Xeno Games's World at War (1939 version of A&A)

  • I’ve never had a problem at all with the rules as they are, or should I say as they were, for Xeno’s World at War. The game was designed to be difficult, as mentioned, for the Axis, very difficult. If someone is changing rules to balance the game, thats fine, but its only being done in the interest of gameplay, not historical accuracy. Not that this game or any A&A game is the epitome of historically accurate games.

    Our group had fun trying to find a way to win with the axis.

    Going back to the infantry build rule.
    I don’t mind this rule either. I can understand someone having issues with it, as one in our gaming group did, but it makes some sense. Why couldn’t Britain support the raising of the local population into an army in African controlled territory? However, it makes less sense when Germany captures a Russia terrortiy and, after having held it for a round, places infantry there on the next build phase.
    Maybe a nation should only be allowed to build infantry, up to the territories value, in certain areas. For instance, Germany could build infantry in any game starting territory plus countries like Spain or turkey, Romania(I don’t remember if this is starting territory of not) and Finland.

    If this rule is changed then there should be a modification to rail movement. Maybe doubling the amount of infantry that can be ship per nation.

    Really, though, I think I like it the way it is or was.

    Russia purchasing infantry at 2 is REALLY tough for the Axis to overcome.  This is the Infantry Push Mechanic on steroids!!!

    Based on the amount of IPCs the Russia are making they kind of need this. If they were paying 3 ipcs like Germany, the war would be over quick in Germany’s favor.

  • FINALLY!!!  A good rip-rorring discussion of W@W – exactly what I hoped would happen.  :-D

    Mr. Ghoul – I hear you on Russia’s economy.  Some balancing is needed to avoid an easy Axis victory.  But 2 IPC infantry?  That’s tough.  Maybe you’re right – maybe it should be tough.  But if the only way I can win against a good opponent is to get some lucky dice rolls . . .

    As for the building infantry in far away places, sure, Britain MIGHT raise an army of natives, but are they going to be the equivalent of the Royal Army or the Weirmacht soldiers?  I think NOT.  Maybe this infantry should attack and defend on a 1 or something.

    What does everyone think about adding the artillery unit to W@W?  I could see it working to the DISADVANTAGE of the Axis, what, with all that Russian infantry running around – imagine them paired up with artillery!!!  (ouch!)

    Anyone up for a PBF game?  It can be slow, it can wait until after the Revised tournament, whatever.  I’d just like to play it again and ABattlemap has the map with pieces, so why not?  What say you?


  • I just read over the 4th edition rules. Thanks for the link WG.

    It appears they made alot of subtle changes.

    I like the rule that removes transports last in navy combat.
    I dont like the extra ipc for 1 infantry placement outside factory.
    I kind of like the the limit on AAguns (3 per piece). It forces you to buy more.
    I Don’t like the convoy rules. It seems a bit weighted down.
    I really don’t like the levels of damage/production to/for factories.
    I don’t like bonus given to Germany for their first attack(limit one area) into Russia +1/-1(if this is not a added rule, I do not ever remember using it)
    And I don’t like the new technologies

    Kamikazi is something you should not have to research.
    The German Tiger/King is silly. The game takes place on a grand scale it is not necessary to lable armor types. SS panzer units are enough. The armor piece you buy represents all types of tanks and assult guns and maybe even self-propelled arty.
    It just seems too bogged down. Unnecessary.

    I should note that I do like some of the techs.

  • Last time I talked to Mike “Xeno” he said that he had a stack of E@W maps so was not looking to do an update.

    Yes thats correct… but when he does sell the inventory he will not reprint but rather make another version. This is further along down the pipeline. Dont expect anything for a few years. The WAW thing is something that is in a much shorter window. But that too requires the inventory to be first sold.

  • I suspect you people dont actually use the pieces from Xeno games right? They are so poorly made Id only use them for neutrals.

  • Imperious,

    Yes, they are cheaply made.  But because their coloration differs from the original MB pieces, they’re convenient to use for ss panzer units or ss panzer grenadiers or Russian guards in order to distinguish them from the regular units.

  • I’m moving this to the A&A Variants forum because that is what this is.

  • Okay, all you fence-sitters.  Mr Ghoul and I are starting our match under “Games in Progress” if you want to follow along.

    Game on!


  • @Imperious:

    I suspect you people dont actually use the pieces from Xeno games right? They are so poorly made Id only use them for neutrals.

    There are no other A&A blue sets. So you kind of need them.

    Besides, who would go to war aithout the white russians….


  • For blue you just buy a can of french blue and order more pieces from hasbro. You can just order the map and rules from Xeno (i did) and save on all the fluff and use revised pieces. If your lazy then YES you too can own the neon orange and green plastic bits

  • Customizer

    I’ve dealt with the infantry recruitment dilemma by including a limited number of “recruitment depots” on the map.  These reflect those areas where a power did assemble troops, or might have recruited troops if they held that area.  Only one can be built per turn, and only by a specific power if it controls that territory.

    For example Britain starts in control of Italian East Africa.  But this only has an Italian infantry depot (native Askaris) so the UK cannot place a new infantry here.  But if the Italians recapture the territory they can place a new inf here on their next turn supposing they still control it.
    In some cases I had to speculate as to who would be able to recruit soldiers in which territories, as they never came under the appropriate control in history.
    I don’t think this limited placement is unbalancing; it’s only one inf per turn and powers did recruit infantry units in colonies.

    I also have the “Osttruppen” rule, whereby whenever Germany/Italy capture a territory from the Soviets they gain one free infantry to represent local anti-communists joining up.  Germany had over 1 million Soviet citizens in it’s army at one point.  Of course these were not front-line quality, but by occupying rear echelon roles they did free up better troops for the cutting edge battles, so this is not unrealistic.

  • :-o
    May I suggest a possible infantry change based on historic facts. Russians had more men, Germans had better equipment and training for their troops not to mention their skill at combined arms tactics. So, why not let the Russians have their cheap infantry buys while giving the Germans a bonus in attack strength, say 2 in attack and 2 in defense when combined with armor or air units, ( no need for Artillary). Now that is what I call an easy fix. Since the germans start out with more tanks and planes than thier opponents they will kick butt early. But when the allies start to build up their combined arms, Germany will be overwhelmed in numbers. So the axis better do a lot of damage real quick to win.
        Should be more fun though.
    If someone does play-test this in a game could they let me know how it worked out? Thanks.

    :roll: Crazy Ivan

    If something doesn’t work right,
                      fix it!
        I can’t help it, I’m left handed

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