Axis with.

    We have 3 game modes.
    Total Victory, City Victory and Economic Victory.

    We can add a bid system in the Total Victory game mode.
    You know, the one where you bid X IPC pre-build to play Axis with.

  • ok that sounds good. So is the ruleset updated with the recent info?

  • ok I’ve just upload a few file

  • So, this is just about finalized then for the rules right?

  • The last two files are empty…? :-o

  • link should work
    re-uploaded (specifying NAV locations…although its just all the FTRs on CVs)

    2007-03-21 http://www.yourfilehost.com/media.php?cat=other&file=Axis_and_Allies_Revised_Historical_Edition_Phase_3_Draft_20070321.zip

    its not “finalized” but just “finished”  :wink:
    now we print it out and really playtest the complete ruleset as a whole

    I think it would be months at the earliest before we would say its finalized
    considering how long AARe took before they declared final

  • Yeah you’re right, finished, not finalized…

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