• OK, here’s another question:  If someone said you must fight in a war, and offered you one of 3 fighting vehicles to use, which one would you choose - a tank, a fighter jet, or a small, armed, water-craft?

    I chose the tank, if only because it seems really cool to be heavily protected, while being able to dish out quite a bit of damage.  :mrgreen:

  • 2007 AAR League

    Me personally fighter jet. Because you can attack all 3 choices. And I also am considering joining the USAF. 2nd Choice would be tank. 3rd boat.

  • Let’s see…

    In a desert war, I’d want the boat :-)

    Otherwise, give me the jet and let me shuck and jive to stay alive!

  • I’ll take the boat and hope I could slip under the radar.

  • '19 Moderator

    Gota go with the plane.  Tank it cool, bu to easily taken out by the plane.  As for the boat, I’d rather walk…

  • Do they have stealth boats? No. (Not yet)
    Do they have stealth tanks. Only in Command and Conquer.
    Do they have stealth airplanes? Yes.

    I think that answers the question effectively.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Gimme the tank.  At least I can take a hit.  Boats sink, I can’t swim.  Fighters get shot down, I can’t fly.  Tanks get blown up, but I can still run or walk!

  • 2007 AAR League

    Do they have stealth boats? No. (Not yet)


    The Swedish royal navy got 4 Stealth corvettes, so if that counts as the “little” boat im taking one…

    Good armament to…  Takes down a fig easy, tanks arn´t an issue, and other ships won´t know what hit em…  (yes i did serve in the Swedish navy, but not on one of these, 4th mine warfare flotilla was my place… )

  • 2007 AAR League

    if it were a war to help someone like the french, i’d take the boat hands down.  and then sail to a tropical island somewhere and chill until the war is over.

    in a worthwhile war w/o france i’d be torn b/w choosing the tank or plane.  I’d take a B-52, maybe i’d get to really bomb the living shit outta something then.  and if you do get hit, you could always go out like Slim Pickens.  YEEE-HAWWWW!

  • @Nix:

    Do they have stealth boats? No. (Not yet)


    The Swedish royal navy got 4 Stealth corvettes, so if that counts as the “little” boat im taking one…

    Good armament to…  Takes down a fig easy, tanks arn´t an issue, and other ships won´t know what hit em…  (yes i did serve in the Swedish navy, but not on one of these, 4th mine warfare flotilla was my place… )

    My bad.

    I still like flying more that sailing, so I would take the F-22.

  • @Nukchebi0:

    I still like flying more that sailing, so I would take the F-22.

    You gotta be kidding…  If I am going to war, I want SURVIVABILITY in my aircraft, not ultra high maintenance/primary target.
    Give me a good old fashioned Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt 2.  I want my engines priotected from ground fire, the ability to hug the terrain and avoid the faster jets, and the ability to blow aircraft, tank OR boat away with that GAU 8-A… 4200 RPM of 30mm armor piercing rounds… plus whatever I ahve strapped under my wings.

  • And I almost forgot the best part…
    I’d be sitting in a “titanium bathtub” in the cockpit that protects the pilot from ground fire.

    Damn fine bird.

    Second Choice:
    F-71 Blackbird Interceptor.  Never built, Nixon scrapped the project :-(

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    America has an escort carrier that’s stealth too.  It’s as pitiful as the escort carriers we had in WWII in size, range and physical capabilities, but it’s stealth!

    I want to sell stealth cars!  Give you stealth covered wheels with a radar/laser jammer and a radar/laser detector (because all radar/laser will eventually punch through a jammer at short enough range) and while we’re at it, how about blacklight or UV light headlights, for the coolness factor!

  • I had a stealth car…

    Primer Grey 1975 Plymouth Duster.

    I was FLYING down US22 near Newton Hamilton PA doing about 90 in a 55 zone.  A PA state trooper was backed into a cut-bank that kept him well hidden until it was too late.  The hand held radar gun came up, out the window of the cruiser, pointed straight at me, and was pulled back in the car.  He NEVER MOVED.  I was going fast enough to lose my license ON THE SPOT, and he just sat there…

    Maybe it was that burgundy landau roof taht was the key…


  • @ncscswitch:


    I still like flying more that sailing, so I would take the F-22.

    You gotta be kidding…  If I am going to war, I want SURVIVABILITY in my aircraft, not ultra high maintenance/primary target.
    Give me a good old fashioned Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt 2.  I want my engines priotected from ground fire, the ability to hug the terrain and avoid the faster jets, and the ability to blow aircraft, tank OR boat away with that GAU 8-A… 4200 RPM of 30mm armor piercing rounds… plus whatever I ahve strapped under my wings.

    There are no documented air to air kills with an A-10. The GAU cannon isn’t designed to shoot airplanes anyways.

    Also, while the F-22 is a primary target, it is a safe target. An A-10 has a chance of getting shot down much greater than that of a F-22.

  • '19 Moderator


    There are no documented air to air kills with an A-10. The GAU cannon isn’t designed to shoot airplanes anyways.

    Two Iraqi Helos were shot down by A-10s in the 1st gulf war, I think thats technicaly two Air to Air kills.  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Pearl handled revolvers arn’t designed for ground to air combat, but did that stop General Patton from using them effectively in WWII?

  • I believe that whole incident was made up for the movie, and even if it wasn’t, did he shoot down any German planes?

    About the helicopters, I wasn’t thinking of them when I made that statement, but I guess they do count. It also reminds me of the F-15E which shot one down with a laser guided bomb.

  • @Jennifer:

    Pearl handled revolvers arn’t designed for ground to air combat, but did that stop General Patton from using them effectively in WWII?

    “They’re Ivory.  Only a pimp from a cheap New Orelans Whore House would carry a pearl handled pistol”

  • 2007 AAR League

    i would say a airplane is very dangerous to be in if your fighting an organized military and not a backward third world country……

    I mean say hello to Bamse Surface to air system…  (or an older favorite of the russians, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashtan )

    Bamse; http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/missile/row/rbs23.htm

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